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Its really not DJTs fault


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
It has been his slogan since he was president : not my fault. Upon reading the latest lies of the self proclaimed most honest man in history (to his credit he could have misspelled heinous)

Lying about his weight and saying he doesn't have enough time to diet, one can draw the conclusion that isn't really his fault. It is the fault of the red state voters that got the country into this mess. To use an analogy imagine if NFL teams were chosen by votes from the public and Donald Trump was the starting QB of the Tampa Bay Bucs. He has exactly the same qualifications of being the president as he does being starting QB for the Bucs and his performance clearly demonstrated that. The sad part is Fox and Breibart would he hailing him as the GOAT even after he went 0-17 with 0 completions on the year. They would say corrupt officiating and the whole corrupt NFL stole the Superbowl from him. People would send him money to overturn the Rams victory and hand the Lombardi to DJT. If you think this thought experiment is ridiculous, it is precisely what is going in in GOP politics today. To quote Metallica: Sad but true
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