It Sucked - 'Adult Industry Party' Wed. Feb 26/03 Downtown


New member
Apr 8, 2002
Boy-o-boy did it ever suck.

I don’t think that there were more than 60 people there at once.

There were some nice ladies. Met the owner of Starlight Ladies ( and a few of the ladies. Very nice and intelligent.

A few cheesy contests. Three in total I think, with predictable video prizes.

When you called the promotion line it sounded like there were actually going to be a good crowd there. Well it did not deliver, not even close. When I arrived at around 9pm there were less than a dozen of us. There was no food what so ever (and for $25 - $45 bucks there better at least some peanuts). I ended up leaving for an hour just to get something to eat!

When I returned someone (the promoter I think) had ordered a double pizza (ooooh, big spender). At this time there were maybe 45 people, with guys outnumbering the ladies about 3:1. The “hotel” management decided that they were closing the bar down early (about 11:45pm). Then some guy (Andy the promoter maybe??) ranting at the end about how he lost $500 on the event.

My hats off to Megan Taylor who stayed to the end, a class act. As for the event itself it sucked “S”.


P.S. So when’s the next FREE Terb party????? ;)


New member
Feb 16, 2003
Kitchener, Ontario
kilohurts calls it about right.

I was there too and it was really disappointing. I think that kilohurts' estimate on the # of people was too high. I think it was more like 30. However, I made the best of it anyway. I made sure I talked to every lady there. I got a slice of pizza and a adult movie. There were some nice ladies such as Kymberly Pinto and her friend Melanie. Kymberly and Melanie are two very pretty blondes. There was Naomi, a pretty petite black girl and Cindy Spense who no description could do her justice.

There was a company called Stag Party which, you guessed it, specializes in putting on Stags.

It was a pleasure meeting Megan Taylor. She did a lot to add to the festivities. She was a gracious host.

Alla didn't show.
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New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Sorry to hear...

that the party was a flop. I had planned on going but something came up and I ended up going eslwhere. I really did think though that this party was an idea whose time has come and thought it would be a good party. I know Andy (the promoter) did work hard to try and get as many ladies out as possible. I think part of the downfall of this party was simply not enough promotion. Oh well maybe next time.

The next 'free' TERB party is tonight I believe at The Hat. And then Mar 6 at the Upper Rail. Upper Rail will have a door charge though. All who were at adult party including ladies please feel 'free' to attend both. Not sure if I will make it to The Hat tonight... for sure I will be at Upper Brass though on Mar.6th.

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New member
Nov 9, 2001
It was sooo bad...

....$30 cover at the door, I didn't buy a ticket in advance and the promoter didn't have the heart to charge me $45. One free VHS tape courtesy Megan. And $10 for a mix drink!!!!; $3 for water.

The two broads working as bartenders had the most sour attitude you could meet - you know the type Super Model/Actress wanabees. You could see them looking at the crowd going LOSERsssss. At least we're not slinging drinks on a Wednesdy night.

The promoter said there would be at least 10 girls, when the count got to 10 I left. Kymberly and Melanie (two girls from the Zanzibar) did provide some eye candy - but Melanie was hustling a little to hard for free drinks. Mel - I don't tip until I've had dessert.


New member
Jan 25, 2003
we were there....

Hi guys,

I sort of though it was part of the show when the promoter started shouting at Hotel Boutique owner... For us, and our agency, it was a wonderful and successful evening and ladies had great time meeting new people!

It should be less expensive so everyone can attend next time!
(with no hussle)

Kanpai(cheers) make love not war!
Always, Kyoko
Toronto Escorts