Indie vs. Agency - A Newbie Question

Hi - I've been reading through the board and have had most of my questions answered through various threads. The one curious question I have is:

Why would you choose an Agency Girl vs. Indie Girl? or vice versa?

I'm just starting to get my toes wet....and just trying to get a feel for things.

Please don't flame me if this has been asked a million times before.

Thanks -


New member
Feb 27, 2004
CurvySabrina said:
Hi - I've been reading through the board and have had most of my questions answered through various threads. The one curious question I have is:

Why would you choose an Agency Girl vs. Indie Girl? or vice versa?

I'm just starting to get my toes wet....and just trying to get a feel for things.

Please don't flame me if this has been asked a million times before.

Thanks -
Given your name, I'm assuming you are a "prospective SP" rather than a "newbie hobbiest"? I'm not the person to answer your question, but thought this clarification might help focus other responses. Or maybe I'm just on one too many glasses of wine!

Cheers! Welcome, either way!


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
CS, for me, the short answer is:

It doesn't matter if she is a girl I want to see, based on trusted reports of looks, services, etc.

I tend to mostly use agencies, because they usually will pick up the phone and have someone available. But there have been sp's who I have first seen with an agency and then become indie and I continue to see them, and vice versa. As one agency person has said about me, I have no allegiance to any particular agency, my allegiance is only to the pursuit of good looking women to boff.

From an sp's standpoint, an agency can be a good way to acclimate oneself to the business. They handle the bookings, and if it is a good, well regarded agency, you can be pretty sure the clientele will be relatively respectable. The agency also handles all the marketing, all the transportation and so on. If you are indie, then you have to take care of all that, and it can be a drag.

Some fellas much prefer indies, I'm not sure 100% why. I guess the perception is that indie sp's are typically more mature, less prone to clockwatch, and less likely to be overworked. That's a euphemism for "f**ks a lot of guys every day", btw.
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Yes, I am a prospective SP - however want to know what the perception of these two groups are from the "hobbiest" perspective.

I've pretty much decided that I'm going the indie route - I'm not much of a rules and order kinda girl. I'm not worried about really aclimatizing (sp?) or even the marketing and promotion behind it. I've got arrangements for both my safety and transportation. I'm a research nerd :)

My main concern/question is more pertaining to services from certain groups being seen as more reliable/valuable than others. I want to build a solid foundation - and while doing so build trust and reputation. I didn't however want to shoot myself in the foot, so to speak and have noticed many more reviews (it seems) for agency girls than indies.



Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
My god SB 5 whole posts before you did.. losing your touch old man?

Not So Much

New member
Feb 28, 2004
The Big Smoke
CurvySabrina said:
...have noticed many more reviews (it seems) for agency girls than indies.

There are things about the way the world works here that are sometimes hard to explain. I think you are correct in your comment above and I wonder if the reason is that we tend to value the past success with an Agency, when experimenting with new visitors. I noticed a thread a couple of weeks ago about two ladies that appeared to be new Indies (Davis & Lola). Pictures and descriptions appeared to be very appealing and probably worthy of someone's interest, but if you check the threads today, you will see that no one has reported back. At the same time, there is no shortage of comments on new ladies from Agencies.

I think you are wise to be careful in your approach, and I compliment you on your "research nerd" tactics. Having said that, you could drive yourself crazy trying to figure out the key to success based on the comments in the various Reviews here. There has been a very small percentage of those that I have read that have been 100% in agreement on anyone in recent times (Bobbi excluded of course).

If you are interested in building trust and a solid base of repeat clientele, I suspect your success will be directly dependant on your comfort level in providing consistent quality services. Within that context, while I do not profess to speak for the masses, there are a few things that you may want to avoid as they consistently seem to start the "Review Lemmings" jumping off the cliff:

1) The old "she is very much a YMMV provider" label

2) The crowd here are pretty simple, so extensive lists of restrictions can be an issue

3) Absence of a key element, or elements, from the basic package of services (LFK/DFL, BJ, DATY, CFS)

4) Attitude

As far as the key to getting the ball rolling, I agree with homonger, I could I care less about whether the lady is an Agency Lady vs an Indie, in contrast to says looks or service. In your case, I think you may have already done that (the ball rolling), by doing this. All you need now are a couple of pictures and a description and you'll be getting PM'd to death in no time, as I think we can all see that you appear to have the right attitude about all of this.
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