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In first majority-Muslim U.S. city, calls to prayer from & no alcohol sales near.....


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
In first majority-Muslim U.S. city, calls to prayer from & no alcohol sales near.....

HAMTRAMCK, MICH. — Karen Majewski was in such high demand in her vintage shop on a recent Saturday afternoon that a store employee threw up her hands when yet another visitor came in to chat. Everyone wanted to talk to the mayor about the big political news.
Earlier this month, the blue-collar city that has been home to Polish Catholic immigrants and their descendents for more than a century became what demographers think is the first jurisdiction in the nation to elect a
majority-Muslim council.

It’s the second tipping for Hamtramck (pronounced Ham-tram-ik), which in 2013 earned the distinction becoming of what appears to be the first majority-Muslim city in the United States following the arrival of thousands of immigrants from Yemen, Bangladesh and Bosnia over a decade.

In many ways, Hamtramck is a microcosm of the fears gripping parts of the country since the Islamic State’s attacks on Paris: The influx of Muslims here has profoundly unsettled some residents of the town long known for its love of dancing, beer, paczki pastries and the pope.
Majewski, whose family emigrated from Poland in the early 20th century, admitted to a few concerns of her own.

Business owners within 500 feet of one of Hamtramck’s four mosques can’t obtain a liquor license, she complained, a notable development in a place that flouted Prohibition-era laws by openly operating bars. The restrictions could thwart efforts to create an entertainment hub downtown, said the pro-commerce mayor.

And while Majewski advocated to allow mosques to issue calls to prayer, she understands why some longtime residents are struggling to adjust to the sound that echos through the city’s streets five times each day.

“There’s definitely a strong feeling that Muslims are the other,” she said. “It’s about culture, what kind of place Hamtramck will become. There’s definitely a fear, and to some degree, I share it.”

Saad Almasmari, a 28-year-old from Yemen who became the fourth Muslim elected to the six-member city council this month, doesn’t understand that fear.

“I don’t know why people keep putting religion into politics,” said Almasmari, who received the highest percentage of votes (22 percent) of any candidate. “When we asked for votes, we didn’t ask what their religion was.”

Hamtramck’s exceedingly low home prices and relatively low crime rate have proved especially attractive to new immigrants, whose presence is visible everywhere. Most of the women strolling Joseph Campau Avenue wear hijabs, or headscarves, and niqabs, veils that leave only the area around the eyes open. Many of the markets advertise their wares in Arabic or Bengali, and some display signs telling customers that owners will return shortly — gone to pray, much in the same way Polish businesses once signaled that employees had gone to Mass.

Many longtime residents point to 2004 as the year they suspected that the town’s culture had shifted irrevocably. It was then that the city council gave permission to al-Islah Islamic Center to broadcast its call to prayer from speakers atop its roof.

“The Polish people think we were invading them,” said Masud Khan, one of the mosque’s leaders, recalling that time in an interview earlier this month. “We were a big threat to their religion and culture. Now their days are gone.”

The mosque, which attracts about 500 people for its Friday prayer services, has purchased a neighboring vacant limestone building in the heart of the city that once was a furniture store. The mosque’s leaders plan to put a minaret — a spire — on the building and use it to continue broadcasting a call to prayer five times a day.

The private sale enraged city leaders, including the mayor, who sees the area as key to commercial growth. Mosque leaders estimate that the 20,000-square-foot building will hold up to 2,000 people once the renovation is finished next year.

The town’s transformation caught Mike Bugaj off guard. When the Hamtramck native left to join the Air Force in 1972, the city was widely referred to as “Little Warsaw.” When he returned from the military in 1995, “the Muslims were here,” said Bugaj, who is of Polish and Native American descent.

The new majority Muslim council has Bugaj worried that old traditions, like the Polish festival and Fat Tuesday’s paczki day, soon will be wiped away.
He and other residents are “concerned about what they would want to change, that they could mistreat women,” said Bugaj, who wore feather earrings and a T-shirt with wolves on it. “Don’t come over to America and try to turn people to your way of thinking.”

Wayne Little, who has been a pastor for nearly 40 years at Corinthian Baptist Church, said many of the city’s African American residents are also waiting to see whether the new Muslim-majority city council will represent their interests.

“They are clannish and stick together. . . . The jury is out on them.” Little said.
The discord intensified in the weeks before the election, beginning when several senior citizens living in an apartment complex complained about the volume of the 6 a.m. call to prayer from a nearby mosque.

Susan Dunn, who was on her fifth unsuccessful run for city council, raised the issue before the governing body.
“I have my own rights, as well,” she said while baking her son’s birthday cake in her kitchen. “I’m not a hater. It wasn’t a calculated move.”
At one point as she spoke, a mosque close to Dunn’s house began broadcasting the call to prayer. “You try reading a book in your back yard while your dog is barking to that,” Dunn said, clearly exasperated.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The do-gooders will tell you this is not a problem. The solution is to bring in more Muslims so they'll feel even more at home. In successive generations (50+ years from now) these large swathes of Muslim territory will be integrated and less religious. It's a win for everybody. Why do people insist on hate speech against Muslims?

If Muslims want to change laws to suit their religion, it breeds tolerance and the more muslim immigrants you allow in, will lead to even more tolerance and respect for their new country.

Your hate speech has no place here.

Besides if America wasn't such a ruthless racist nation these Muslims would have already renounced their faith and have become fully integrated.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Many longtime residents point to 2004 as the year they suspected that the town’s culture had shifted irrevocably. It was then that the city council gave permission to al-Islah Islamic Center to broadcast its call to prayer from speakers atop its roof.

“The Polish people think we were invading them,” said Masud Khan, one of the mosque’s leaders, recalling that time in an interview earlier this month. “We were a big threat to their religion and culture. Now their days are gone.”
Quite what does Masud Khan mean by the highlighted statement?


New member
Sep 28, 2015
We relocated from Toronto to a small town 1.5 hours away. The idiot Mayor here is now pledging to take in 2,500 "refugees" and to be a leader in Canada for smaller cities everywhere. That will be fully 10% of our current population. And to think I got away from the Big Smoke to avoid this crap...BTW schools here still celebrate Christmas and Easter and (God forbid) Halloween - the town itself is very arts based with a significant and vibrant Gay community...and a very robust tourist industry. Wtf is he thinking?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Muslims are excellent immigrants. Until they reach a specific density. After that, none Muslims have to move.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
We relocated from Toronto to a small town 1.5 hours away. The idiot Mayor here is now pledging to take in 2,500 "refugees" and to be a leader in Canada for smaller cities everywhere. That will be fully 10% of our current population. And to think I got away from the Big Smoke to avoid this crap...BTW schools here still celebrate Christmas and Easter and (God forbid) Halloween - the town itself is very arts based with a significant and vibrant Gay community...and a very robust tourist industry. Wtf is he thinking?
He is thinking about where to locate the call to prayer.


Mar 12, 2004
He is thinking about where to locate the call to prayer.
Want to bet,...if that happens,...any and all noise by laws will have to be rewritten to be politically correct,...and asinine at the same time.



Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Muslims are excellent immigrants. Until they reach a specific density. After that, none Muslims have to move.
Yes you're referring to critical mass. Once there are enough of them that they form their own massive communities that become shut off from the greater society, it's no longer a healthy situation, and integration becomes more fantasy than reality.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Yes you're referring to critical mass. Once there are enough of them that they form their own massive communities that become shut off from the greater society, it's no longer a healthy situation, and integration becomes more fantasy than reality.
I did not want to imply that they're fat by using "mass"-lest people brand me a racist:)
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