Steeles Royal



New member
Nov 7, 2002
Does anyone find it ironic that more police officers were charged yesterday with very serious offences than the number of people that were charged recently in the mega bust on MPs? Perhaps that could be taken as an indication of where scare LE resources should be used to best effect? Note too that the officers were suspended WITH PAY until their trials. Do you suppose the MPA's get such fair treatment?

Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
The MPA's likely made bail that night and could go back to work the following day so it likely had little effect on their income.

As for the police, there is this nasty little thing in our legal system called "innocent until proven guilty". When police officers are being investigated it is standard procedure to suspend them with pay during the investiagtion. The suspension is because they are being investigated but they continue to get paid because they have not been proven guilty.

So they both continue to "make a living" only one of them has to work and the other doesn't.

It may not be fair but it's more fair than you were suggesting. Besides, who said life was fair?


New member
Nov 7, 2002
Too bad AJ that you missed the CBC interview this morning with Clayton Ruby. But here's a link to an ealier story about him.

BTW, these officers were not just "being investigated" they are now charged. Agreed they are not convicted, yet.

Seems no one objects to the police investigating the police. That's both sad and IMHO dangerous.

And who says that I'm suggesting anything? Agreed that life may not be fair, but we should not try to make it a little bit more that way.

Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
Nameless_1 said:
Too bad AJ that you missed the CBC interview this morning with Clayton Ruby. But here's a link to an ealier story about him.
I was certainly shocked that this could happen at all in Toronto and I have no problem in a comprehensive RCMP probe to make sure this is an isolated case.

Nameless_1 said:
BTW, these officers were not just "being investigated" they are now charged. Agreed they are not convicted, yet.
Investigated or charged is not the point. Your just playing a game of semantics. The point I made is that they have not been convicted and until they are have been convicted they should continue to get paid.

Nameless_1 said:
Seems no one objects to the police investigating the police. That's both sad and IMHO dangerous.
As Winston pointed out the RCMP investigated the Toronto officers not other Toronto officers.

Nameless_1 said:
And who says that I'm suggesting anything? Agreed that life may not be fair, but we should not try to make it a little bit more that way.
It's actually because of trying to be fair that the officers get paid while their innocence is in question.

If we were to suspend them without pay and they were found innocent then we (meaning society) would be guilty of punishing an innocent person. Is that fair? In order to not punish the innocent we unfortunately sometimes protect the guilty even if only for a little while.

If you want fairness for the MPAs then I would suggest that you contact their employer and ask them to compensate the MPAs for any lost wages. After all, the police are being compensated by their employer, the city, so the MP should compensate the MPAs.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts