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Israeli spy ring in the USA exposed


New member
Mar 4, 2006
On 911, Israeli Mossad agents , who came to the USA as art students, were found with cameras and were preparing to photograph "Major event". When the planes hit, another group of Israelis were found dancing and were arrested by the FBI and deported back to where they came from.

Now they discovered a spying ring as reported by Fox News

Now Also on 911, Vice President Cheney, called the President in Air Force 1, and told him some people had used Secret Service Air Force one codes to transmit threats to air force one on 911, and he told the president, "Someone from within the house is doing this. This is an inside job". The president slammed the phone and told his Secret agents , Air Force one is next, and he ordered Air force one to land and him being taken to a secure bunker.

Later on, The anthrax letters were going on and in a documentary I saw, it claimed that the president and the FBI investigation showed Mossad involvement , and that the Administration was blackmailed into blaming foregin enemies other than the real doers of the crime. They proved it by doing the anthrax letters. Now Vice President Cheney said that this was an inside job, and members of the military were doing it to scare congress into passing Patriot act 1. We never heard anything about this again. It was washed of the media.

Alex Jones has talked about this in his many Radio Shows, and he still insists that 911 was an inside job. He says that criminal elements who infiltrated the US government and their loyalties lie with other governments, have carried out these attacks. He sights an declassified pentagon document, called Operation Northwoods, in which the government would carryout a Terrorist false-flag operation and blame it on the Cubans as a pretext to invade Cuba and start a war with the Soviet Union.

There are people who got advanced warnings of 911, and some officials were told not to fly that day. On 7/7 in London, the same thing happened, and on both tragic days, the governments were doing drills of the same nature of the attacks that happened. Alex Jones says that is so they can confuse honorable members of the police , if they sense anything wrong, so they let their guards down. Benjamin Netanyahu, got an advance warning from the Mossad about the attacks, but why didnt the British citizens who died that day get the same warnings?

All of this is shown in Alex Jones new video, TerrorStrom. There is more than meets the eye on 911 and 7/7 and other terrorist actions. Infact the prime suspect on the 7 plot was an MI5 agent, who was protected and still is protected by the British MI5.

However things go, History will record this era as one of the shameful eras in humanity's history. But then again, history did record a similar event in Nazi Germany, when Adolph Hitler became the Fuhrur of Germany, using the Reichstag fire, to invade poland and other areas, and back then people believed the Nazis until it was too late.

NBC's Pat Dawson - devices planted at WTC
Firemen: "boom-boom-boom-boom" at WTC
WTC Brought Down by Bombs, Not Jet Fuel Fire!

I hope there is no more wars. Say No to wars.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I guess you are back to your usual BS.

The news report had nothing to do with 9/11, but organized crime. You don't hear about the Russian, Sicilian, or Chinese "spy rings" and how they "knew" about 9/11.

It doesn't matter that Jones thinks the Jewish conspiracy caused all these terror attacks.
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