
How is Hamas continuing to fund itself? Fascinating research.
Millions go into Gaza but few safeguards to keep it out of Hamas's hands.
"European money being funneled not even to the PA but to a semi-governmental urban development fund. It’s only $3 million (total grant is $9 million for this "Green Gaza" project), but there are many more similar projects. Hundreds of them." "we discovered that 10% of the employees of the WCK organization are Hamas operatives.
An organization introduced into Gaza just this year by Israel already employs 62 Hamas members (out of 584 workers hired this year alone).
"Hamas operates like a mafia and a clan-based enterprise: one brother is in the military wing, another in the police force, they ensure the sister works for UNRWA, a non-combat-profile cousin becomes a driver for an aid organization, an uncle gets a government position, another cousin is a "journalist" for Al Jazeera, and the grandmother is added to the list of welfare recipients."