That isn't true, most hotels do stop people as they come in and must do COVID screening and leave contact info. There are some that don't and the smarter agencies and SP's have moved to those locations. Just because you haven't heard it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. I am pretty sure, no offence, but you aren't the pulse of all SP business. I have tried to see many a SP but will not do the sign in and was told their hotel does it, so I had to decline. I would fathom that I am not in the minority, especially based on the posts on here that do say the same.....
Yours is the first post since the pandemic that has reported being stopped at hotels and questioned for contact tracing. With all the people hobbying on this site, there would have been more posts about this issue if it was happening at ALL hotels, ALL the time. Not a few hotels occasionally.
Do you not think more people would be complaining here if they can’t hobby because hotels are contact tracing?
In fact there have been more posts stating that hotels are not checking then this one post you have made saying they are. I am not the pulse of the industry but TERB is and that is where I am drawing my info from.
So based on the posts here, that I have seen up to this point, I assume hotels are not checking. That is my assumption. It could be right, it could be wrong, not at all saying I know for sure but that is my assumption. I even called it an assumption in my first post. LOL
Hopefully more will post their experience and we can get a true sense of what hotels are doing. I’m open to be shown different. Never said I wasn’t.
I can see you are in need of a session though with how wound tight you appear to be. Relax a little. Again, I said I was only assuming.