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You'd think the liberals would learn to shut their mouths. What have they done that hasn't backfired on them since they began their all out assault on the POTUS?

" All around the country, Hispanic consumers are voting with their wallets in response, and Goya products in many stores are being limited to just two per customer since the wokesters declared war on the company. PJ Media reports that shoppers are “posting photos of empty Goya grocery shelves in their area.”

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
You'd think the liberals would learn to shut their mouths. What have they done that hasn't backfired on them since they began their all out assault on the POTUS?

" All around the country, Hispanic consumers are voting with their wallets in response, and Goya products in many stores are being limited to just two per customer since the wokesters declared war on the company. PJ Media reports that shoppers are “posting photos of empty Goya grocery shelves in their area.”
It’s like these guys want to lose so bad and they keep making it so much easier especially causing many of their own to jump their sinking titanic. I think they just need an excuse to play victim and scream, bitch, cry and complain for another 4 more years lol

I can’t wait till November to hear our resident left compadres screaming in unison to this..



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It’s like these guys want to lose so bad and they keep making it so much easier especially causing many of their own to jump their sinking titanic. I think they just need an excuse to play victim and scream, bitch, cry and complain for another 4 more years lol

I can’t wait till November to hear our resident left compadres screaming in unison to this..
Trump has called for boycotts on Apple, Amazon and a bunch of other companies.
If you're unbiased why don't you care about those?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Trump has called for boycotts on Apple, Amazon and a bunch of other companies.
If you're unbiased why don't you care about those?
Every human is biased. Last time I checked am also.

I will stop using Apple and Amazon for my personal use if I notice they forward this toxic ideology of cancel culture. I respect that apple is trying to protect our privacy especially with the new iOS update and their many resistance to FBI to break into devices. I agree Bezos is a major deuchebag, but I haven’t seen them yet contributing to this toxic mess and social engineering happening with this BLM and cancel culture Orange Man bad movement.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Every human is biased. Last time I checked am also.

I will stop using Apple and Amazon for my personal use if I notice they forward this toxic ideology of cancel culture. I respect that apple is trying to protect our privacy especially with the new iOS update and their many resistance to FBI to break into devices. I agree Bezos is a major deuchebag, but I haven’t seen them yet contributing to this toxic mess and social engineering happening with this BLM and cancel culture Orange Man bad movement.
I see, so you agree that boycotts are fine.
You just disapprove of people of colour using them?
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
So why are you so upset that lots of people decided to use their personal choice to boycott Goya, like Trump tried to get Apple boycotted?
Cancel culture. They are being told by their collective who to cancel and are using this as their priority over their personal choice. Similar to the ‘burn the witch at the steak mentality”. The collective spoke for the individuals. Individuals were to afraid to make a personal decision in fear of retribution.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Cancel culture. They are being told by their collective who to cancel and are using this as their priority over their personal choice. Similar to the ‘burn the witch at the steak mentality”. The collective spoke for the individuals. Individuals were to afraid to make a personal decision in fear of retribution.
Its exactly what Trump does, yet you won't call that 'cancel culture'.
You are just using that as an excuse to be against left wingers using boycotts while being for right wingers doing the exact same thing.
You are rationalizing your hypocrisy.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Its exactly what Trump does, yet you won't call that 'cancel culture'.
You are just using that as an excuse to be against left wingers using boycotts while being for right wingers doing the exact same thing.
You are rationalizing your hypocrisy.
Tell me one thing I have boycotted that Trump told me to boycott. I didn’t care about trump until I have seen the intolerance the left are applying against trump supporters, all the violence, all the bigotry and all the hate.

All I used to do on terb was post love songs, talk to girls, and post topics about existential issues and read the lounge section. I have barely ever posted anything in the politics section or even bother to check here.

See you are projecting what you are doing on me with the boycotting and you are not even noticing it.

As far as I am aware or can remember I have not boycotted a product ever. See this is your problem. You see someone say something positive about trump and you automatically box them in, label them and assume they all act and do the same. This is intolerance and you are not seeing it. Taking the worst and applying this label on everyone. You can’t see this. All you think about is defending your ideology and paradigm lock. Your ego is causing a backlash and not allowing you to see people have a right to their own political opinions without your labelled, put down and run through the mud and toxic of your thoughts.

I have now stopped listen to all the fake news such as CNN, Fox, New York Times, Time, etc...because I can’t stand propaganda for either side based on personal choice.

Twitter is still an option to get many opinions on one issue instantly and integrate the truth yourself, even though it getting also quite concerning with its cancel culture and support for the left.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Tell me one thing I have boycotted that Trump told me to boycott. I didn’t care about trump until I have seen the intolerance the left are applying against trump supporters, all the violence, all the bigotry and all the hate.

All I used to do on terb was post love songs, talk to girls, and post topics about existential issues and read the lounge section. I have barely ever posted anything in the politics section or even bother to check here.

