It happened again...


Active member
I can't believe this.

I'm in the washroom at work, you know, doin' my business. There's a guy in the stall next to me. After about 20 sec. of me being there, I hear this guys cell phone ring. I said outloud "I hope you're not going to answer that." But, the dude did!

Un-frickin-believable. I just shook my head in disbelief. I can't understand people thinking they're so important that they have to answer their phone while....doing whatever they're doing, in the bathroom.

So, being the class act that I am, and suffering from some severe cramping, I let it all go. This stuff was loud, and it was nasty. farting Troops would've been so proud. There's just no way that the person on the other end there couldn't have heard the noise. Then ofcourse, to top it all off, I go with the flush.

Fortunately, we have those industrial kinda toilets. You know, the ones where you need to put the lid down before you flush, lest you, or anything else that isn't bolted down, get sucked into the bowl. Nice and loud.

He wasn't too impressed, as he had to start talking louder in the phone. :D

What a dickwad.


New member
Jan 24, 2004
wtf do you care if someone is on the shitter and talkin on the phone?

does it really bother you that much?

is that you cant concentrate?

I dont equate talking in the shitter to talking on your cell in a theatre or restaurant.

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field

I think it is entertaining whatching people react to thier cell phone. When the phone rings they are like a trained dog on a leash.

Just like a dog they stops anything they are doing and submit to the phone ding-a-ling.

Maybe that is why they call it Fido. :)

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
was that you wooly

....I was talking to my buddy on the phone and I heard a flush in the background

...bastard was on the can when he was talking to me


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto

A client of mine called me one day to make some changes to her ad. Right in the middle of our conversation I hear a toilet flush. It kind of caught me off guard. I thought it was funny more then anything. So about ½ hour later I went into the washroom with my cell phone. My cell is on automatic call block on all out going calls. So I knew she would not answer when I dialed her number. As soon as I got her voice mail little beeeep. I flushed the toilet. Next day I was talking to her on the phone and sure enough she said to me. “You know what some weirdo did yesterday?" "Called my voice mail and...." I was laughing my ass of for hours. <LMAO>

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Some people are idiots when it comes to cell phones. I have a friend who can not function without hers.

You go to a restaurant with her - she's on the cell. You are driving with her - on the cell, walking down the street - cell.

It's nuts.

Work pays for my electronic leash, but I seldom use it. If I am in the office, it is off, sitting in its craddle.

Lunch - off.

After work - off.

Weekends - off.

I use my cell for calling out when I want to, or when I am on the road at work. Other than that - off.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
james t kirk said:
Some people are idiots when it comes to cell phones. I have a friend who can not function without hers.

You go to a restaurant with her - she's on the cell. You are driving with her - on the cell, walking down the street - cell.

When you have sex with she on the cell

that can be very annoying


Active member
mtl_guy said:
wtf do you care if someone is on the shitter and talkin on the phone?

does it really bother you that much?

is that you cant concentrate?

I dont equate talking in the shitter to talking on your cell in a theatre or restaurant.
It's not that it bothers me, but, I'm amazed at how much people are bound by these things that they'll take them anywhere and everywhere with them, including the shitter.

Are they that afraid of being disconnected from society?

Or do they really think that they're that important that they need to talk to people whenever the phone rings?

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
wooly110 said:
It's not that it bothers me, but, I'm amazed at how much people are bound by these things that they'll take them anywhere and everywhere with them, including the shitter.

It's really gotten out of hand in my opinion. Last month I was at my Doctor's office and the bugger took a cell phone call from his wife! I think there should be cell phone etiquette or at the very least people should....

*Looks around*

Sorry...gotta answer my cell phone.


Active member
Jul 16, 2002
I call it the 'unthinkable'.

Although I have answered my phone while doing my business, I feel terrible about it. :)


Looking, looking...
Mar 28, 2004
If I'm in a stall doing my business, I want peace and quiet. I don't want to hear a conversation in the next stall. You might as well be sitting in someone's living room doing your business.
No phone calls!


New member
Aug 18, 2001
Its amazing that someome's life is so busy and important that in the middle of a dump they feel the need to have a cell convo which in fact in most public washrooms becomes a booming convo as every thing is usually amplified. If they can force drivers to stop using cells so too should laws for shitters also be enacted.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
rocko said:
If they can force drivers to stop using cells so too should laws for shitters also be enacted.
Attention shitter! Put down the cell phone and come out of the shitter with your hands up! DO IT NOW!

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
antaeus said:
Attention shitter! Put down the cell phone and come out of the shitter with your hands up! DO IT NOW!


Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
I have witnessed 2 relationship arguments on cell phones, like we really need to know you're (a complete stranger) arguing with your SO.
I was inline paying for gas, and the Lady ahead was on her phone arguing with her SO , they hadn't talked for a week, and he has the gaul to ask her to go to dinner? and probably figures he's going to get lucky after dinner? She carried the conversation outside and into her car, where she continued the converstaion.
I had to honk my horn to get her to move because it was obvious she wasn't at all concerned with the folks behind her wanting to go. SHe had the nerve to shoot me the finger, imagine that!
Toronto Escorts