IBM layoffs raise ire in N.Y. State Assembly

Just sharing another sad news ....


Fallout from the job cuts spread over social networks

March 26, 2009 (Computerworld) Social network Twitter and message boards brought the fallout of IBM's layoffs on Thursday to life, as employees posted the news about their job losses in real time.

But there was political reaction as well. A State Assembly member questioned how a company that receives taxpayer assistance can also cut employees and move jobs overseas.

New York State Assemblyman Greg Ball, a Republican whose district includes IBM's home county of Westchester, called for a legislative hearing to look into IBM's layoffs in light of the state's multi-million-dollar investments to help the company.

"My fear is that IBM has planned to offshore large portions of [its] business and meanwhile [is] accepting taxpayers dollars under a guise of keeping those positions here," Ball said in an interview. "And if that's the case, then those dollars should be return."

IBM officials could not immediately reached for comment.

Last July, New York said that it would provide $140 million in grants to IBM, which in turn was investing $1.5 billion to create 1,000 new jobs in nanotechnology. The agreement also included $65 million in provisions to help IBM retain jobs at its East Fishkill plant in Dutchess County, an area also represented by Ball.

IBM confirmed its job action but declined to provide any detail about how many employees are affected or where they are located. The Alliance@IBM, which was expecting between 4,000 and 5,000 layoffs, said by Thursday evening it had counted 3,251 workers who had been laid off and given a severance package.

The union believes that IBM is shifting jobs overseas. One IBM employee, who wished to remain anonymous, said managers were vague about the reason for the layoffs, citing the economy generally. "All I am hearing is they have to make hard decisions based on the economy," the employee said. But the employee also pointed out that IBM's services unit was doing well and making a profit -- something the company has cited in its financial reports.

Ron Hira , an assistant professor of public policy at the Rochester Institute of Technology and author of Outsourcing America, said IBM has spelled out a plan in to shift jobs to India and "they are executing on it: Jettison high-cost workers in the U.S. and substitute them for workers in low-cost countries like India."

IBM's offshoring could also put raise questions about projects funded under the government's massive stimulus. "If policy makers want to create jobs with taxpayer dollars then they ought to ensure this creates jobs in the U.S. and not in India or other countries," said Hira. "IBM is clearly trying to hide the fact that stimulus dollars it receives will actually create jobs overseas rather than here in America."

On a union message board, layoff news was shared.

"I just [received a] call from my manager and got 30-day notice.... Good luck to all," wrote one, anonymously. There were messages on Twitter, as well, with one person lamenting how he wished he hadn't turned on his cell phone to hear the bad news. Another asked people on Twitter to re-tweet news of his layoff.

Like others, he is now looking for a job.



New member
Sep 26, 2006
IBM has already make statements that it is not just an American company, rather an "international" company, thus their "I" in the corporate logo. IBM felt that being an international company, they are looking after the welfare of their international employee community rather than just the ones employeed in North America territories. Thus eliminating jobs in US and Canada is deemed as normal operation measure. Wonder if Sam Palmasino, CEO of IBM, still care and recognized that without the startup by Tom Watson, founder of IBM, in North America, where is IBM's global expansion be today. Certainly Tom Watson wanted IBM to grow beyond the North America continents, his intention is without severely killing jobs locally to fund the globalization movement.

Training was a big part of IBM's culture in the past. Employee used to receive skills training as part of their total compensation package. Nowadays, US/Canadian employees are asked to use their skills to train offshore staffs then being told their positions are no longer exist in the local region. Isn’t it quite simply taking the approach of "skill transfer = job lost".

Not only did IBM lost its most valuable value of “Respect for individual” motto, Sam hasn’t inspire why someone really wants to be part of IBM, the past contributors of the company used to proud themselves as being known as IBMer, now a lots of them certainly felt that they are IBMnever.
erotica-hk said:
IBM has already make statements that it is not just an American company, rather an "international" company, thus their "I" in the corporate logo. IBM felt that being an international company, they are looking after the welfare of their international employee community rather than just the ones employeed in North America territories. Thus eliminating jobs in US and Canada is deemed as normal operation measure. Wonder if Sam Palmasino, CEO of IBM, still care and recognized that without the startup by Tom Watson, founder of IBM, in North America, where is IBM's global expansion be today. Certainly Tom Watson wanted IBM to grow beyond the North America continents, his intention is without severely killing jobs locally to fund the globalization movement.

Training was a big part of IBM's culture in the past. Employee used to receive skills training as part of their total compensation package. Nowadays, US/Canadian employees are asked to use their skills to train offshore staffs then being told their positions are no longer exist in the local region. Isn’t it quite simply taking the approach of "skill transfer = job lost".

Not only did IBM lost its most valuable value of “Respect for individual” motto, Sam hasn’t inspire why someone really wants to be part of IBM, the past contributors of the company used to proud themselves as being known as IBMer, now a lots of them certainly felt that they are IBMnever.
Very well said. OK, it is obvious why I feel so negative about this company. I used to be an IBMer....a very proud one. Without going through any details, I gambled my life on it. I left the company because of their dirty office politics. As God is my witness, this was a big shock to so many inside the company.

Anyhow .... today, I continue doing my best with all my power to serve my clients to the best of my abilities so that they don't have to deal with IBM, HP and all others who try to send out our jobs overseas.

After all, IBM couldn't be IBM if it wasn't because of hardworking individuals like myself and thousands other so talented people across North America. NOT bunch of useless gutless idiots .... like Sam himself and their shareholders.


Spanked by Josie@Cupids
Mar 11, 2009
Brand loyalty is one thing.
But I believe in tough economic times the consumer dictates what the big company's will or will not do. I myself look for companies with a large Canadian Employee base when making my decision to buy something. I avoid dollar stores unless China is the only place a product is made.
I avoid buying clothing made in china or india and would rather buy Canadian or US products and services.
FIDO & Rogers have their call centres in Canada.
Telus does as well.
Dell tried going to India and lost a high percentage of customers because of it and they pulled back into north america.
I am sorry but if you want my money for a product I think you owe me a product made in Canada or at least North America. One must be conscious of their economy. Think of it this way. If you buy Canadian you keep Canadian's Employed. Doing that you guarantee your business' success and your own employment.
I wonder how these "Outsourcing to india" execs would react if their job went to India? People have to learn to put themselves in other's shoes. Sure you pay more for a Canadian or an American to make something but you also get a higher quality of construction and a higher quality product.


New member
Sep 26, 2006
Davy.Biggie said:
Brand loyalty is one thing.

I wonder how these "Outsourcing to india" execs would react if their job went to India? People have to learn to put themselves in other's shoes. Sure you pay more for a Canadian or an American to make something but you also get a higher quality of construction and a higher quality product.
The exec's worry is how much bonus $$$ based on those Outsourcing/offshoring deals bring to their pay cheques. Some even get a foreign assignment out of those deals and being treat like royal while you are in that situation. Sic.....

Can't comment on the remark regarding the quality of product construction created by local manufacturer. I haven't own a North American make vehicle for over a quarter of a century.
Davy.Biggie said:
I agree with every single word mentioned in your post!

Yes, same here and I always encourage everyone out there to do the same. Support Canada and what-ever made in our country.

DELL ... OMG ... I never forget that idiot face of Mr. Dell who had high hopes and very 1st who sent their call centre to India. I remember how he made fun of Apple ...

Over 10 years later ... look at Apple and Dell, as of today!

One day, it will be IBM's turn .... one day.

EDIT ---> I agree with your statement that ..."in tough economic times the consumer dictates what the big company's will or will not do", however, not always! IBM and many others started this years ago. In other words, what-ever it takes to make bunch of shareholders happy! Tust me. I used to be right in the middle of action for so many years.


Jan 26, 2006
IBM blows

I used to work for them, and one day they called us all into a meeting, and said, well people thanks for the great job and everything but your job is heading to india. they gave us about 2 or so month to find another job in IBM or stick until the end and get a 1000 bucks. This company is BS, there are more managers than employees and they send everything to india and phillipine.


Jan 26, 2006
lol, I wish that was the case. legally you are only allowed min 1 week per year but comapny can give more based on the package. I didn't even get that as i was there under 1 year and just got the hell out of there. bunch of clowns there
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