The Porn Dude

Internet Dating Site may not be totally authentic


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Something tells me this internet dating site may not be totally authentic.

Their random photo generator isn't always as random as they need it to be. You think someone investing in so much advertising and web presence would have the foresight to use a program that doesn't duplicate the pictures and blow the whole operation. But on the bright side, knowing the gullibility of the cyber community they will still generate plenty of business.


New member
WhaWhaWha said:
Something tells me this internet dating site may not be totally authentic.

Their random photo generator isn't always as random as they need it to be. You think someone investing in so much advertising and web presence would have the foresight to use a program that doesn't duplicate the pictures and blow the whole operation. But on the bright side, knowing the gullibility of the cyber community they will still generate plenty of business.
jeeze...if you're gonna throw up a least use a good site... I just got this spam in my inbox today...creative email body... the other bodies are even moreso

Guess what happened!

I joined this amazing portal and met 6 girls in my city in half a day!

I got laid 4 times this week, and now I don't know how to explain you but
there's no way I can handle all these chicks who love to have fun !

I never imagined there'd be so many hot/cool chicks in my area willing to just meet up and have fun.

Buddy, I highly recommed this, log on, it's no charge! Get a cool nickname and start dating.

This is the right time; thank me later!

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
pretty convienient how when you go there all the girls that pop up on the first page are from the place/town you are surfing from ;)


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
the site is crap
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