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Is car racing a sport?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
does it compare with track and field or hockey?


Dec 16, 2004
depends how drunk I am
I would guess that to alot of the fans of car racing- it IS considered a sport. I personally don't consider car racing a sport and I don't consider the drivers to be athletes either...and I actually like watching car racing.

There are also so many other 'sports' out there that IMO, are NOT sports. The way I see it, just because something is shown on a sports channel, that doesn't automatically mean it IS a sport. Example- championship darts is NOT a sport.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
what about world poker tour?


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
I actually believe that it is a sport.

In Kinesiology we debated this in detail.
Sport must contain these...
Four major factors:
1. physical conditions
- use of physical prowess, physical skill or physical
2. complex physical skills
- coordination, balance, quickness or accuracy;
use of speed, strength, and endurance.
- excludes activities such as 'leisure' chess and cards, but
includes motor car racing.
3. it is institutionalised and competitive
- rules are standardised
- rule enforcement is organised by official regulatory
- the organisation and technical aspects of the
activity become important
- the learning of the skills become formalised.
4. individuals participation is motivated by a combination
of intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors
- intrinsic satisfaction of involvement (dynamics of
the activity, play, fun etc.)
- extrinsic rewards such as money, medal and fame.
- if the orientation tipped toward intrinsic, the activity is more play like; if the orientation was totally extrinsic it would be
- possible to shift in and out of int/ext in an activiy.

To define sport, one must differ it from PLAY...
1] Physical activity becomes less spontaneous and more controlled by rules.
2] Individuals put in more effort and time in learning skills, preparing tactics and playing to win.
3] Spectators become more evident and involved.
4] The rewards involve personal enjoyment and gaining awards, prizes and recognition

Therefore, at a 'high enough' level of play, even video games can be turned into a sport!!!


Dec 16, 2004
depends how drunk I am
21pro said:
Therefore, at a 'high enough' level of play, even video games can be turned into a sport!!!
LOL, Yeah, and chess, checkers too....some people would consider chasing women to be a sport. I'm not saying that people who think that those are 'sports' are wrong, I just don't agree w/ it. Just my opinion. I guess it's all open to interpretation... after all, people will have different criterias.


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Take a look at the car drivers and you'll realize that competetive car racing is a sport for sure. The excerise regiment that these guys go through would put your own owrkout to shame. Remember, driving these 800HP cars for 500 miles take a lot of effort. The drivers usually lose 4 to 5lbs per race. Hell...even ping-pong is a olympic sport!


Aug 26, 2001
21pro said:
what about world poker tour?

Less of a sport then car racing.


Aug 26, 2001
scubadoo said:
Take a look at the car drivers and you'll realize that competetive car racing is a sport for sure. The excerise regiment that these guys go through would put your own owrkout to shame. Remember, driving these 800HP cars for 500 miles take a lot of effort. The drivers usually lose 4 to 5lbs per race. Hell...even ping-pong is a olympic sport!
On hot days they lose well over double that.


Dec 16, 2004
depends how drunk I am
By the other specs in your post, I'm guessing you're referring more to NASCAR?

scubadoo said:
The excerise regiment that these guys go through would put your own owrkout to shame.
While I'll agree alot of race car drivers are in good physical shape, there are some that are blatantly NOT in good shape (e.g Jimmy Stewart). I'm sure alot of them do actually work out though- to be able to better absorb the physical stresses of driving long periods, but I don't think they all do- and the ones who are out of shape are still competing in these events. BTW- I seriously doubt Jimmy Stewart's excercise regiment would put my own workout to shame.

scubadoo said:
Remember, driving these 800HP cars for 500 miles take a lot of effort. The drivers usually lose 4 to 5lbs per race.
I certainly agree that it's not easy what these guys do- most of us can't do it or do it as well as these guys....but I still don't generally regard drivers to necessarily be athletes and their events to be sports. Sure their bodies receive alot of physical stress during a race, but to me, they're not using or displaying any athletism. And drivers lose 5+ lbs per race because of 1) the G forces produced by their machines 2) sitting in a cramped compartment while wearing thick and heavy protective suits 3) being in a excessively hot enviorment pruduced by their cars and (sometimes) being outdoors on a hot day. 4) elevated heart rate IMO due more to the excitement of the race rather than excessive exertion of the muscles.

Again...what these guys do is extremely difficult and they deserve their props for it, but IMO they are not athletes and racing is not a sport.

scubadoo said:
Hell...even ping-pong is a olympic sport!
LOL don't get me started on this whole 'olympic sport' thing....IMO there's quite a few events in the olympics that I (along w/ many others) feel are most definitely NOT sports- such as skeet shooting and archery. IMO, ping pong (table tennis for you politically correct types) is a highly skilled (at the 'olympic' level)recreational game...nothing more.


great white hooter hunter
Mar 15, 2004
wakey wakey...

so some of you dont think that race car drivers are not athletes? hmmm...

i will say this, in nascar, you dont have to be in the fittest of conditions, as compared to champ cars, or formula one cars. nascar driver's just dont experience the G's the latter two classes of car's produce. the fact that they turn just the one way, also forces them to only use the muscles in one side of their neck. you only have to look at half the field in nascar, most of them carry a few extra pounds.

in open wheel racing, champ cars and formula one, they have incredible acceleration and deceleration, as well as the fact that they have many high speed turns, left and right, that put incredible strain on their bodies. take a look at the necks on most open-wheel stars, pretty thick. as well, look at the level of fitness all these drivers have. formula one drivers, moreso than champ car drivers, are some of the fittest athletes in the world, period. look at michael schumacher, he doesnt come by his success by a matter of chance, he puts in the time. bmw-williams driver mark webber, and red bull racing driver david coulthard, are also incredibly fit. toyota driver jarno trulli participates in marathons. these guys have to stay in top shape to be able to pilot these cars at full concentration for a full race distance.

is it a sport? is horse racing a sport? is curling a sport? at the top levels of auto racing, your damn right it is a sport!



New member
Nov 10, 2004
for sure...

Just watch the Australian Grand Prix this weekend, and then tell me if Formula 1 isn't a sport.

People are becoming increasingly creatative when it comes to racing anything that can move, but when you watch or go see the skill, endurance, and concentration that it takes to shift, brake, and manipulate these fine beasts, then you realize that it's not just a sport...but it's a f-ing amazing sport.

Keep it real,



Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Absolutely a sport.


a lot of people get hung up on this topic - ask yourself a better question. For any activity (car racing, poker, baseball), ask a different question. Is it a sport or a game? :cool:
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