Isn't it Ironic


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
It's the proverbial Dark and Stormy night ( add temperatures of minus 20 )and I'm finally ensconced in a wonderful hotel room , complete with fireplace , in old Montreal . I have 2 bottles of vintage wine for which I have trudged two blocks and back through the poorly cleared snowbanks to obtain .

Showered , shaved and dressed and watching a little TV while I'm waiting for one of my favourite ladies to arrive in about an hour . Phone rings's her and it's bad news . She has to cancel because the water pipes have burst in the apartment above her etc etc. So sorry but what can you do . She asks me to lunch the next day as she knows how much I look forward to seeing her and feels somewhat badly . At this hour and in this weather I know that this means I will be spending the evening alone .

I hang up the phone just in time to catch the last ten minutes of the Seinfeld rerun that was on .....yes , you guessed it , it was the infamous " Master of Your Domain " episode .


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
My sympathies, that really blows, especially after you went to all the trouble with the wine etc...but NO it's not ironic. The broadcast of that particular Seinfeld episode, (one of my favourite), was a COINCIDENCE.

Irony would have been if you happen to be a plumber, (because her pipes burst), or if she'd gotten into an accident with a condom truck on the way to see you. THAT's irony!!

I blame Alanis Morissette for the wide misuse of this word.

I obviously need a more challenging job. This gig recruiting for a head hunting firm just isn't working out. There's that pesky irony again. ;)


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
You're right of course The Webster's definition of irony is ..." a literary device to convey meaning by saying the opposite of what is really meant ". So at the risk of being anal the plumber and condom truck examples are coincidences as well .
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