Seduction Spa
Toronto Escorts

Interpol Alert


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Surprise, surprise . It seems 23 terrorists have "escaped" from jail in Yemen. Many are of course Muslim terrorists who have murdered many innocent people. Interpol have issued an alert because of the danger these individuals represent. The search is on. My theory is that they already landed at Pearson, have their new Health cards, got a taxpayer paid apartment and are already working as volunteers for the local Liberal party. Since none appear to have been strippers don't call Judy Sgro.

I just want to see how long it takes for all the bleeding heart liberals in our midst to rise up on their hind legs and decry the threat to public safety these men represent. Surely Howard Dean has the answer.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
LancsLad said:
Surprise, surprise . It seems 23 terrorists have "escaped" from jail in Yemen. Many are of course Muslim terrorists who have murdered many innocent people. Interpol have issued an alert because of the danger these individuals represent. The search is on. My theory is that they already landed at Pearson, have their new Health cards, got a taxpayer paid apartment and are already working as volunteers for the local Liberal party. Since none appear to have been strippers don't call Judy Sgro.

I just want to see how long it takes for all the bleeding heart liberals in our midst to rise up on their hind legs and decry the threat to public safety these men represent. Surely Howard Dean has the answer.
why so angry friend? they escaped from a jail in yemen. why are you blaming anyone in Canada or the US? a little misguided


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
LancsLad said:
Since none appear to have been strippers don't call Judy Sgro.
Well, the Foxxes Den has just added an Ali Baba theme night? :eek:


for those who didn't read the story - below is the link:

"The convicts escaped via a 140-yard-long tunnel "dug by the prisoners and coconspirators outside," Interpol said. The Yemeni official said the prison was at the central headquarters of the country's military intelligence services in a building in the center of the capital."

they probably watched "The Shawshank Redemption"!!!!;)


New member
Sep 10, 2001
zanner69 said:
for those who didn't read the story - below is the link:

"The convicts escaped via a 140-yard-long tunnel "dug by the prisoners and coconspirators outside," Interpol said. The Yemeni official said the prison was at the central headquarters of the country's military intelligence services in a building in the center of the capital."

they probably watched "The Shawshank Redemption"!!!!;)
It'll take them a long time to tunnel to Canada.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts