If A guy looses a fortune ($10 to $15 million) .............Can he deduct his losses?

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
I know a guy that got $10 to 15 million from the sale of his family business and then in the DOT.com boom lost most of it. Can he uses his horendous losses to his advantage? Can this guy deduct his past losses to future income, and if so for how long?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
The dotcom thing was awhile ago, why ask now and why here?

Thats what CA's and lawyers are for, you know the kind that give an opinion for a fee. With that amount of money at stake I can understand why your "friend" lost it if you are asking here.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Doctor Zoidburg said:
I know a guy that got $10 to 15 million from the sale of his family business and then in the DOT.com boom lost most of it. Can he uses his horendous losses to his advantage? Can this guy deduct his past losses to future income, and if so for how long?
He should get a good accountant.

In general capital losses (negative capiltal gains) can be used backwards 3 years and forward 7? years to reduce capital gains.
But there are sneaky ways to characterize the loss as a "business loss" in which case it becomes an income deduction and can be used to reduce income 3 years back and 7? years forward.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
LancsLad said:
The dotcom thing was awhile ago, why ask now and why here?

Thats what CA's and lawyers are for, you know the kind that give an opinion for a fee. With that amount of money at stake I can understand why your "friend" lost it if you are asking here.
play nice now, you are not a moderator yet.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
He is not a friend, he is just a guy that I know and recently bumped into. As a matter if fact, he was a prick. He is now struggling to get back on his feet, with what I estimate to be about less that 10% of his original wealth. Why I ask here is that it is just a good place as any other to ask this question, as I have no stake in his wealth or lack of wealth. To tell you the truth I would not help him in any way unless it benefits me in some way. He was a person that looked down on a lot of people when he was wealthy.


I hope your dad retores your inheritance soon, so you will no longer have to sit in front of you old computer with the Windows 98 opereating system, posting on TERB day in and day out!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
danmand said:
play nice now, you are not a moderator yet.

Curses, foiled again.

Dr. Z.

I'm just amazed that some people can blow through money so easily without any back up plans. he must have had some advice in the past ( ie you said he sold a business) so where were those people??

Sadly my father is not in a position to vary the amount of any inheritance I may get.


Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
He had about $10 to $15 million before the Dot.com boom and he was living the good life. When the Dot.com boom came along he started to invest more and more of his money. At one point he was bragging that he was worth more than $800 million. ( on paper only ) At that time many people thought it was going to go on forever.
As far as his advisors were concerned, the people that gave him advice to sell his share of the family business also had a stake in the future of the company, as they would continue to advise the other family members in the future business.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Doctor Zoidburg said:
H. He is now struggling to get back on his feet, with what I estimate to be about less that 10% of his original wealth.
He lost 10-15M but he still has 1M left(10%) and he is struggling. Tough life


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Strongbeau said:
To put this in appropriate perspective, now he can only indulge his favourite agency lady or indy 4,000 times (once a day for ten years), when previously he could visit her 40,000 times (or have two duos a day for 27 years), or, at the height of his theoretical wealth, 3,200,000 times (or have an orgy a day for 800 years).
I feel for the under privileged. :D


Feb 7, 2007
This does not add up at all.

He turned 10-15 mill into 800 million, and now back to 10 % of the 10-15 million ?

No, either he is BS or you are-sorry pal.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
marc said:
This does not add up at all.

He turned 10-15 mill into 800 million, and now back to 10 % of the 10-15 million ?

No, either he is BS or you are-sorry pal.
That is entirely possible. One of my good friends took $1M from the sale of his company and invested it early in the internet and fiber optics companies. He was ahead more than 2 million, but when it burst, he continued to "double down" and pretty much lost everything.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Strongbeau said:

The good news is that Internet 2.0 is here - time to get back into the game, people.
Which companies are supplying the equipment for the internet 2.0?


Member who hasn't been around much lately!
Apr 17, 2005
marc said:
This does not add up at all.

He turned 10-15 mill into 800 million, and now back to 10 % of the 10-15 million ?

No, either he is BS or you are-sorry pal.
Not as far fetched as u may think. I know of a similar storry, almost exact numbers but the ~800 million was "on paper" for only a few weeks then declined rapidly. Too bad he didn't sell but some people just can't pull the trigger.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
If he were incorporated for more than he sold it for he can show a loss not a deduction,

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
He had approx 10 to 15 million ) in my estimation ( could have been a little more ) from the sale of his part of the family business. He invested and made a lot of money on paper. ( Just because you are worth $800 million on paper, it does not mean it is your money till you sell your stock) He is now worth less than 10% of his original fortune. ( 1 million to $500k ) He is now trying to drive up his worth by investing in small crappy businesses.
BTW, he drives a Hyundai ( the expensive one, $30k ) because one of his golf buddies owns a dealership.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
His loss on his investments in shares of other companies are capital losses and can be carried back 3 years and forward indefinitely. These losses only offset any capital gains reported or earned in the future.

His business may be a bit different. If its a small business corporation and he hasn't used up a portion or all of his lifetime capital gains exemption, the loss on the shares (or assets) may be considered an allowable business investment loss and may offset all other sources of taxable income. These losses are a form of non-capital losses and they can be carried back 3 years or carried forward 10 years.

I suggest your buddy seek out a tax accountant.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Did he earn the original $10M in the family business, or did his Dad earn it, and he just got given it? One thing I can not stand is people who get lots of money from Dad, risk it and initially win, and think that this makes them businessmen. It doesn't take any skill to gamble with money your Dad gave you, and even an idiot wins more than 50% of the time in the stock market.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
His dad gave it to him.


Oct 28, 2001
Next to the money pit.
C Dick said:
Did he earn the original $10M in the family business, or did his Dad earn it, and he just got given it? One thing I can not stand is people who get lots of money from Dad, risk it and initially win, and think that this makes them businessmen. It doesn't take any skill to gamble with money your Dad gave you, and even an idiot wins more than 50% of the time in the stock market.
C Dick,

I suspect many of the self-made fathers are too busy running their businesses to sit down to teach their children the skills to operate a successful business. Secondly, the self-made fathers could have gotten lucky in a business venture and really couldn't explain the reason for their successful business.

C Dick, any of your children able to manage your company if something happens to you tommorrow? If so, you are way a head of your game with all the exit strategies ready to be executed.
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