Israeli Policeman filmed Head butting Palestinian Man and Woman


New member
Aug 30, 2001
bbking said:
Well at least the military is investigating ... I wonder if Hezbollah or the Palestinian authority would bother to extend the same courtesy if they did the same thing ... some how I don't think so. In fact the PLA doesn't even bother to support Human rights for their own citizens ... re Arafat's refusal to ratify the Palestinian Legislative Councils 1996 law that guarantees freedom of expression ... a law that remains not ratified to this day.

People living in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones GRYFFY .... get on to a new subject buddy your friends at the Ontario Anti-Poverty Co-aliation have other bigoted points of view for you share.

Perhaps you can focus on the issues rather than sinking into hysterical diversions and ad hominen attacks. Why are you so afraid of the truth getting out?
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
gryfin said:
Perhaps you can focus on the issues rather than sinking into hysterical diversions and ad hominen attacks. Why are you so afraid of the truth getting out?
Speaking of truth getting out, why is it that with all the horrible things going on in the world do you only post (comparatively) minor incidents in Israel?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
bbking said:
...because he is a fool and a bigot. Kind of sad really ... he's got a one track mind ... sure sign of ignorance and a real lack of education. It really is unfortunate that Gryffy and his moron buddies actually think they are smart.

As opposed to you giving credence to them by responding?


New member
Aug 30, 2001
bbking said:
If you wish to put your head in the sand and hope for the best by being a moral coward ... by all means do so ... but history has shown us that if you don't shout down the bigots, or rather oppose them then somehow they become validated by no opposition ... hell just look at Hitler ... he took a small lie and deceived an entire nation even when the majority of Germans didn't believe him.

The only credence I'm giving him and his buddies is that they are idiots and bigots.

I think most of us can figure out who the moral coward is when a cop head butts a woman protesting the demolition of her home in a country that has a relentless history of brutalizing her people.

Your yellow streak is glowing like a neon sign.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
bbking said:
The day you comment on the things that your side has been accused of to it's own people is the day you have the right to call anyone anything. You are very willing to comment about the speck in most peoples eyes but fail to see the timber of wood in yours.

Your comments are strictly motivated by bigotry and hate. It is fools like you who hide behind the reactions of those who face this brutality each and everyday in such a way as to justify the monstrous actions of those you propagandize for.

You are a very sad and pathetic person.

By no means is it a speck. It's clear to everyone but those supporters of Israel who behave like Moonies. It's you who tries to minimize everything and call it a speck. Those are your words, not mine.You see, it's not a series of unrelated or isolated incidents, it's a a systemic brutalizing of a people because of their ethnicity and religion that is rationalized by the ideology of Zionism.
Hence the number of posts - it is definitely a forest of abuse and injustice that Palestinians face.


Jan 31, 2005
gryfin said:
it's a a systemic brutalizing of a people because of their ethnicity and religion that is rationalized by the ideology
Do you oppose the systematic brutalization of Israelis because of their ethnicity and religion? Specifically, the attacks on them done by Palestinian suicide bombers?

We know you actually support systemic violence against people based on their race why don't you just come out and admit it?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
gryfin said:
By no means is it a speck. It's clear to everyone but those supporters of Israel who behave like Moonies. ....
It's weird because people on this who say things supporting Israel also have criticisms of it but it's pretty obvious that bb's point about you stands. Any moral person wold criticize wrongs wherever they find them. You on the other hand.....


New member
Aug 30, 2001
fuji said:
Do you oppose the systematic brutalization of Israelis because of their ethnicity and religion? Specifically, the attacks on them done by Palestinian suicide bombers?

We know you actually support systemic violence against people based on their race why don't you just come out and admit it?
I would criticize that if it was happening to Israel.

It's not.

Israel has systematically brutalized Palestinians because of their ethnicity and religion. There is a direct relationship between what has happened to Palestinians and the ideology of Zionism. To deny it is utter nonsense.
The victims of that brutalization are fighting back to regain their land, property, freedom, and lives.
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New member
Aug 30, 2001
bbking said:
What a jerk you are ... ok smart ass what about all these cases

Gee I wonder if the clowns that caused this mayhem actually attacking them due to mistaken identity or were they actually targeted.

Most of these cases are a tad bit worse then a frakin head butt ... this I actually would like a comment from you ... Do you support the killing of innocent civilians just because they are Israeli????

To deny the brutality of the Arab Muslim, not only in Israel but around the world just shows to me and others on this board what a one sided troll you really are.

I don't think you meant to give an ADL source did you? They only provide one side of the statistics and I thought that was an important feature to you. I guess you made a mistake. To help you, I've provided a source I rely upon because it provides statistics from both sides.

Try these stats and start over.

Good luck on your voyage of discovery. Only the willfully blind could walk away from those stats and maintain your position.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
bbking said:
You are a very sad and pathetic fool ... I say this because you simply can't face facts or simply answer the question if it's OK to kill innocent Israeli civilians.

Move on jerk, you have zero to teach me because I don't take lessons from lesser minds like yours.

Nice try, but these are not my opinions. They are the numbers for both sides. I knew you'd run for cover as soon as you laid eyes on those facts.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
bbking said:
Sadly they are your opinions and those that share a bigoted and narrow view because you pick and chose facts to support those views. Losers the lot of ya.

Keep trying.

Those are the numbers for both sides. I don't have any control over the website, so they can't be my opinion. Plus, you can click on any of the totals and you will be taken to an extensive list of detail that explains every death.

Learning is a life long activity.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Other Wanderer said:
What I'm more curious about, since you actually have a brain basketcase, is where your outrage lies with respect to SYSTEMIC barbarity (governments of Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Indonesia, Russians in Chechnya, Kazakhstan, Uzkbekistan, all Soviet Central Asian republics, etc).

If governments do evil things to people every day, and the victims of those things are Muslims, and the biggest backers of those governments are Western, do you condemn our own kind too? Or not?

It's a serious question - one to which you, bbking, and others have never given a clear answer. Do we have ANY responsibility for supporting governments that murder people we've never met, and who haven't done anything to us? Or don't we?
Sorry for the delay in answering. It's so rare to be addressed on terb without insults.

The uncomplicated part of my answer is that I have little respect for the countries you listed as well as many others in terms of their respect for human rights and political methods.

I could also beg off from answering saying that Canada does not provide a huge amount of support for those countries but I'll answer from the perspective of an American.

Yes, the US/West support some pretty brutal regimes (as does pretty much every other world or regional power) and as voters (and consumers), we have some say in this. One reason to support some of these countries is that they attempt to suppress radical Islam which in my opinion is motivated against the western idea of human rights, especially the rights of minorities and women. Of course, the suppression of radical movements also tends to have the opposite effect of building their popular support.

The support for western values such as democracy and equality are not the motivation for supporting these governments though. The reason that powers support these regimes is purely for the benefits that stability provides. We have seen the effects of instability in Iraq, Rwanda, and many other places and it leaves us with a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Of course, this is also further complicated by the economic relationships that exist between various nations and Western/International business who have a definite say in which of these nasty dictatorships should be done away with and the friendly nations that seem to have similar practices.

On a personal level, I would like it if everyone was treated well or at least treated according to Dr. King's words. Since that is not possible, I agree with whatever options provide a safe and productive world for the people I know and care about (and I will freely admit this) followed by a desire for the best possible outcome for the most people possible.
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