Hush Companions

Italy-Based Imam Urged Faithful to 'Destroy Vatican, Massacre Jews'


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
Yup, that's what they do. Deport the POS. Close the border.

Moroccan called for destruction of Vatican, elimination of Jews

TURIN, MAY 13 - Italian police on Thursday arrested a prison imam at Alessandria for allegedly hailing jihad and calling for the destruction of the Vatican.

The man, a Moroccan detainee, allegedly praised terrorist attacks like those on the offices of Paris satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo after it published cartoons of Mohammed.

The man has been charged with instigation to commit crimes, especially terror offences, as well as propaganda and instigation to offend on ethnic and religious grounds.

As well as calling for the destruction of the Vatican, the imam also expressed admiration for Osama Bin Laden and Twin Towers pilot Mohammed Atta.

He also called for the elimination of the Jewish people, sen as the sworn enemy of Islam.
He allegedly tried to recruit terror followers between July 2020 and March 2021, police said.

The man has been moved to another northern jail,at Novara.

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