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Iran-Turkey join forces


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Iran-Turkey join forces
May 13 2006

This is the best news for the region. Iran-Turkey togther are an unassailable military power. These Kurd/turds are Zionist USraeli supported scum and should have been dealt with ages ago.

By Sami Moubayed

DAMASCUS - Both Turkey and Iran have been launching military raids into northern Iraq against a Kurdish paramilitary group that is based there, posing a dangerous new threat to stability both within Iraq and to the region.

The Iraq-based Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), labeled a terrorist group by the United States, Britain and the European Union, is a paramilitary party that preaches Kurdish nationalism, especially in Turkey, where it is demanding political rights and better living standards for the country's 12 million Kurds.

Turkey recently launched a massive military operation involving more than 250,000 troops against the PKK (nearly double the number of US troops in Iraq), concentrated in the mountains along Turkey's borders with Iran and Iraq. Extensive incursions into

northern Iraq have been reported, aimed at cutting off the PKK's supply lines to Turkey from its camps in northern Iraq. Turkey also claims that "the PKK has recently increased its activities and obtained weapons from Iraq".

Iran, meanwhile, has begun attacks on PKK units based in Iran, and the Iranian military has entered Iraqi territory in hot pursuit of PKK militants. This represents a different approach from recent years, when Turkey regularly accused Tehran of turning a blind eye to the PKK in Iran.

The Baghdad government has objected, claiming a violation of its sovereignty, but both countries insist that they are acting in self-defense.

The PKK wants to create a Kurdish state out of southeastern Turkey, northeastern Iraq, northeastern Syria and northwestern Iran. PKK broadcasts have claimed that 2006 would be "a year of destiny" for Kurdish nationalism. The PKK rebellion, which has hit Turkey the hardest, has led to the death of 35,000 Turks (including 5,000 soldiers) and cost the Turks billions of dollars.

The PKK's long history of violence - and the violence used in turn by the authorities - all but ceased after its leader Abdullah Ocelan was arrested in 1998, but it resumed activities in June 2004, claiming that the Turkish military was still attacking it.

In a message to Iraq, Turkey said, "They [PKK] are the infiltrators and we are protecting our border. Do not allow the terror network to use your territory. Fight against the terrorists who will only terrorize you in the future." Another communique issued by Turkey addressing the Iraqis read, "We are not considering ending our activity there [in Iraq] for as long as the PKK is also present and active in that area."
Analysts point out that, encouraged by the United States, the PKK has been stirring up trouble in Iraq since 2003, and US troops in Iraq have permitted its leaders to roam freely and have access to the stockpiles of ammunition spread all over Iraq.

This situation has the potential to alienate Turkey and the US further. On March 1, 2003, the United States' relations with Ankara plummeted when the Turkish parliament vetoed a proposal to allow the Americans to use Turkish territory to open a second front against Iraq from the north.

The Turks claim that up to 4,000 members of the PKK have been using Iraq to launch attacks on Turkey.

General Hilmi Ozkok, commander of the Turkish army, asked whether Turkey planned to seek US permission before further invasions of Iraq, confidently replied, "We cannot take a decision of that kind based on the US. Every country is sovereign. Every country makes its own decisions. If the conditions change, you act by the changing conditions."

To avoid a confrontation, a flurry of diplomacy has taken place in Turkey. Over the past week, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited Ankara. So did members of the US House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee, and Ali Larijani, the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council and chief negotiator on Iran's nuclear portfolio.

Most interesting of the meetings was that of Larijani, who was received with great honor in Ankara. For six hours, Larijani met with Yigit Alpogan, the secretary general of the National Security Council, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Larijani warned the Turks against PKK infiltration and the chaos prevailing in Iraq, saying, "We are very worried as a country from this region. If the string breaks, and it is heading that way currently, it will not be possible to repair it. We are telling you this plainly now. Later, do not come and complain that we didn't warn you."

He continued, "Currently, there is solidarity in your country. But if chaos breaks out, this solidarity will also fall apart. Don't be like Iraq."

The Turks, especially Erdogan, are serious in wanting to eradicate the PKK threat coming from Iraq. As much as they value their relationship with the US, they will not tolerate a Kurdish presence on their border.

The Americans, although they have helped fight the PKK in the past, nevertheless have recently been passive toward its activities in Iran and Turkey. So has the European Union. While both the US and the EU "oppose" PKK strikes on Turkey, they also oppose Turkey's militarization of the crisis.

Now Turkey has found an ally in the form of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, who has shown the will - and the army - to support the Turks in combating the PKK.

Iran has arrested 50 PKK members, and a similar crackdown has taken place in Syria, a onetime ally and host of the PKK and currently a good friend of the Iranians.

Ahmadinejad's support for Turkey's offensive on the PKK in Iraq is naturally in Iran's own interests, but it is also aimed at acquiring a new, strong friend for Tehran in its confrontation with the international community over its nuclear program. Reportedly, Ahmadinejad even told the Turks that he would share his nuclear technology with them.

Erdogan had also met with Ahmadinejad in Baku, Azerbaijan, on May 5 on the sidelines of the ninth summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization, shortly before Larijani's visit to Tehran.

This meeting, along with the visit of a high-level Iranian official to Turkey, certainly angered the Americans. Turkish media responded by claiming that the PKK attacks on Turkey were allowed by the Americans and the two prominent Kurdish leaders in Iraq - Masoud al-Barzani, president of the Kurdish region, and the US-backed president of the country, Jalal Talabani.

While in Ankara, Larijani further upset the Americans by revealing that he had documents proving US meetings with the PKK (which it considers a terrorist organization) in Mosul and Kirkuk last month. This was at the level of military commanders, he said. Larijani asked, "If the US is fighting terrorism, why then is it meeting with the PKK?"
Talabani said that in his latest meetings with Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, he had been given assurances that the Turks would not invade Iraq because the US would not let them.

A matter of timing
The PKK's escalation of attacks in both Turkey and Iran raises the question of what it is trying to achieve, especially given the chaotic situation in Iraq.

If it acted at will, without consulting senior Kurdish leaders, this would be a dangerous sign, indicating problems ahead in Iraq's relations with both Tehran and Ankara.

The same is true, though even more so, if the Kurdish leaders (Talabani included) approved the offensive - with or without US support.
Two years later, on March 21, 2005, Rumsfeld spoke to Fox News, bitterly complaining, "Clearly, if we had been able to get the 4th Infantry Division in from the north, in through Turkey, more of the Hussein-Ba'athist regime would have been captured or killed." He added that had Turkey been more cooperative, "the insurgency today [in Iraq] would be less".


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Last year, the Turks broke their isolation with Syria when President Ahmad Nejdet Sezar visited Damascus to meet with President Bashar Assad. The Americans had loudly asked him not to make the visit, but Sezar insisted.

In February, Ankara again defied the US by receiving Khalid Meshaal, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, after the Palestinian resistance movement emerged victorious in January's elections.

Erdogan had declined an invitation from former prime minister Ariel Sharon to visit Israel in 2004, again arousing US ire, and did not meet with the then-Israeli minister of labor and trade, Ehud Olmert, who visited Turkey in July 2004.

In short, Sezar's visit to Syria, Erdogan's welcoming of Hamas and the current alliance with Ahmadinejad in effect notify the Americans that an axis will be formed against them if they continue to encourage Kurdish autonomy in Iraq, and separatist movements in Tehran and Ankara.

For their part, the Kurds have been trying to appease the Turks to avoid a head-on clash, knowing that the consequences would bring devastation to the safe and booming region of Kurdistan, crippling security and foreign investment.

Turkey was invited to attend the inauguration of the new Kurdish parliament last Sunday, but it failed to send its ambassador. Iran, however, playing the game more wisely, sent its ambassador to Arbil. The new Kurdish cabinet, headed by Nechirvan Barzani, was sworn into office in the presence of the Iranian envoy.

Other ambassadors were present, including Zalmay Khalilzad of the US and those from Britain, France and China, and there was even a representative of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

The Kurds appointed Vadet Arslan, a Turkmen, as minister of industry in Kurdistan, and Abdul-Latif Benderoglu, another Turkmen, as minister of state. These are the highest two posts given to Turkmens in Iraq.

Meanwhile, back in Baghdad ...
If anything, the problems with Turkey and Iran make domestic Iraqi politics more difficult. As the world was watching Turkey's brinksmanship, the office of Talabani announced that 1,091 Iraqis had been killed in Baghdad alone since April.

On the same day, it was announced that 3,525 Iraqis had been killed since January. Of these, over 500 were killed by car bombs. Eighteen Iraqis were killed this Wednesday alone, and the bodies of 13 were found scattered in Baghdad. Among the dead was Mohammad Mushab al-Amiri, the public relations officer at the Ministry of Defense.

Meanwhile, prime minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki is still trying to form a cabinet. He has failed to meet his first deadline and nothing in internal Iraqi politics indicates that he will succeed any time soon.

Living up to his reputation of being a man who does not stick to his word, Maliki has abandoned the Sunnis, whom he had promised to give the Ministry of Defense, in favor of secular former prime minister Iyad Allawi.

