faveone This is just a hobby May 1, 2002 893 827 93 GTA Today at 9:36 AM #61 P/E ratio close to 600 I'll probably hold if not sell soon Reactions: jeff2
S speakercontrols Well-known member Aug 26, 2023 1,070 946 113 Today at 10:18 AM #62 Gstep said: What a joke, I swear the market has become completely detached from reality. I'm so looking forward to seeing it get crushed after the economic impact of the trade war comes to bare. Click to expand... Repeat after me, the Stock Market is not the Economy.
Gstep said: What a joke, I swear the market has become completely detached from reality. I'm so looking forward to seeing it get crushed after the economic impact of the trade war comes to bare. Click to expand... Repeat after me, the Stock Market is not the Economy.