Interesting article re "back to basics" soft porn magazines


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Interesting article in the New York Times today about the return of old-style soft porn magazines. The shooters use film and natural light. No photoshop.


"Joined by a small but influential roster of new pinup magazines — published in places like Amsterdam and the Lower East Side — Jacques (name of the mag) is offering a self-conscious throwback to the magazines of the late 1960s and early 1970s, before the days of silicone implants, Photoshop and streaming HD video.

"Begun in May 2009, Jacques dishes out nudity with a knowing wink that speaks to the kind of man who prefers his meat grass fed and his denim raw. The models are bigger, curvier and silicone free. The settings evoke a wistful vision of middle-class America — a playground in Chicago, a swimming pool in Villanova, Pa. The resulting images look more like vacation snapshots than studio portraits. . . .

"It’s a highly stylized aesthetic that evokes a bygone age of Polaroids and Kodak Instamatics. Mr. Leder shoots on 35-millimeter film, uses only existing light and never retouches or digitally manipulates a photo — blemishes and body fat be damned. 'A lot of quote-unquote porn is just simply disgusting,' Mr. Leder said, offering his view of the adult entertainment industry. 'It’s so cheap and so vulgar, it just turns everybody off.'”

The photog uses a 1965 Canon Pellix!

That may be a bit extreme but cameras have gone crazy since becoming digital -- a new model every five minutes and photogs use complicated, intricate lighting setups. And, of course, photoshop.


Jan 26, 2010
The article says the main mag featured -- Jaques -- is selling 14,000 copies. Obviously, a mini market.

I was thinking of it more as an inspiration for SP photos --- no Photoshop, etc.
It'll be a cold day in hell when that happens.
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