

Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
The new iPhone from Apple comes out this Friday.
How many of you are getting one?????

I really want one but I'll wait and see what the reviews say.


New member
May 30, 2006
Esco! said:
The new iPhone from Apple comes out this Friday.
How many of you are getting one?????

I really want one but I'll wait and see what the reviews say.
where's the emoticon for yawning? :rolleyes:


New member
Jan 19, 2004
canada-man said:
and nobody seems to care about the environmental damage caused by our materialistic lifestyle
I would care- if I knew it to be true and not just the Suziki-agenda seekers.


New member
May 30, 2006
Esco! said:
Right next to the STFU emoticon
Fun to be smacked around once in awhile, :eek: but it doesn't change the fact iPhone is just being hyped too much. Apple is good at enticing consumers with nicer looking UI while decent alternatives have been around for a long time. But I'm a techie with a build-in bias against closed systems so what do I know?



New member
May 30, 2006
rubmeister100 said:
If you can judge this by the jet you fly, then Steve Jobs Gulfstream V says he knows better than you!
I actually have great respect for Jobs as a marketing genius... It's market economy so we are free to like whatever we like and Jobs understands this well. (actually so is Mr. Gates)

There are plenty of anti-iphone sentiments in the windows mobile groups I'm in, mostly dealing with technical issues with a hint of jealousy as none of the windows mobile vendors can come up something sexy for the mass consumers as Apple, Sony, Nokia are able to do...

Some alternatives... http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2149449,00.asp



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I have a Moto Q, company email standards required I get rid of my blackberry (which I loved).

Unfortunately the Q runs MS which means it randomly needs to be rebooted and misbehaves - thank G*d MS doesn't make flight control systems.

I'm going to wait 6 months for an iphone - company is supporting it for corporate email (a must) if it has outlook integration then I'm in.



Active member
Jan 17, 2004
I have spoken to a couple of guys about bringing up an iphone from the U.S and having it unlocked. Supposedly Apple has held tightly on the firmware and it is impossible at this time to have one unlocked and used on a Rogers network up here. At this time we will have to wait until Q4 this year before Rogers makes it available...or until someone figures out a way to unlock this phone. It is also very tightly tied to itunes..that may be part of the problem.


DrRogers has left the Bld
For now - no iPhone in Canada - and from what I have heard and seen there is no rush to get one. All of the apps are such power hogs that the phone function will not be there when you need it and don't be misled by the ads, they have sped everything up and animated so that it looks great but you will be spending a lot of time waiting, especially on the Rogers network. There are a number of alternatives as has already been posted - look at those first, they are readily available, won't be as costly and will do much the same thing


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
drrogers said:
For now - no iPhone in Canada - and from what I have heard and seen there is no rush to get one. All of the apps are such power hogs that the phone function will not be there when you need it and don't be misled by the ads, they have sped everything up and animated so that it looks great but you will be spending a lot of time waiting, especially on the Rogers network. There are a number of alternatives as has already been posted - look at those first, they are readily available, won't be as costly and will do much the same thing
Like I said a few months ago, this will be a great, personal show off phone, but for business use? No way.


New member
May 30, 2006
iPhone will be available on Cingular only, which is fine for me since my US provider happens to be Cingular and my contract is up so I can get it for the promo price if I want. $499 or $599 with 2-year contract will normally translate to a $699 or $799 unlocked contract-free phone, if and when someone figures out the unlocking procedure, (it's not trivial at the moment) but I think the hype will keep the price higher for a while. Anyone with business in mind should look at either Blackberry devices or like windows mobile based ones such as HTC touch, Tmobile Dash, Cingular 8525, etc. Anyone who needs a gadget phone will do well with Nokia N95 with 5mpx camera, build-in GPS, a fantastic music player and gorgeous screen for web browsing and it's only in the mid-600s in the States.

iPhone will probably be ideal for iPod Nano fans who also want to upgrade their phones so they can carry an all-in-one device. In that regard, it will do well if the price point is more like $300-400 unlocked. Doubt price will come down that much for a while but you never know. (remember Moto Razr's initial selling price?) I'm pulling for an Apple success as competition is good for the other vendors but let's not stretch and call this anything revolutionary.



Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
drrogers said:
All of the apps are such power hogs that the phone function will not be there when you need it
According to the NY Times:

Apple says one battery charge is enough for 8 hours of calls, 7 hours of video or 24 hours of audio. My results weren’t quite as impressive: I got 5 hours of video and 23 hours of audio, probably because I didn’t turn off the phone, Wi-Fi and other features, as Apple did in its tests. In practice, you’ll probably wind up recharging about every other day


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
*Im a material girl - living in a material world...Oooooh! I'm a material girl...living in a material wooooorld...!!"

*ring ring*

Hello? yeah...I'm on my way...the bus should be here any minute...k, see you in 20 minutes. No. I won't be late.

"Im too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy yeaaah! I'm too sexy for milan, too sexy for milan. I'm too sexy for my cat. Too sexy for my cat. What dya think about thaaat!"

*ring ring*

hey, hows it going? What you doing? Sorry. I'm heading to meet someone. Wanna chill tomorrow? Can't? Modelling shoot, I see. What about saturday night? Great! Alright. Call me tonight.

"You're Frozen. You only see what you want you can get. You're so consumed with pain and regret. You're frozen. Ooooooh Ooooooh."

*ring ring*

Hey ma! Yeah. I can pick up a jug of milk on the way home. No problem. K bye.

"Shout shout shout shout at the devil! SHOUT Shout Shout SHOUT at the devil! la la la la la la!"


Ya. I could get used to days like this.:D
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