Hi. rhd here. Long time listener, first time caller. I've been a looooong time occasional reader of the Terb Ottawa area boards. I've never posted anything in the past because, well I didn't have anything to post. I'm not a hobbyist and I don't have anything to contribute in the way of reviews or feedback on the lovely ladies of Ottawa (errr...and Kingston). I merely enjoy reading about others' experiences and finding out what goes on in the hobbying world. Living vicariously, I suppose. I have, in recent months, started participating in an "arrangement" of the sort we're not supposed to discuss here. But that's not the same thing.
I know people around here tend to be grumpy with those members who read the reviews but don't post any of their own. However I don't consider myself a leecher as I'm not reading the reviews and then going off to find those gems without leaving any reviews of my own. I simply don't have any reviews to contribute. Similarly, I haven't jumped in on discussions here and there to express an opinion as, because I'm not a hobbyist, I'm not sure my point of view is valid or useful.
Which brings me to my point and my question. Does someone who isn't a hobbyist have any business being on this board?
I know from bobbiz's poll (https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?637120) that there is at least one other out there who answered "I don't hobby at all".
I know people around here tend to be grumpy with those members who read the reviews but don't post any of their own. However I don't consider myself a leecher as I'm not reading the reviews and then going off to find those gems without leaving any reviews of my own. I simply don't have any reviews to contribute. Similarly, I haven't jumped in on discussions here and there to express an opinion as, because I'm not a hobbyist, I'm not sure my point of view is valid or useful.
Which brings me to my point and my question. Does someone who isn't a hobbyist have any business being on this board?
I know from bobbiz's poll (https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?637120) that there is at least one other out there who answered "I don't hobby at all".