ISO Hunter Ottawa

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Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
Is she a go or no-go?
Based on past comments on terb, there are good experiences to be had with her.
Just be careful how you communicate her before and during your session as we've also seen that she can overreact at times.


A Gentleman
Oct 29, 2017
Down below
Mixed recommendations, no info on rates, several cautions, drama, over react, restrictions to discuss, putting all these together implies to me a no-go.
Please someone educate me if I am wrong.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
Mixed recommendations, no info on rates, several cautions, drama, over react, restrictions to discuss, putting all these together implies to me a no-go.
Please someone educate me if I am wrong.
I understand your point but like always, it's ymmv. It all depends on how you approach her. If you go with the motion, she will be fun but if you try to push, you'll enter into the drama... With a Terb handle like your, I guess you can be nothing else than a real Gentleman :)

Info on her rates? Why don't you send her a message and ask her? Trust me, it's not that complicate - Ok, you can PM me if you prefer!
1st time I noticed her, I sent her a polite PM, introduce myself, asked her for her rates, her services... she replied nicely, the rest is history and I enjoyed my time!

She's attractive.

Yes, there are mix reviews, yes there is a history of drama. So what? Are you looking for a relationship? Just ignore it all, Bro, do your thing and enjoy your time. Most of the dramas are between her and other providers or about her DNR policy (I said most of it!!!).

I went, I saw, I enjoyed, I may repeat one day... not the best, best of my life so far but high enough on my list to keep my attention and desire to repeat. And if I don't ever repeat, it will be just because there are too many HOT girls out there.

I am The Black Bass... and I approved this message!!!
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Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
I understand your point but like always, it's ymmv. It all depends on how you approach her. If you go with the motion, she will be fun but if you try to push, you'll enter into the drama... With a Terb handle like your, I guess you can be nothing else than a real Gentleman :)

Info on her rates? Why don't you send her a message and ask her? Trust me, it's not that complicate - Ok, you can PM me if you prefer!
1st time I noticed her, I sent her a polite PM, introduce myself, asked her for her rates, her services... she replied nicely, the rest is history and I enjoyed my time!

She's attractive.

Yes, there are mix reviews, yes there is a history of drama. So what? Are you looking for a relationship? Just ignore it all, Bro, do your thing and enjoy your time. Most of the dramas are between her and other providers or about her DNR policy (I said most of it!!!).

I went, I saw, I enjoyed, I may repeat one day... not the best, best of my life so far but high enough on my list to keep my attention and desire to repeat. And if I don't ever repeat, it will be just because there are too many HOT girls out there.
Holy shite!
Gentlemen, you better be good at egg walking.
I'll choose a different dance partner thanks.


Active member
Mar 7, 2019
Anyone else aside from me afraid of commenting on this thread in fear of repercussions?


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
Holy shite!
Gentlemen, you better be good at egg walking.
I'll choose a different dance partner thanks.
Why? Cause I made a positive comment about her? I haven't said anything wrong against her. I'll take the risk to dance with her.
Worst case scenario : She blocks me! Oh well, too bad. Am I gonna die? Nope

yes there is a history of drama. So what? Are you looking for a relationship? Just ignore it allQUOTE]

Not looking for a relationship with her but I do expect a decent level of reliability, which I think isn't possible with her
Agree and diseagree:

Agree on "I do expect a decent level of reliability" - We all expect that and if there's smoke, fire may not be far. But, as I said on my comment to Glentlemoan, just go with the motion, don't push and you should be fine.

Diseagree on: "which isn't possible with her" - Why you saying that? Because she went on Twitter after some other providers and because she didn't appreciate her rank on the ElKabong list? Ok, she also went after Pool. Yeah, I hear you guys say "that's 3 strikes" - Hey you have the right to believe what you want.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to gain here (I hear some haters calling me "white knight"... that's funny). I saw her only once, last year, I may see her again in the future or not, who knows (and who cares). But' I don't agree with the idea that because she got into fights with certain people on Twitter that it does represent her totally and she's no good. We all have our moments where we get into a stupid or not relevant argument with someone else.

OP came here on Terb, asked for info on her, I made my comments based on my own experiences.



Active member
May 29, 2015
I totally agree with you.

It wont hurt to contact her, just like others have said, be polite, dont push, you should be fine.

Like TigerFlex5, I have only seen her once, and i will repeat in the future when our schedules meet.

I had no issues with her when i saw her, but it was before some of the "drama" unfolded.

Regardless, I thought she was great.

There are other SP's out there are are total nut jobs, and many people have written about them, but Hunter IS NOT one of them... at least in my opinion!!!

Why? Cause I made a positive comment about her? I haven't said anything wrong against her. I'll take the risk to dance with her.
Worst case scenario : She blocks me! Oh well, too bad. Am I gonna die? Nope

Agree and diseagree:

Agree on "I do expect a decent level of reliability" - We all expect that and if there's smoke, fire may not be far. But, as I said on my comment to Glentlemoan, just go with the motion, don't push and you should be fine.

Diseagree on: "which isn't possible with her" - Why you saying that? Because she went on Twitter after some other providers and because she didn't appreciate her rank on the ElKabong list? Ok, she also went after Pool. Yeah, I hear you guys say "that's 3 strikes" - Hey you have the right to believe what you want.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to gain here (I hear some haters calling me "white knight"... that's funny). I saw her only once, last year, I may see her again in the future or not, who knows (and who cares). But' I don't agree with the idea that because she got into fights with certain people on Twitter that it does represent her totally and she's no good. We all have our moments where we get into a stupid or not relevant argument with someone else.

OP came here on Terb, asked for info on her, I made my comments based on my own experiences.

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