Ashley Madison

Internet picture help


BBBJ Artist!!
Mar 18, 2002
Toronto East
Can anyone tell me how do I fog out my face on a picture I am going to put on the net?
Do I need special software?
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Kilted Member
Aug 20, 2001
Any Photo manipulation program will do it for you. Photoshop and Illustrator being the cream of the crop, but if you got to, there are lots of freeware and shareware programs available for download that will do the exact same thing.

You could always contact any number of the other ladies with websites who could fog your face for you....I think there's a naughty thought in there somewhere.

Good luck.
Generally the tool or Filter used is called a "Gaussian Blur"

Most image editing software hav ethat feature or at least somthing like it...

Other methods include.

Cropping at the nose
"mosaic" pixelatiing, like they do on TV for filtering faces
using a logo or image over the face

Just don't cut it out!!!!! *ll*



New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Kitty - if you have a scanner, which I assume you do, there was probably software included with it, for manipulation of images as has already been stated by several others above. I've owned several scanners that all came with iPhoto Express software that I like using. You can "spray" a mist over the face, add a circle or other shape of a specific color over the area to be masked, distort the face with swirl effects etc. or you can do what has already been suggested by others here.

If you are preparing the photos for presentation yourself, look around the page where you are doing that, for something to adjust the image you are working with and are about to save (probably as jpeg). e.g. adjust=(crop, lighting, color changes), enhance =(add text, paint over face, add effects, frames etc.)

Do whatever you are going to do to it but make sure to save it with another name so you will always retain your original image e.g. save the changes to image1 as image1e etc. (e=enhanced) and then if you do another version save it as image1e2 and so on.

I agree that it is displeasing when the head is simply lopped off. I prefer to see the hair color and style and also to be able to see the mouth, as I find that quite often shows a lot about the personality.
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Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts