a lil help is good
I would have gladly called if I was in your area.
Interesting thing did happen tho, seems these kind of things always bring out the best in some. I live near a school and the plows had just passed so I was getting ready to head outside to get working. I heard what I thought was the guy who clears the school parking lot but it sounded different. I looked out the window and there was a tractor clearing what the snowplow deposited at the end of my driveway! Then he turned around and used his industrial strength snowblower to clear out the end of the driveway.
Of course I still had drifts up to my waist and a lot left to do with my snowblower but that was indeed a very pleasant surprise. As I was clearing the rest I noticed he was doing all the driveways on my street. As he drove past I waved and yelled thank you and motioned for him to come over so I could ask if I could give him something for his efforts...... he just waved and kept going. I didn't get to see where he came from and I'm sure someone will know who he is and where he lives so I can show my thanks.
I guess that's life in a small town ..... it ain't all bad .........