Toronto Escorts

I am looking for... any suggestions?


Nov 6, 2004
Well yes.. I think I will take a dip in the water this week sometime and I need some suggestions. I know this is very unlike me... but I have been having 2 different desires. Since I know there are a few agencies out there, 1/2 are rarely ever talked about with only 2-3 ever really being talked about on here I am hoping someone can suggest something that I have not read yet.

1. Blonde, young looking 19-28, small (5'2-5'8) and slimish, small perky breasts, yes.. I do like small breasts one of the few guys I think that do. She doesnt have to be a total GFE..but I do like affection.. and not a robot. School girl outfit optional hehe. :) Blonde CAN be substituded for Brunette but she better have the best looking face ever.

Also interested if there are any taller (above 5'10) ladies around.
Toronto Escorts