Earlier, Maliki announced that Defense would go to the Sunnis, while the Ministry of Interior would go to the Shi'ites. This was done to appease the disgruntled Sunni community, which complained that while the Ministry of Interior had been in the hands of the Iran-backed Shi'ite bloc, the United Iraqi Alliance (UIA), grand persecution, torture and arrest of Sunnis had taken place in Baghdad.

UIA minister Bayan Jabr, a sectarian man by all accounts, had used the job to settle old scores with the Sunnis and prevented his police force from bringing order to the streets of Iraq, where sectarian violence has been soaring since February.

The Sunnis were somewhat mollified when it was announced this month that they would get Defense, while still having fears that not much would change in the Ministry of Interior if it was kept in the hands of the UIA.

It is no wonder they were taken by surprise when Wael Abdul-Latif, a member of Allawi's team, gave a press conference in Baghdad this week and said, "The [Ministry] of Defense has been set for us." A leading Sunni politician, Sheikh Khalaf al-Alyan, responded, "Giving the Ministry of Defense to al-Iraqiyya [Allawi's list] breaks the national accord because the chairmanship of the political committee of national security is also going to Allawi and the Ministry of Defense is going to the UIA."

He added that "this means that the Arab Sunnis will not participate in controlling the security portfolios, and they are the ones to have suffered most from its deterioration". This, he said, would end the Sunnis' confidence in the security services.

Maliki has also decided to give the portfolios of Oil, Electricity and Finance to professional officials, regardless of their political affiliations or sectarian background. By doing so, he will deprive his ally Muqtada al-Sadr, the influential Shi'ite cleric, of the portfolio of Electricity, which he had demanded. Muqtada will probably be compensated with another ministry, such as that of Education or Youth, but he will not be pleased.

The current candidate for Finance is Sinan Shabibi, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, while Dr Husayn Shahristani, a former candidate for the job of prime minister and a famed yet aging nuclear scientist, is earmarked for the Ministry of Oil.

Now, with the Shi'ites turning against the Kurds, following Iran's lead in its attacks on the PKK, Maliki's job becomes all the more impossible. The Iran-backed Shi'ites of the UIA, of whom Maliki is a member, have only one thing in common with the Kurds. They support Kurdish autonomy in the north because it justifies their demanding Shi'ite autonomy in the south.

Apart from that, they meet on practically nothing. The Kurds had a rough and bumpy ride in their relations with the UIA during Talabani's tenure with prime minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari. The Kurds demanded more powers for the Kurdish president, at the expense of his Shi'ite prime minister, while the Shi'ites curtly refused.

Now, with divisions clearly opened, one has Talabani (backed by the US) versus the Shi'ites, backed permanently by Iran and temporarily by Turkey.

In one way, this strengthens the UIA inside Iraq, but it deepens divisions between the already secular Kurds and religious Shi'ites.
The Turkish-Iranian-Kurdish conflict will take its course. What is clear is that not only do Iran and the US have an agenda for Iraq and the Middle East, so too does Turkey.

The only ones, sadly, who have no agenda for Iraq are the Iraqis themselves, caught as they now are in a vicious battle among Tehran, Washington, Ankara, Damascus and Baghdad.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Iran finds an ally in Indonesia
By Breffni O'Rourke

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad is visiting Indonesia as his country faces increased Western attempts to isolate it from the rest of the world because of its nuclear program.

His willingness to travel abroad as the crisis sharpens indicates how much he hopes for worthwhile results from the visit to the largest Muslim nation in the world.

Ahmadinejad arrived in Indonesia on Wednesday and met Indonesian President Susilio Bambang Yudhoyono, who said Jakarta had offered to help mediate the nuclear dispute. "Iran was receptive," Yudhoyono's spokesman said. Jakarta is on good

terms with Iran and other Middle East countries, as well as with the West.

Analyst Shannon Kile of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said that Ahmadinejad's trip was clearly connected to what is happening at the United Nations, where the United States, Germany, Britain and France are pressing hard for a UN Security Council resolution that would legally bind Iran to drop uranium enrichment against the threat of economic sanctions or military intervention. As a consequence, he said, the Iranians were courting Jakarta.

Russia and China are opposed to any UN resolution against Iran. This week, Washington agreed to let the Europeans first work out a package of benefits to induce Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions. As a result, there might not be a decision on a UN resolution for about two weeks.

"Indonesia is an important player in the Non-Aligned Movement, the so-called NAM group of states, and Iran for quite a while has been cultivating the NAM states, countries like Indonesia and Malaysia, in terms of building support for its position on its nuclear program," Kile said.

