Garden of Eden Escorts

Jarvis Bike Lanes are Gone!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Rob Ford applauds Jarvis bike lane removal

As both a cyclist and a driver, I think this is the right thing to do. They never should have been added in the first place. Also nice to see the separated bike lane on Sherbourne.

TORONTO - Mayor Rob Ford applauded the removal of the Jarvis St. bike lanes Monday.

Council — including Ford — voted last year to remove the bike lanes and install separated bike lanes on nearby Sherbourne St.

Ford said Monday that pulling the bike lanes out was what people want.

“Unfortunately, I wasn’t the one who voted to put them in in the first place,” Ford said.

During the 2010 election campaign, Ford said he heard from people who use that road.

“They want to get home to their families quicker and that’s what I’ve done, I’ve listened to the taxpayers and done what they wanted me to do,” he said.

Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam — whose ward includes Jarvis — is calling for a speed limit reduction on the street now that the reversible, fifth car lane is returning.

“There is no need for people to be ripping through Jarvis,” Wong-Tam told the Sun.

“I know for a fact people go through there at 60 km/h to 70 km/h. That’s not going to work for this community anymore.

“We’ll be ready for another fight.”

Wong-Tam stressed removing the bike lanes won’t take the cyclists off Jarvis.

“The cyclists will still be there. Now they’re riding in harm’s way.”

She said Toronto is likely the only North American city removing bike lanes from the urban core.

As for the return of the fifth lane on Jarvis, Wong-Tam said it’s not “good urban planning.”

“I don’t believe it is actually warranted,” she said.

“That fifth lane is going to once again create confusion.”

Can't wait for the Ford haters to chime in on this one. lol


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
It will probably take a few deaths before they are restored.
Yeah, from cyclists riding at night, wearing dark clothing with no lights and no helmets.

The new separated bike lanes on Sherbourne will go from Bloor all the way to Queens Quay. The ones on Jarvis only went as far south as Richmond St.

City Council voted to scrap the lanes 28 to 9.


Jan 31, 2005
Yeah, from cyclists riding at night, wearing dark clothing with no lights and no helmets.

The new separated bike lanes on Sherbourne will go from Bloor all the way to Queens Quay. The ones on Jarvis only went as far south as Richmond St.

City Council voted to scrap the lanes 28 to 9.
What we need are bike lanes on university, yonge, and bay as well as Richmond and Adelaide.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
What we need are bike lanes on university, yonge, and bay as well as Richmond and Adelaide.

I guess the concept of arterial roadways escapes you. Yonge and Bay are both too narrow as is.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Bike lanes are always a great idea.

But they should be planned for and constructed in advance and where possible only.

For example, when a bridge is replaced, or rehabilitated, always make it 2 metres wider on either side to accomodate bike lanes. Ditto when roads are reconstructed. If it is possible - build in 1.2 or 1.5 metres for a bike lane. Only makes sense.

But where it's not possible due to land ownership constraints (in other words, the extra land just isn't available) then no bike lanes. Cyclists and cars will just need to share the road like they have been doing for 100 years.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
What we need are bike lanes on university, yonge, and bay as well as Richmond and Adelaide.
These things don't happen overnight but they're working on them.

Feasibility of a Pilot Project for Separated Bicycle Lanes on Richmond Street and/or Adelaide Street

City Council Decision

City Council on November 29, 30 and December 1, 2011, adopted the following:

1. City Council authorize the General Manager of Transportation Services to initiate a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment study for separated bicycle lanes within the Richmond-Adelaide corridor, between Bathurst Street and Sherbourne Street, which could include consideration of a pilot project to install and evaluate separated bicycle lanes on the preferred alignment during the course of the study.

2. City Council direct that the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study for separated bicycle lanes within the Richmond-Adelaide corridor be limited to existing one-way road configurations, with the exception of the portions between University Avenue and Bathurst Street, and that the terms of reference for the environmental assessment include a consideration to examine converting Richmond Street and Adelaide Street, between University Avenue and Bathurst Street, back to two-way streets as a way of facilitating the installation of separated bike lanes on the street.

3. City Council authorize the General Manager of Transportation Services to initiate a second study to develop preferred bikeway route alignments to connect the future Richmond-Adelaide corridor bike lanes to existing bikeways east of the Don Valley, including, but not limited to, Dundas Street East, Eastern Avenue, and the Lake Shore Boulevard East path, as well as to the west of Bathurst Street to connect with bikeways on Strachan Avenue and Shaw Street.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Why are cyclist allowed not to have a headlight and taillight ? They are cheap now and the LED's means the battery last awhile.

I'm shock people still ride a bike at night with no lights


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
It will probably take a few deaths before they are restored.
Does Micheal Bryant drive along Jarvis?

How many deaths were there on Jarvis before there were bike lanes? I take it you can't drive fuji.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Why are cyclist allowed not to have a headlight and taillight ? They are cheap now and the LED's means the battery last awhile.

I'm shock people still ride a bike at night with no lights
Cyclists are required to have lights when riding at night. The new LED lights are inexpensive and very bright. It's just that most cyclist are too stupid to use them. I drove past 5 cyclists riding the wrong way on one-way streets, wearing dark clothing and no lights the other night. And people wonder why there's car/bike accidents. :confused:

Night riding

To make cyclists visible to motorists at night, wear light-coloured clothing or reflective fabric that glows in the dark. Cyclists must use bicycle lights from a half-hour before sunset to a half-hour after sunrise. Use a white front light and a rear red light or reflector. Under the Highway Traffic Act 62, there is a $30 fine for improper bicycle lighting.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
What we need are bike lanes on university, yonge, and bay as well as Richmond and Adelaide.
why must you attempt to hamper the major car routes?

leave the bike lanes to the secondary streets like St. George and Church and just makes the war on the car too obvious when you try and ruin Jarvis or University

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Well if you try driving a car at night with no lights on, chances are you be pulled over in under 5 mins, how come cops don't go after the cyclist like that ?


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Why are cyclist allowed not to have a headlight and taillight ? They are cheap now and the LED's means the battery last awhile.

I'm shock people still ride a bike at night with no lights
Actually, the Highway Traffic Act legislates that all bicycles must have them at night. Human stupidity ignores a law that is enacted and enforceable for the cyclist's safety.
Toronto Escorts