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Incurable gonorrhea - no thanks


Active member
Jun 7, 2003

A new study raises concerns about the spread of drug-resistant gonorrhea in Ontario.

A strain of the bacteria that responds poorly to the last class of drugs available to treat gonorrhea is on the rise in the province, according to data presented Tuesday at an infectious diseases conference in Chicago.

The strain wasn’t seen in the province in 2005, but by May of this year made up 11 per cent of a representative sample of gonorrhea isolates tested by the provincial laboratory.

The majority of cases that have been spotted were in men in Toronto. But the strain has been seen elsewhere in the province, said Dr. Vanessa Allen, who made the presentation.

Allen, a medical microbiologist with Public Health Ontario, said new approaches to treating and controlling the sexually transmitted disease need to be adopted before the bacteria outsmarts all the drugs available to treat the infection.

“The more aggressive we can be, the more chance we have of eradicating this drug-resistant clone,” she said in an interview from Chicago.

“There’s a very imminent threat that there will be nothing left to treat this infection with. And unless we’re very careful now, I really think that we’re at risk of getting there sooner rather than later.”

On Monday, the Canadian Medical Association Journal warned the threat of widespread multi-drug resistant gonorrhea demands an urgent public response.

Known as “the clap” in bygone days, gonorrhea is difficult to control because many people who are infected don’t have symptoms. Curing the infection does not provide lifetime protection, as is seen with some diseases; a person can be reinfected with gonorrhea.

The bacteria are spread by sexual contact and infection can occur in multiple sites in the body.

In women, untreated gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory disease which can lead to chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Babies born to women with gonorrhea may suffer from blindness or life-threatening blood infections. The bacteria can also cause infertility in men.

If the bacteria move to the blood or joints, infection can be fatal. Infection with gonorrhea increases one’s risk of being infected with HIV; and HIV-positive people with gonorrhea can transmit HIV more easily to sexual partners.

In the era of antibiotics, gonorrhea infections have been easily treated. But the bacteria have rapidly and relentlessly developed resistance to all classes of the drugs that have been thrown at them, forcing public health experts like Allen to contemplate the spectre of a return to the days when gonorrhea could not be treated.

“Whether this clonal complex (strain) will replace all the other strains, or the other strains will develop resistance spontaneously on their own, I think the pressure of this antibiotic has demonstrated that resistance develops rapidly,” she said.

“So yes, there’s a fear that the major of strains will become multi-drug resistant. And I think that’s a very real fear and that’s what they saw in Japan. And we’re headed that way.”


New member
Jan 19, 2006
What can one say other than:

Get yourself tested for STDs.

Use latex condoms

Follow the directions and fully finish all antibiotics you are prescribed.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Japan has been a breeding ground for new and resistant strains of Gonorrhea for awhile. The Japanese have hypocritical views about sexual disease and treatment and that foreigners are dirty when in fact Japanese STD rates, particularly chlamydia are higher than in most western countries. The derisive term, yellow cab is for Japanese women who travel abroad for a short time and have sex with many locals and then return back to Japan, often ignorant of the STD that they are carrying. Probably these woman go untreated and the bacteria for gonorrhea mutates and mutates until antibiotic resistant strains emerge. In Canada, these resistant gonorrhea strains seems to be found mostly in men, maybe it is mostly in the homosexual community here?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Wasn't there another thread about a drug-resistant strain of G in England?

So it's also here in Ontario (but in only 11% of cases yet rising)?


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
If you haven't come down with a serious case of STDs at least once in your life, then you just aren't having enough sex.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Big reason drug resistance has occurred is because people are so stupid they fail to take the full course of antibiotics.
The bigger cause of drug resistance is that we wastefully use antibiotics everywhere. In particular, the use of antibiotics in farm animals is massive.

Cows and chickens get antibiotics if they are healthy or not. Every dangerous bacteria found in food is now antibiotic resistant.

We are signing our own death warrants.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The bigger cause of drug resistance is that we wastefully use antibiotics everywhere. In particular, the use of antibiotics in farm animals is massive.

Cows and chickens get antibiotics if they are healthy or not. Every dangerous bacteria found in food is now antibiotic resistant.

We are signing our own death warrants.
My doc won't give out an AB (my former secretary used to brag how she would get an AB for a cough or cold) unless you really need it.

Why can't the FDA or Ministry of Agriculture (or what have you) regulate the use of AB in farming?


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
If you haven't come down with a serious case of STDs at least once in your life, then you just aren't having enough sex.
That's absolute crap. You're probably being fecitious anyway.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
There are I suppose jackasses who never bother to have themselves checked, and who don't bother to make an appointment with their physician when things seem peculiar.
Worst offenders are those who have a long history of BBFS in the industry before common sense tool over and finer minds prevailed. Just ask infected-guy. Total denial.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Worst offenders are those who have a long history of BBFS in the 'normal' industry.
Is there any BBFS in the industry? Certainly I find it difficult to believe that any of the SPs who post on TERB would do so. Now BBBJ is quite different from BBFS.


Active member
Jul 7, 2009
I think most of the SP's on our fine board ALWAYS use protection (as do I when I partake in this "hobby"). That being said, there are probably those that can be persuaded with the promise of a more lucrative transaction. Money is a great to think it doesn't exist, or take place would be naive.


New member
Jul 4, 2007
i get people on the phone offering me more money all the time for BBFS atleast once a day i always tell them to fuck off and hang up the phone... if theyre always asking they are getting it from somewhere

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
The news of gonorrhea strains reported to be resistant to most of the current stock of antibiotics is certainly disturbing, but isn't especially surprising given that many species of bacteria have shown remarkable ability to develop such resistance in a short period of time. And if evolutionary biology has taught us anything over the years, it's that we will see more cases of bacteria developing such resistance (since those that survive the onslaught of antibiotics due to a genetic mutation will survive and reproduce), thus raising the urgency in research on new classes of antibiotics (there are already antibiotic-resistant cases of tuberculosis, and I believe there are reports of streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria that have developed resistance to most current stocks of antibiotics as well, if I'm not mistaken).

That being said, at least with gonorrhea and other STIs (including HIV), safe sex practices such as the proper use of condoms will substantially reduce the chances of contracting them. I would also add that the chances of catching any STIs from reputable SPs (reviewed on these boards) are so small as to be practically insignificant, given the fact that the prevalence of BBFS between SPs and clients is extremely low if not completely non-nonexistent (I have never been offered BBFS by any SP, nor have I inquired), and most reputable SPs that I am aware of regularly have themselves tested, as do I.

Am I particularly worried about catching STIs? Not really. Am I going to change my current sexual habits? Not at all.

(For the record again, I have had a fairly active sex life with both civilians and SPs over the years and I have never contracted any STI whatsoever.)
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Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
So the people infected with it that have symptoms just have to live with it forever. Painful urination, painful inflammation of the testicles, yellow discharge, infertility. Imagine suffering that every single day for life. Better them than me.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
You can get stds from BBBJ too.
Yes, and you can get certain lethal diseases from sharing a drinking glass. That doesn't mean it is common, if it were most of the hobbying community in Montréal and Québec City would be in deep trouble.
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