"I have never seen these so called peace advocates protesting these and other atrosities by the Iraqi government. I have yet to see a march on the Iraqi embassy"
Correct, because outside countries are not involved. The protests begin when the US or UK have to go into someone else's country and clean up the mess. Then the citizens feel they are involved. Otherwise its out of sight and out of mind.
Cardinal Fang, I agree that something has to be done about Saddam Hussein, but there will be consequences because of the military force used by the US, plain and simple. Its going to be long with many casualties on both sides.
The Middle East has always been unstable. Do you think by removing Saddam that everyone will lie down and accept Peace? My point is the resentment factor towards the US will remain. The opinions of the extremists will not change, they will continue to oppose the US.
"Many of the Iraqi's see the US as occupiers, not liberators."
What media source did you get this from? Just curious?
Some of the Iraqi soldiers are fighting back aren't they? Have they all surrendered?
The message the people in Iraq see (especially the Republican Guard) is the US coming in and occupying Iraq, taking it from them. Do you honestly believe that they think "Great, the US is here, we can all be free". Just by going in and killing Saddam will not solve the problem. Plain and simple.
There are two sides Cardinal Fang, and you have many good points, Iraq is a big mess and the war is only the beginning. If you honestly believe that Iraq will be happy and seperate as you put it, you are overlooking history in the Middle East.