I Just Have To Get This Out


New member
Jan 13, 2008
Please bear with me. As you know I am not a regular poster, and the only reason I came on this board in the first place was to witness for myself all the rumors and accusations flying around about me. As it turns out, they are all deleted and no one is saying anything. This is frustrating the hell out of me, and I am going to make a move that will likely condemn me further in your eyes. But this injustice is scathing and insulting, and it really speaks ill that so many will believe whatever they are told.

For one, I have heard that I apparently have AIDS. For those who have seen me, you will know that I don't do anything at all that could possibly put me or my client at risk. Those who haven't seen me are left to believe what they choose to believe.

I don't know what was said about how I came to leave PK, but let me clear this up. I had a cousin die. Yes, someone that I loved and was close to DIED. Natuarally, the last thing on my mind was to call my agency, and I took full blame for that. However, I think it is very wrong to be blackballed because of a family emergency.

I don't know the extent of the other rumors flying around, but I'm going to have my say and then that's it. Take what you will and believe what you will.

I don't do drugs. I don't smoke pot, I don't even drink coffee. I do smoke cigarettes, but even I don't like the smell of it, if that tells you anything. I put safety before anything else. I am educated and intelligent and I know more than enough about the illnesses and diseases that are plaguing mankind to sufficiently cause me concern for safety. I want to live a long healthy, happy life, and I'm sure my clients do, too. So I make sure that we take necessary precautions to ensure safety and mutual pleasure. I am hygeinic and am always clean. I present myself rather naturally, which may or may not be to some men's liking. In my private life I don't wear a lot of makeup and at work its the same. I dress classy but sexy for appointments. I treat my clients with dignity and respect, and make sure to try to get them to laugh as much as possible. Getting laid is great, but having fun while you're doing it is even better.

I am really disenchanted that people feel the need to be so vindictive and spiteful. And I'm really distraught that so many will believe what they are told without doing independant study or research. But that's the way the world works, and I will ever be frustrated and annoyed at the unjustices humans preform on one another. That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for hearing me out, even if you don't belive a word of what I say.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Well written, sorry you had to write it in the first place.

Hard to fake the emotion you put into that, I believe you are sincere.

Good luck Lindsey, I'll keep an eye out for you!!


New member
Sep 16, 2006
Gatineau/Old Hull
Wow, do i know EXACTLY how you feel....someone tried to start similar rumors about me a while back and it's definately the opposite of fun. Posting in regards to the matter , I'd have to say, was a far better choice than staying silent. Good luck and stay safe!


Some guys seem to forget that the SPs we see are human beings first, SPs second. I wish they'd learn to give respect if they hope to get any in return. In this "hobby" both parties need to have thick skin at times, it shouldn't have to be that way but it is.

Don't let the few speak for the many ...... there's far more good folks here than the couple of bad apples that drop in to try to disrupt good people from having a little fun. Keep your chin up!
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