Just when you think Israel can't get any more stupid, they pull this one out of their hats. Now, the Israel secret police are advertising for beating up the women on the Freedom Flotilla sailing from Lebanon via Cyprus.
I see another PR disaster for the poster kids of stupidity: Zionists.
"The Shin Bet is resorting to Yediot want ads seeking Israeli Amazons (not books, but women) willing to volunteer to women-handle any female Hezbollahniks with chutzpah enough to think they’ll break the Gaza blockade on the Lebanese ship/s about to set sail:
" Security Organization seeks
with great physical strength and motivation
to evacuate women from the aid flotilla
[sent by] Hezbollah to Gaza.
The activity is on a volunteer basis
(translation Dena Shunra)"
I see another PR disaster for the poster kids of stupidity: Zionists.
"The Shin Bet is resorting to Yediot want ads seeking Israeli Amazons (not books, but women) willing to volunteer to women-handle any female Hezbollahniks with chutzpah enough to think they’ll break the Gaza blockade on the Lebanese ship/s about to set sail:
" Security Organization seeks
with great physical strength and motivation
to evacuate women from the aid flotilla
[sent by] Hezbollah to Gaza.
The activity is on a volunteer basis
(translation Dena Shunra)"