Toronto Escorts

Important Bulletin from Hydro One: Rotating Blackouts!!


Apr 13, 2004
Rotating Blackouts
Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and Hydro One are warning
customers of the rotating winter power blackouts that are expected to
occur on:
- Saturday March 4, 2006
- Tuesday, March 7, 2006
- Saturday, March 11, 2006
- Tuesday, March 14, 2006
This is a province wide alert. The lack of power seems to
consistently occur just after 7 pm on Saturday or 7:30 pm weekdays and
is attributed to the excessive power required to run the goal judge
light behind the Toronto Maple Leaf net. P.S.: If you check the NHL
schedule, the Leafs are home to the
following teams on those respective dates:
Ottawa, Montreal, Tampa Bay, Boston
Pleased Be Prepared!!!!!!!!
Sincerely Yours,
Ontario Power Generation and Hydro One
All contents (c) 2005 Ontario Power Generation Inc. and Hydro
One Inc. All rights reserved
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Toronto Escorts