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Hypnosis tapes to increase your libido

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Subliminal tapes are considered so mainstream I went to a MD who offered them and OHIP paid half the bill

I am aware of number of MDs who use the technique

My point is they are not complete BS

This tape is similar to the ones my MD made for me

I sit in a chair and repetitive music is in the background then she talks into the my earphones, through a mike, and I have a tape to take home

She would talk about whatever my problem was telling my subconscious how to overcome the problem, such as a inability to concentrate, lose weight, stop smoking - we went through a number of issues - there would be times multiple voices would track over each while speaking to my subconscious

Tapes are amazing. No matter how many times I listen to them I always find something new in them which seems verfy odd as they are only 17 minutes

As to their efficacy I find them hard to assess as there is no way to assess them scientifically and my opinion is influenced by the power of suggestion

These tapes have strong similarities to her tapes and are about sex

increase your libido


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
erectile dysfunction


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I wonder the same thing

But, OHIP does cover some of it if a MD does it and they are conservative and several MDs are into it

So, fuck, I remain on the fence

I do know some people are extremely easy to hypnotize while others cannot be hypnotized, maybe that has something to do with it
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