At a press conference in Tehran before his departure, Ahmadinejad used effusive language to describe the possibilities for Iranian-Indonesian relations.

"The capabilities of the two nations provide extensive grounds for mutual cooperation," he said. "We know of no boundaries whatsoever for cooperation with Indonesia, whether it be in the cultural, scientific, political, technical or economic fields. In this trip seven draft agreements for cooperation will be, God willing, finalized and signed, and this will open up new horizons."

Analyst Kile said specifically that Ahmadinejad was seeking a statement of support from Indonesia that says Iran - as a party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) - did have a legal right to the full nuclear-fuel cycle, including uranium enrichment.

This has been Iran's position all along, that in enriching uranium it is behaving well within its NPT rights, and therefore it refuses to stop these activities, which the US, among other countries, believes is aimed at ultimately developing nuclear weapons.

Uranium enrichment is the step that the West wants to prevent Iran from taking because it can provide material for nuclear bombs as well as fuel for nuclear power stations.

Double standards?
Speaking in Jakarta, Ahmadinejad described Western allegations that Iran was seeking to build nuclear weapons as untrue.

The US and its allies are "themselves engaged in non-peaceful nuclear activities", he said. "They expand them day by day. Another indication of that is that in the Middle East region they have equipped some powers and some groups with nuclear weapons, and they themselves test new types of weapons of mass destruction every day."

He also said that his country was willing to negotiate, but that the US first must drop its "bad attitude".

"We are not only defending our rights, we are defending the rights of many other countries," he said. "By maintaining our position, we are defending our independence." (Ahmadinejad also made use of the occasion on Thursday to say that Israel was a "regime based on evil" and that it would "one day vanish".)

Yudhoyono has gone some way toward meeting Ahmadinejad's wishes, by saying that he believed Iran's nuclear program was peaceful and that all problems could be solved through diplomacy.
Yudhoyono said Islamic nations such as Indonesia could assist in finding a diplomatic solution to the standoff. He suggested widening the talks in a similar way that negotiations were with North Korea over its disputed nuclear-development program.

Kile said Iran was trying - with some success - to shift the terms of the debate away from the issue of nuclear proliferation and to one about who has the right to control access to advanced technology, including nuclear technology.

"What the Iranians are arguing is that this [dispute to deny enrichment to Iran] is yet another example of a discriminatory double standard employed by the Western industrial countries; and I think that argument has actually found some resonance in places like Indonesia and Malaysia," Kile said.

Yudhoyono nevertheless has to tread carefully so as not to inflame radical Islamic elements at home. The last thing he would want to do is to lend support to the fundamentalist Islamic regime in Tehran at the cost of fanning radicalism in his own nation. Similarly, Jakarta's ties with the US have improved significantly over the past year, with the US even resuming military contacts. Yudhoyono would not want to jeopardize this.

Enhanced economic relations
While in Indonesia, Ahmadinejad is holding talks with Yudhoyono and other political and economic leaders, as well as with cultural and Islamic figures.

Energy cooperation is expected to be discussed. The Indonesian Foreign Ministry last month said Iran was considering investing US$600 million in Indonesia's oil and gas sector. Kile said the Iranians would be hoping for similar investments from Malaysia.

"Presumably, Iran is looking also for Indonesia to invest in Iranian oil and gas, because Iran's gas-and-oil sector has suffered from chronic underfunding for a long time because of Western sanctions - especially US sanctions - presumably that is going to go both ways," he said.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So I guess the Kurds have no right to self determination huh?

btw, do you read what you post?
cyrus said:
.... These Kurd/turds are Zionist USraeli supported scum and should have been dealt with ages ago.....

The Iraq-based Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), labeled a terrorist group by the United States, Britain and the European Union,


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
basketcase said:
So I guess the Kurds have no right to self determination huh?
If you're asking the Turks, nope.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Asterix said:
If you're asking the Turks, nope.

By the ring slience from curus and his cut and paste, he also figures they don't.


lost on a mission
May 29, 2004

Turks opt out of war games with Canada
May 12, 2006. 01:00 AM

ISTANBUL—Turkey has pulled out of a military exercise in Canada and hinted at economic repercussions against France, stepping up protests of accusations that Turks committed genocide against Armenians during World War I.

Ankara this week briefly recalled ambassadors from NATO allies Canada and France to protest Prime Minister Stephen Harper's declaration last month that the killings of Armenians constituted genocide, and a French bill that would outlaw denying that Armenians were genocide victims. The ambassadors returned yesterday after four days in Turkey.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said yesterday that it was pulling out of an air force training exercise in Canada, to which it had been expected to send officers and several F-16 fighters.

"This decision is Turkey's and we would not comment on why they have made this decision," said Pamela Greenwell, a spokeswoman for Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs. "Turkey is an important NATO ally and we hope that they will be able to participate in future exercises."

Armenians say up to 1.5 million Armenians died during a campaign to force them out of eastern Turkey. Turkey says the figure is inflated and the deaths occurred in the civil unrest during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
phogNphriction said:

Turks opt out of war games with Canada
May 12, 2006. 01:00 AM

ISTANBUL—Turkey has pulled out of a military exercise in Canada and hinted at economic repercussions against France, stepping up protests of accusations that Turks committed genocide against Armenians during World War I.

Ankara this week briefly recalled ambassadors from NATO allies Canada and France to protest Prime Minister Stephen Harper's declaration last month that the killings of Armenians constituted genocide, and a French bill that would outlaw denying that Armenians were genocide victims. The ambassadors returned yesterday after four days in Turkey.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said yesterday that it was pulling out of an air force training exercise in Canada, to which it had been expected to send officers and several F-16 fighters.

"This decision is Turkey's and we would not comment on why they have made this decision," said Pamela Greenwell, a spokeswoman for Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs. "Turkey is an important NATO ally and we hope that they will be able to participate in future exercises."

Armenians say up to 1.5 million Armenians died during a campaign to force them out of eastern Turkey. Turkey says the figure is inflated and the deaths occurred in the civil unrest during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.


Can no nitwit encapsulate their cut and paste?


lost on a mission
May 29, 2004
papasmerf said:
Can no nitwit encapsulate their cut and paste?
Why bother? You see the headline, byline,
citation, and link - you do the math.

You want a little box? Make it a button or
do it yourself - Oh Look, you did.

Well done, feel free to do the next one also.
And while you're making yourself useful,
hold this fan.



Jan 18, 2004
There will NEVER be peace in those 3rd world countries because they don't want it and their different religions and beliefs get in the way. I don't follow religion and never have and I'm not wanting to kill those that do have one.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Iran-Turkey alliance? Two pigs-in-a-poke? Iran questions the history of the Holocaust. Turkey denies the Armenian genocide. Like minds.

The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
Turkey has been hanging onto this foolish notion that they didn't participate in a genocide despite much evidence to contrary. The Turks can they do what they want but it most likely will come back to bite them when their application to the EU is to be decided.

As for Cyrus - glad to see someone else point out the bigoted nature of his post.


Jan 15, 2004
The Mugger said:
Turkey has been hanging onto this foolish notion that they didn't participate in a genocide despite much evidence to contrary. The Turks can they do what they want but it most likely will come back to bite them when their application to the EU is to be decided.

As for Cyrus - glad to see someone else point out the bigoted nature of his post.
Agreed, if the matter wasn't so grave the denial would almost be humorous. The Armenians had the worst of it as well as many Assyrians and Greeks.

Turkey's membership to the EU is a tough call; in the short term they have lots of strides to make in human rights especially with respect to the Kurds. I personally find it difficult to tell if the EU is generally sincere about membership talks with Turkey or if it is using the talks as tool for pressing some democratic reform.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The west has done a good job destabalizing every other secular country in the middle east. They are best to hold on to Turkey.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I would love to see the Kurds get their own country, I read somewhere that they are the largest group of people without their own country.


The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
DonQuixote said:
You're predicting the demise of the Iraqi nation-state and ensuring
a civil war. What a solution, OTB. Is this what the Bush administration

This situation may spill into the neighboring countries.
Just what we need. Rather than region building we have
regional conflict instead. Rummy has to go.
While I think OTB has a point it is unfortunate for the Kurds that the land they claim would take large parts of Turkey and Iran along what is in Iraq. Neither Turkey or Iran would allow and independent Kurdistan formed from Iraqi territory. As such this would have nothing to do with the Americans one way or the other - others would make sure it didn't happen.

BTW Don demanding that Rummy go is pointless - the policies you don't like are made by people way above Rummy's pay grade.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
The Mugger said:
While I think OTB has a point it is unfortunate for the Kurds that the land they claim would take large parts of Turkey and Iran along what is in Iraq. Neither Turkey or Iran would allow and independent Kurdistan formed from Iraqi territory. As such this would have nothing to do with the Americans one way or the other - others would make sure it didn't happen.

BTW Don demanding that Rummy go is pointless - the policies you don't like are made by people way above Rummy's pay grade.
I agree. The Kurdish question long predates GWB's and America's gambit into Iraq.
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