Jen encounter.


New member
Jul 14, 2002
i have never seen jenn before, but last night i encounter someone looks like jenn.
So I was at the bar last night, and I saw some chick with some
dude and I ask the dude, does she have a bf? And he says no, so I go cool, are you going to do anything about her? He's like, naw, I got her number already, so I said if he doesnt do nothing then I will.. I was pretty drunk coz the guy was 6'2", anyways. Oh, but he was one of those nice guys or something.. so I knew I could push him over easy. So I started talking to this chick, and she lives kinda close back home so I said give me your number lets hang out. Well I did it coz I wanted to see what kinda stunt she'd pull coz she's already there with the real tall dude (i'm 5'11). Just for fun ;)
So she looks at me and says.. you're too short!!! LMAO!
So I say, oh really? how tall are you? and she says she's 5.11, and I say me too! (She was wearing some 6 inch heels or something crazy like that) She's like no way bs! I'm like hell yeah, take off your shoes and see!! So she does it, she takes off her shoes and we're exactly eye level. I cussed her out, gave her a huge smile and went to tell this to my buddies.. I dunno.. I thought it was kinda funny.

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
She thinks 5'11 is "short"? Shit, I'm 5'11 and I'm taller than 90% of the population out there.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Alien (<>..<>) said:
Shit, I'm 5'11 and I'm taller than 90% of the population out there.
Aug 18, 2001
Alien (<>..<>) said:
She thinks 5'11 is "short"? Shit, I'm 5'11 and I'm taller than 90% of the population out there.
Welcome to the world of the female rabble. Look for the intelligent ones. I'm sure Paul Bernardo will need a date if he gets out of prison. I'm be provocative for a reason. There are many women, as there are men, who make choices of their sex partners solely based on looks (not that looks don't matter within a range -- but height is unchosen and doesn't alter looks). Oh sure, they say they look for someone with a good moral character -- but that's rationalized B.S. The reality is looks and cash trump morality. And as their husband comes on Terb to bang SPs, she's blissfully unaware. What a fool. Yes, I have contempt for these women!
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