See you are projecting what you are doing on me with the boycotting and you are not even noticing it.

As far as I am aware or can remember I have not boycotted a product ever. See this is your problem. You see someone say something positive about trump and you automatically box them in, label them and assume they all act and do the same. This is intolerance and you are not seeing it. Taking the worst and applying this label on everyone. You can’t see this. All you think about is defending your ideology and paradigm lock. Your ego is causing a backlash and not allowing you to see people have a right to their own political opinions without your labelled, put down and run through the mud and toxic of your thoughts.

I have now stopped listen to all the fake news such as CNN, Fox, New York Times, Time, etc...because I can’t stand propaganda for either side based on personal choice.

Twitter is still an option to get many opinions on one issue instantly and integrate the truth yourself, even though it getting also quite concerning with its cancel culture and support for the left.
It doesn't matter if you personally boycotted or not, what matters is that you accept boycotts called by right wingers but are against boycotts called by left wingers.
I'm not boycotting Goya, not that I buy much of their stuff anyways, its better to make your own refried beans or salsa. I am boycotting Home Depot and shopping at Rona instead, big deal.
There is no left wing puppetmaster telling everyone what they must do, people hear what the CEO said and make their own decisions.

Its hypocritical to say left wing boycotts are wrong because you personally label them 'cancel culture' and you won't apply that label to right wing boycotts.
You are free to boycott whatever the fuck you want and I'll say fine. If Kanye West tells you to boycott water, or the proud boys say boycott July 4 then go ahead.
Trump says boycott Apple, go to it.

All of those would be just as much 'cancel culture' as any other boycotts. That's the point of a boycott, don't buy something if their products or practices offend you.

Its personal choice, not cancel culture.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It doesn't matter if you personally boycotted or not, what matters is that you accept boycotts called by right wingers but are against boycotts called by left wingers.
I'm not boycotting Goya, not that I buy much of their stuff anyways, its better to make your own refried beans or salsa. I am boycotting Home Depot and shopping at Rona instead, big deal.
There is no left wing puppetmaster telling everyone what they must do, people hear what the CEO said and make their own decisions.

Its hypocritical to say left wing boycotts are wrong because you personally label them 'cancel culture' and you won't apply that label to right wing boycotts.
You are free to boycott whatever the fuck you want and I'll say fine. If Kanye West tells you to boycott water, or the proud boys say boycott July 4 then go ahead.
Trump says boycott Apple, go to it.

All of those would be just as much 'cancel culture' as any other boycotts. That's the point of a boycott, don't buy something if their products or practices offend you.

Its personal choice, not cancel culture.
But it is bad when "fake leftists" do it.
That's it. That's the whole argument.
It is possible, given his comments elsewhere about always following the law, that he thinks that a boycott encouraged by The Leader is automatically correct and the problem is just that the people calling for Goya boycotts are out of power. He could switch sides based on who wins - but that's not clear yet.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
But it is bad when "fake leftists" do it.
That's it. That's the whole argument.
It is possible, given his comments elsewhere about always following the law, that he thinks that a boycott encouraged by The Leader is automatically correct and the problem is just that the people calling for Goya boycotts are out of power. He could switch sides based on who wins - but that's not clear yet.
You are on crack if you think that.

Unlike many of your compadres on here, I would give 0 fcks if trump wins or loses. I support individuality and choice. The only reason I am getting involved because I don’t like how intolerant you guys are to trump supporters and automatically start getting personal and trying to attack trump supporters charter as is evident in many attempts on me here, especially with your labelling and dehumanizing.

Anyone who blindly follows their leader is a lost cause, like the cancel culture mobs are.

Point is these type of people are applying bully and fear tactics to shame and control Trump supporters and show their collective intolerance, then they pretend are victims and try to project it back on a Trump. Ohh its their choice bullshit. They don’t care how much Goya has helped the community and donated food and support, employed the minorities, and is a good business. One of their leaders AOC has told them what to do and the follow like mindless BOTs ?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But it is bad when "fake leftists" do it.
That's it. That's the whole argument.
It is possible, given his comments elsewhere about always following the law, that he thinks that a boycott encouraged by The Leader is automatically correct and the problem is just that the people calling for Goya boycotts are out of power. He could switch sides based on who wins - but that's not clear yet.
I still can't figure out what he means by 'fake leftists', unless he believes he is the only real leftist on this board.
Him and butler.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Point is these type of people are applying bully and fear tactics to shame and control Trump supporters and show their collective intolerance, then they pretend are victims and try to project it back on a Trump. Ohh its their choice bullshit. They don’t care how much Goya has helped the community and donated food and support, employed the minorities, and is a good business. One of their leaders AOC has told them what to do and the follow like mindless BOTs ?
Just like Trump telling his base to boycott Apple and 14 other companies.
We get it, only you can tell us which boycotts are fair.
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