I was wondering about married sp's


New member
Oct 5, 2005
or sp's in a comitted relationship is it a problem for you or your partner or is it better to be single as a sp. me I have done both was married now just good friends. when I started I was just a dancer no problem there, but as guys offered me money and in larger amounts it was harder to turn them down. till one guy offered me 500 bucks to spend some time with him he was a regular lap dance client and I was comfortable with him and he was pretty good looking too.I finally accepted I was nervous and excited . he treated me with respect and was loving I was there two hours. we did a lot of different stuff he made me cum and I had a great time and was hooked on the escort thing.In the beginning I was feeling gulity so I fucked my husbands brains out for the next little while. he had no clue as to why .but the escorting continued and the guilt faded and some escort clients were even better than the first one. some have been absolute pigs ,a good with the bad type of thing well eventually I got busted and damn it was with a lap dance client that I had a crush on and was doing him free.put a serious crimp in our relationship. as my escorting increased and out sex life faded it finally ended. he became unable to have intercourse because of his diabetes now we are friends and he helps in a lot of ways, but I am free now to do as I please although there is still a lot of tension at times .so what other kinds of experiances are happening with other sp's I am just courious.right now not looking but then who knows I get so many offers some bs some real but they all want to control me so I stay single.but would like to settle down again sometime in the future just having too much fun right now


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
asianlady said:
In the beginning I was feeling gulity so I fucked my husbands brains out for the next little while.
note to my self:
*** need to send my SO to escort school ***


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
In a relationship it is important to be honest. Your SO may or may not approve -- depending on him. If it's a good enough relationship or marriage that you care about preserving, you will refrain from activity that he can't live with. If it isn't, then you will eventually find yourself sneaking away. In any case it's your decision. There's no one single rule for married SPs.


New member
Oct 5, 2005
likely too much information

but I did not set out to do any of this just happened and to tell the truth I didn't really get into the sex thing till I started escorting. before that wasn't much into it maybe my husband was a poor lover but I never really had orgasems till I started esscorting. once you discover that its hard to go back thats why I don't think I will get into another serious relationship till I retire from being a sp.


New member
Aug 15, 2005
asianlady said:
but I did not set out to do any of this just happened and to tell the truth I didn't really get into the sex thing till I started escorting. before that wasn't much into it maybe my husband was a poor lover but I never really had orgasems till I started esscorting. once you discover that its hard to go back thats why I don't think I will get into another serious relationship till I retire from being a sp.
ain't no guidebook for life, honey. You just gotta live what comes your way!


New member
Oct 5, 2005
thats what got me in trouble

going with my impluses but now I am my own woman and do as I please and I please a lot


New member
Sep 23, 2004
I agree with Rockyy -- you've got to play it by ear.

I'm married, and I was already an SP when I met and married my husband. Before him, I had relationships with a few other guys who initially said they thought it was terrific, but then changed their minds as we got more involved -- more often than not because it put them in position to have to deal with the image of being involved with a woman in our business.

My husband, though (lucky for me!), has never had any problems with my work. Lucky, I say, because I love both him and my job, and I wouldn't want to have to choose. I think he loves it mostly because it allows me to make around the same amount most women my age do going out to a 40-hour/week job, but yet, I'm home most of the time. I know this must sound weird, but in many ways, we're probably more traditional than many couples our age, in that we believe that a home needs a "homemaker."

Whatever! It works. These days, I think the only way you can judge any situation is by whether it works.

I can't imagine him feeling jealous, even when I really enjoy myself at work, because we just don't see it that way. It's a job -- and I don't think it's unreasonable for either of us to want to enjoy our work. His profession (when not throwing innocent students out of perfectly good aircraft) is fixing business equipment. He fixes other people's equipment, he fixes mine. I don't get jealous when he does it for someone else. I can't see why he would feel jealous when I do my thing with someone else. After all, we both know our way home and who we're committed to.



New member
Feb 10, 2005
That's interesting about your husband being fine with your escorting, I don't know how I'd be in that position. I know of a few others in similar setups.
I think the hardest part would be if your friends or family knew of the situation and made sly digs at him or you, I hope you don't face this.


New member
Oct 5, 2005
well for me

my friends and family don't know and my husband had a feeling of being turned on by it .just had a problem with me not being completely honest about it kept too much from him .feeling like I was protecting his feelings but in the end it hurt more not telling .like I said he was helpful took me to out calls acted as my back up, but there were a couple of times I went to the call feeling sort of ho hum and came out with such a buzz was hard to hide the fact that I had a great time at the call. so he wold ask how it went I would say ok, but it was so much better than ok at times the thing that hurt the most for him was losing his erections


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
As long as you are happy with yourself and have no regrets at the end of the day more power too you.
Biggest thing in life is to be happy with yourself.


New member
Oct 5, 2005
sure I feel a little guilty

he was and still is a pretty good man hard working and was relitively supportiv.never sat back and lived off me always had a job and worked hard at them so sure some guilt in centering no my own fun and plesure


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
asianlady said:
he was and still is a pretty good man hard working and was relitively supportiv.never sat back and lived off me always had a job and worked hard at them so sure some guilt in centering no my own fun and plesure
Hey asianlady, these days it's not enough for husbands to be hard working. They have to also work around the house, look after the kids in the evening and weekends, watch girlie shows on TV, forget about their own hobbies, continuously listen to their non-working wife to whatelse they've done wrong, expect little or no sex.

If your ex did all that you can feel a little guilty. Otherwise, just think of it as a move in the right direction.


New member
Oct 5, 2005
he wasn't perfect

didn't like cutting the grass or gardening and well chick flicks forget it he liked blow em up movies and action one thing we agreed on was a good porno movie sometimes


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Svend said:
That's interesting about your husband being fine with your escorting, I don't know how I'd be in that position. I know of a few others in similar setups.
I think the hardest part would be if your friends or family knew of the situation and made sly digs at him or you, I hope you don't face this.
Of course there have been people like that we've had to deal with over the years -- both within the family and socially -- but neither of us took that personally. That's their attitude problem, not ours. Some people have nothing more exciting to do in their lives than take "sly digs." Whatever!

But you're right, that often does end up being the deal breaker in our relationships. A lot of guys think it would be just "peachy" to date an escort -- until they find themselves walking a few steps in our shoes. Then their true colours often come out.

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