Ignatieff = screwup


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
For Petes Sakes. Harper and a vast majority on the Hill, with the inevitable support of a huge majority of Canadians, are trying to get some legislation changed to not allow pardons for people, such as the current applicant Karla Homolka and others as severe .

Ignatieff steps up and complains legislation is being rammed down our throats!

Sheesh..he has no political savvy. For gods sakes.... does he really think he will climb in the polls - taking that point of view.

Man -whether its ramming...whether your Conservative or Liberal...This is a LOSER MOVE all the way round!!!

To think I have voted both Liberal and Conservative in the past.....this move makes my decision easy!!

Oh sure he can say it has to be done right..and all the bla bla bla he wants.......but there is a time to pick a fight...to go to the media.....IT IS NOT ON THIS ONE NARROW ISSUE.



Active member
Feb 26, 2005
it's typical of his party im afraid. No matter what the other side says, it must be wrong, in their minds, so oppose it. The opposed the GST cuts even though the Liberal party had long ago promised to abolish it too. FUnny stuff.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
For Petes Sakes. Harper and a vast majority on the Hill, with the inevitable support of a huge majority of Canadians, are trying to get some legislation changed to not allow pardons for people, such as the current applicant Karla Homolka and others as severe .

Ignatieff steps up and complains legislation is being rammed down our throats!

Sheesh..he has no political savvy. For gods sakes.... does he really think he will climb in the polls - taking that point of view.

Man -whether its ramming...whether your Conservative or Liberal...This is a LOSER MOVE all the way round!!!

To think I have voted both Liberal and Conservative in the past.....this move makes my decision easy!!

Oh sure he can say it has to be done right..and all the bla bla bla he wants.......but there is a time to pick a fight...to go to the media.....IT IS NOT ON THIS ONE NARROW ISSUE.

i guess the real question is whether you want politicians who are politically savvy or ones who will do what they is right in the circumstances


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
HArper, His Justice Minister, the elected people, the lawyers, and beurocrats have all been working on this for some time. They put it all together, and get it throguh..

The only explanation I have is that it would be a typical LIBERAL position to allow this type of person out.

This girl mutilated and killed two teenage girls, and sexually tortured them, and then left their bodies for the local dogs and raccoons and coyotes to gnaw on!

For gawds sakes there is nothing politically savvy about this deal...... ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO...


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
One could also argue that the government has known all along when Karla Homolka would be eligible to apply for a pardon, and yet they wait until the month before to introduce legislation to change the rules. Why couldn't the Harpo Conservatives have done it a month ago? two months ago? a year ago?

Perhaps they're doing it now so that they would be seen as law and order good guys keeping the bad people behind bars.

Harpo = opportunistic.
Of course if Iggy hadn't decided to stamp his feet and hold his breath there would have been very little publicity. This whole pardon issue only started a few months ago with the publicity surrounding the pardon of James the hockey coach sex offender's pardon. While I have never considered you to have a balanced view on politics in the unlikely event that you are correct and the timing was engineered then Iggy is doubly stupid.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
One could also argue that the government has known all along when Karla Homolka would be eligible to apply for a pardon, and yet they wait until the month before to introduce legislation to change the rules. Why couldn't the Harpo Conservatives have done it a month ago? two months ago? a year ago?

Perhaps they're doing it now so that they would be seen as law and order good guys keeping the bad people behind bars.

Harpo = opportunistic.
considering that she was imprissoned during the liberal parties regime the screaming that she will be eligible for parole and why oh why is the govt not doing somehting about it is also a little opportunistic don't you think?


New member
Feb 28, 2007
big issues make for bad laws, thats a parphrase but it does make a point. The parole issue has been around since paroles were invented. The system is easy to work and a lot of people do indeed work it. The Liberal issues this time aside from Ignatieff really not wanting to let the opportunity to shoot himself in the foot pass is the " wide net". There was a provision for people who have 3 inditeable offence to not be eligible for parole for a longer period of time. This bill should have been in parliment 15 years ago but the political climate at the time would not allow it. So as a result a couple of high profile offenders have appeared and are ruffling the sensibilities of the government.... oh I mean the media has managed to turn it into a spectacle, everybody is running around with their heads in bowling ball bags trying to make political points.

The bill should have been brought in and properly prepared , debated and sent through committees. It was not as a result we have a hastily prepared bill that could cause problems down the road.

As to the issue of Holmoka parole... does anybody really think the parole board would grant her parole when they know the media is watching them?


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Its not about PAROLE MAN...SHe has been out for a long time.

Its about a pardon...to clear her name forever.

Her next step would be then to change her name...and she would be gone forever....to kill and mutilate again.

But I digress...back to Ignatieff.

While he can blame the conservatives while shooting himself in the foot.....The Liberals...Ignatieff especially had an opportunity to bring legislation in some time ago. If Iggy thinks its a last minute ram job by Harpo, why did his crew not put legislation forward some time ago. The Conservatives would certainly have put it on the agenda (They control the agenda) and kudos would have gone Iggys way. The conservatives would not have done anything to slow it down!

Ah well...one should not expect more from Iggy!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Actually Harpo the PM had a far better opportunity, and so did his Public Safety Minister Sockwell Day, who self-righteously promised he'd fix the 'defective' pardon system a couple of years back, the last time it pardoned a notorious offender as the law required it to.

But then more important things came up. Let's see: the election we weren't s'posed to have, the Olympic junkets …

And since all parties have undertaken to see that Homolka never gets one, let's remember a pardon only affects a record search anyway. If you are asked, it does not permit you to lie and say you were never charged or convicted. The best you can say is, convicted but later pardoned and certain searches by police can access your record even then. A long way from "clearing your name forever".

Way too much conservative fire-breathing for a something they treated as a non-issue until the last minute. And as the smoke clears, Harpo's is the face in the magic mirror. The Iggman's just a bitplayer.
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