Does anyone else think this is a little creepy?
Ad on CL (spelling mistakes included):
fantasy TOYS etc.
roommate left owing me rent of five 20 five
but she also left her suitcase of personal stuff (she's a proSP if you're wonderiing why she had so much
Best ofer that is close to what she owes takes it all. I don't care why you want it. must take everything pickup as is,close to dowtown - it's heavy in a beer case
toys, clothes, costumes, wigs, pantiesbras, thongs, stockings --see pictures, also couple pair of shoes and boots not shown... also a detailed note abotu one of her "friends"...
just the boxof stuff don't ask for anything else.
Included are pics of dildos, butt plugs, vibrators, remote controls, clothing, belts, etc....
Ummm - care to pick up a used butt plug for cheap?:Eek:
Ad on CL (spelling mistakes included):
fantasy TOYS etc.
roommate left owing me rent of five 20 five
but she also left her suitcase of personal stuff (she's a proSP if you're wonderiing why she had so much
Best ofer that is close to what she owes takes it all. I don't care why you want it. must take everything pickup as is,close to dowtown - it's heavy in a beer case
toys, clothes, costumes, wigs, pantiesbras, thongs, stockings --see pictures, also couple pair of shoes and boots not shown... also a detailed note abotu one of her "friends"...
just the boxof stuff don't ask for anything else.
Included are pics of dildos, butt plugs, vibrators, remote controls, clothing, belts, etc....
Ummm - care to pick up a used butt plug for cheap?:Eek: