Idiot of the day award: Nerd, 18, goes berserk when ex-gf, 14, doesn't text him back


New member
Dec 27, 2004
A girl of 14 was stabbed nine times in the neck yesterday as she was about to walk through her school's gates.

Chloe West was attacked from behind by an 18-year-old man – said to be a former boyfriend – who had driven up the quiet tree-lined street at 100 km/h to confront her.

He was said by pupils to have been angry with her after she apparently failed to respond to his text messages.

A 16-year-old student at the school tackled the man to the ground, and then a teacher and a parent subdued him by sitting on him until police arrived at Ridgewood High School in Stourbridge, West Midlands. Superintendent Stuart Johnson said their ‘incredibly brave’ intervention may have saved the teenager’s life.

Chloe, a keen rider who keeps her own horse nearby, was airlifted to Birmingham Children’s Hospital, where she had surgery on wounds to her face, head and neck.
Last night she was in a stable condition.

Photo of victim:

Her alleged attacker was identified locally as Sam Tomlinson, 18.

Photo of Sam Tomlinson:

Chloe’s best friend told of the terrifying moment the knifeman struck. Ella Hill, 14, said she jumped on his back and pulled his hair in an unsuccessful attempt to halt the attack, carried out with what appeared to be a kitchen knife.

Speaking with her parents’ permission, Ella said the assailant stopped his car, jumped out and started yelling: ‘Why haven’t you been talking to me.’

She added: ‘Chloe replied to him, “What are you doing here?, why are you here?” Then he grabbed Chloe in a headlock and started hitting her in the face.

‘I jumped on him and started trying to pull him back, but he threw me off and on to the floor and then he got Chloe on the floor and then got on top of her and started to stab her.

‘He was stabbing her in the face and the neck. There was blood all over her. I couldn’t even recognise her face.’ :mad:

Some students said he slashed her across the face as well as stabbing her after the schoolgirl apparently ignored a series of text messages from him.

Others said Chloe had recently rejected him. Police confirmed the pair knew each other but said they were still trying to establish the exact nature of their relationship. Chloe lives with her 12-year-old brother, Jack, and parents Nigel, 53, a painter and decorator, and Rosemary, a 47-year-old cleaner, in a semi-detached home less than a mile from the school.

Police said ‘Had it not been for the intervention of the parent, teacher and a pupil, Chloe’s injuries may have been far more serious than they already are, and potentially life-threatening.

‘They showed tremendous b.r.a.v.e.r.y in intervening and detaining the suspect and in my opinion – based on medical evidence – they clearly prevented far more serious injuries to Chloe.’ He said the Year 11 student, Ben Hudson, suffered ‘scuffle-type’ injuries as he fought the attacker. Ben’s family refused to comment on the incident.

One pupil said: ‘Her ex was angry because he was texting her and she wasn’t replying. My friends said he came racing up the road at 60mph, jumped out of his car and punched her repeatedly.’

Last night Sam Tomlinson was being questioned by police on suspicion of attempted murder.

He is the oldest of four children who live with their mother, Angela, a teacher at the town’s Bishop Milner Catholic School, which he is thought to have attended until last year.

Looking drawn and worried, Mrs Tomlinson, 48, said: ‘I’ve been told not to comment.’

A neighbour said: ‘I’d be staggered if he was caught up in something like this. He’s a real studious type of boy who barely leaves the house.’

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New member
Dec 27, 2004
The inmates of HM Prisons will no doubt be teaching him the error of his ways in the years to come. He is 18 so will be tried as an adult. Doubt nerds who slash up 14 year-old girl's faces with kitchen knives while trying to kill them are liked much in prison. He deserves whatever they dish out.

I feel bad for the girl though - she will be disfigured for life from this attack. No wonder she wanted to break up with this nutcase.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Stabbing a 14 year old girl nine times is well past "Idiot".
I mean he is an idiot for completely failing to heed the classic statement that should be above the door of every law office: "Think before ye act".

Sure, teenage breakups are emotional/hurtful - I suffered through a couple in the day and it feels like being run over by a truck.

However, any rational person of 18 who stopped to think for two minutes about truth and consequences would conclude that the course of action he was planning to execute (depraved and bloody murder/attemted murder of a minor in front of 60 witnesses) is not in his self-interest. Yes, his act is barbaric, disgusting, and antisocial - more than idiotic in how it relates to the victim. In how it relates to his future, it is idiotic. He is a geeky basement dweller who neighbours said was studious. If he thought about his future he would have concluded that the best place for nerds to have good lives is to continue his studies and go into a profession or be a creative person with computers, etc to give himself the income to live well. This would attract new girls. The place he does NOT want to be is in a maximum security prison serving 10-25 with a history of slashing schoolgirls in the face and trying to kill them. It is common knowledge that thin, nerdy guys of 18 do not have good times in prison with older violent offenders, esp with what he is in there for is hanging over him. His life in there will be hell. He deserves it, however if he thought for two minutes of quiet reflection at home about what he was going to do before he had grabbed a carving knife and gotten in his car, specifically the ways this choice would effect his future (or lack thereof) he might very well have not gotten in his car. Two minutes of thought was too much for him, hence I think he is an idiot. Depraved a****** too, yes, but an idiot first.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Update: They charged him with attempted murder.

('Boyfriend', 18, charged with attempted murder after knife attack on 14-year-old girl at her school gates)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Sure, teenage breakups are emotional/hurtful - I suffered through a couple in the day and it feels like being run over by a truck.
Yes, I think any break-up feels like being run over by a truck, but as we have more exprience we find that there can be even worse pains - such a marrying someone we should not have, and going through the resulting divorce.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Yes, I think any break-up feels like being run over by a truck, but as we have more exprience we find that there can be even worse pains - such a marrying someone we should not have, and going through the resulting divorce.
Yes, I see your point. That would indeed be even worse heartbreak :(
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