I have been contemplating heavily on weather or not on the idea of dating sex workers is a good one. I mean...the entire point of me seeing strippers, MPAs and escorts is that I don't HAVE to date them to see them. I thought of them as they are designed to bypass the dating process to hit them first base (Depending on their boundaries). I go to strip clubs and I tell strippers that I like when women get their boobs done, nails done long, BBLs , botox work done and they tell me that I should get a girlfriend that's a stripper, I care more about a woman's appearance over their personality, and I would prefer to be with a woman who gets my dick hard and manages to get me to bite my bottom lip when I look at her over a girl who puts a smile on my face everytime I look at her. Sex workers are great for that. I like women with lingerie and high stilletto heels on over civilian outfits. Sex workers are great for that. I like women that dolls themselves up like a pornstar with plastic surgery and alluring perfume on. Sex workers are great for that. Basically, i think about and acquaint myself with sex workers so much that I might as well have an open-relationship with one and learn to accept that she sees clients for a living. Is this a good idea?