Jenna Alpha


Active member
Jun 28, 2020
Her pictures on the website look really good so I decided to give her a go. I was in the room waiting. 5min....10min..15min... At this point I called the front desk and asked if she forgot to come. Shortly after Jenna walked in. How long is too long to wait? another 5 and I would have left and picked someone else. She has a nice body on her, petitie and slim. Face is not as good as in the pictures, might have been a makeup and hair stye issue. SF2 had no interaction and was quite cold. Massage was well, uninspiring and no technique what so ever. I ended the session about 15 mins early. Upon leaving I was asked, "what no tip"? I mean come on girl, I left early that should have been an indication to you. Anyways, I would not recommend or repeat.

I hope this is not a pattern starting at this club. This is the second bad massage I had in 2 weeks.


Feb 5, 2014
Last week, I waited 20 minutes. Was just getting up to leave when she knocked on the door.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
Last week, I waited 20 minutes. Was just getting up to leave when she knocked on the door.
Sadly this is becoming more of the norm than the exception at Alpha. And the clock starts when you arrive not when the lady arrives. Maybe Alpha has gotten too big to manage to the standards that Jess had established? Once the class of the city Alpha is falling behind the top spas or clubs like Hush, and ATPS (yes I had sworn them off but they have rebounded nicely). CMJ and Alpha were once the class of the industry but have become 2nd tier over the last year or so because they have lost their ability to maintain a standard.


Active member
Jun 28, 2020
Yes, you are right. Standards at Alpha have declined greatly. Not only in the scheduling (I have 4 or 5 times, booked appointments with ladies, arrived, then was told the ladies cancelled that day. I drove 40 minutes each way. Did not even have courtesy of telling me that appointments were cancelled until I was there. Moreover, recently I had 3 ladies, only showers by myself and she showered by herself, no interaction in the showers and then on the bed, was then told this act is this price, that act is that price (those were used to be standards like touching, light closed mouth kissing, etc. and big amounts too, above 100.00 each.
I think its more the girl you get is how you feel about the place. When I see a girl I like like Baby, Midnight Maya, Viviene I leave feeling the world is good. Then you get a girl with a. bad attitude like jenna and you want to dump all over the club. ALpha is still my go to place but they need to get rid of these bad apples and stop welcoming them back..


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
I think its more the girl you get is how you feel about the place. When I see a girl I like like Baby, Midnight Maya, Viviene I leave feeling the world is good. Then you get a girl with a. bad attitude like jenna and you want to dump all over the club. ALpha is still my go to place but they need to get rid of these bad apples and stop welcoming them back..
That's fair. I have seen Aspen, Mae, Lexxxi, and Helen Haze and had a great time. I have also seen at least 10 other ladies though and found the experience underwhelming to bad. I know Jess sets a high standard which is what I have always expected when I visited Alpha/Brass, but with so many substandard visits in the last while, I might pause a bit and stick with ATPS and Hush. Lexxxi and Aspen are not active there, Helen only does off schedule stuff, and Mae had only worked until 5pm (not good for me) since returning from her trip. I would recommend all 4 ladies though if you are looking for fun at Alpha.
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