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I have 20/20 vision... NOW!!


Jul 29, 2003
A few months ago i was asking members if they had any information on laser eye surgery. Some responded with advice. Well i made arrangements to have Lasik surgery. (Lasik is a spacific laser eye procedure.) Yesterday August 5 i had the surgery. I just got back from my post - op check up and i have 20/20 vision. Which is a far cry from the -4.75 diopter i had before going in. I couldn't read my bed side clock which had 1 inch high glowing red numbers from 2 feet away and now...........the whole thing is so bloody amazing. Even when i rolled of the operating table, in that instant i could see better, things were fuzzy, but better. Today 24 hours later i'm just amazed at the outcome. No more glasses. I may in time have to have reading glasses but thats not a big deal. At least for most of my daily activity i am glasses free. Who hoo!

The cost for 2 eyes and all the eye drop medication you need was $ 1035. There is an Extended Vision Plan option if you choose. If you don't choose a plan then if for any reason you need another surgery then you have to pay half of the fee. If you participate in the plan then the fee is waved. 1 year coverage was $196 and 3 years was $294. Again this is an option. The doctors never make any guarantees.

I love the outcome and would encourage everyone to look into laser eye surgery. --- Kev


New member
Dec 21, 2003
Um can you explaine the vison plan? Also did it hurt? :)

Other then that, how is your night vision now?


Jun 17, 2004
Eye surgery is not for everyone. There are risks, some people will have to undergo multiple operations to get it done right. Others have completely lost their sight (although this is rare). I am completely happy with contacts, and, personally, I don't want to risk my vision at the cost of vanity/convenience, no matter how small the risk may be.


Jul 29, 2003
I had big concerns like everyone else, and because of it i did my research. I don't feel that having eye surgery is being vain and if it is then so is using contacts. There are still risks to using contacts. At some point we all individual have to draw the line.

rubmeister100 is correct most of the problems that occur are the result of patients that don't follow procedure. Granted machines can fail and there is always human error to factor in, but the success rate is 98%.

The clinic i attended was Lasik MD located in Vancouver. They do have clinics across canada.

Nayo... i haven't been out at night to comment on that.

Also because the procedure is not perfect there is a chance that regression with your vision can occur, and in a few months you may need surgery to fine tune your eyes. So if you have no plan then you pay half the fee for the first year and the full fee once the year from your surgery date expires. If you have a 1 Year Plan or 3 Year Plan that covers you for 1/3 year from the time of your first surgery. In this time frame if your require surgery then you don't pay anything. They have a Life Long Plan as well that covers your eyes forever. If at anytime you need to have surgery to fix regression then you don't pay anything. The problem i found with all these plans is if you read the fine print they can only do so much then they have to stop. You only have so much cornea to play with.

There are other types of laser surgeries out there and a potential patient really needs to do there homework and check them all out. They have No Touch PRK which doesn't use a laser at all. And from what i here it produces excellant results. --- Kev


2,487 times in 14.48 yrs
Jan 26, 2004
I am flabbergasted. I spoke to my Optometerist about the possibility of getting laser surgery. He recommended TLC and Herzig.

They were both in the same ballpark; $5500 for both eyes.

Thanx for the info Kev.


New member
Jun 8, 2002
I had Lasik about 2 1/2 years ago. I Got it done at the Gimbel eye centre and cost me about $850 per eye,which ended up close to $1900 total. If you are a suitable candidate for the process,why not go give it a shot,its an relatively painless procedure. As someone already said,there are minor risks but all of them are 1% or less then that but its worth the price. Strangely though,I find myself wearing sunglasses far too often wherever I go these days.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I hadf mine done a year ago at LASIK MD in Niagara Falls.

I would reccomend it to anyone. Take the time to look into it and see if you are a canidate for the sugery.

As for the dreaded HALOS at night? I never had a problem with them but some do. I have noticed the eyes are dryer then before
but a drop of visine now and then is worth it.
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