Bad credit can effect more then most people think. You could be denied services like cell phone or cable. Pay huge deposits for shit like your hydro or gas or water if you need those in the future. If you want a mortgage/car loan, forget it - although based on how you worded this, it seems that is not something being cared about.
Creditors can go after you as stated, and you won’t get new credit cards. Forget ordering online for anything, or go through the hassle of pre-paid cards. Which if you need something that is 110.00, you most likely have to buy a card for 150/200 plus activation fees, and if the card is lost or stolen, you are screwed for the money.
Bad credit is horrible and those who don’t care, well…..let life be a pain in the ass. I can’t imagine living with bad credit. I know I am safe if an emergency happens. I have more credit then I actually need. Literally just canceled a card I don’t ever use, just yesterday.
You are better to make a payment plan with the CC company and just pay it off. Make a settlement and gain no further interest, pay it and it will look better on your credit