Hummer Versus School Bus


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Well it is a GM afterall......There were no North American auto makers in the top annual safety ratings for vehicles.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Fake pics, if you look closely the bumber of the school bus bumper isn't even scratched let alone bent. If you zoom in you will also see the school bus image is pixellated up until it meets the hummer then it is smoothed.

Anyhow, that's my take, it's a good fake, but it is still a fake.

Just think about the physics involved: the hummer is high, the school bus is high. So how did the front of the hummer get UNDER the school bus?


Oct 30, 2005
tboy said:
Fake pics, if you look closely the bumber of the school bus bumper isn't even scratched let alone bent. If you zoom in you will also see the school bus image is pixellated up until it meets the hummer then it is smoothed.

Anyhow, that's my take, it's a good fake, but it is still a fake.

Just think about the physics involved: the hummer is high, the school bus is high. So how did the front of the hummer get UNDER the school bus?
WTF you think they faked it from 3 angles??? (you saw all three pics right?)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Looks like an H3 which is the least of the Hummers


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
smiley1437 said:
WTF you think they faked it from 3 angles??? (you saw all three pics right?)
Yup, that's what I think, how else can you explain the fact that the bus bumper isn't even scratched?

I know they are pretty heavy duty bumpers but man, I'd like to know what paint they use if it can stand up to that impact and not even scratch....

Also, think about it, if the Hummer sits at about the same height as the school bus, how the heck could it get so far UNDER it? Was the bus doing a chinese wheelie at the time?

I could see this being a real accident if the hummer front was compressed, but it isn't, it's flattened.

Also, take a look at the Hummer's right front tire in the first picture. It is almost under the bus' tail light and lying flat. In the second picture it is under the back door and leaning at an angle. Did the whole accident reposition itself for the second photo? Umm I doubt it....

here's another thing: look at the first picture, it looks like there are 2 x 4's or something under the right rear door of the hummer yet in the second, they're gone.

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
tboy said:
Yup, that's what I think, how else can you explain the fact that the bus bumper isn't even scratched?
Well that would entirely depend on where the Hummer was when emergency services arrived on the scene. The point of impact could be a bit further to the driver's side but the vehicle either settled further to the passenger side or maybe was even moved there by rescue efforts. As such the part of the bumper that took the actual hit might be demolished where we can't see it.

As for how it got under the bus, the idiot might've had the front end lowered (ya know, to be cool) and then it could've lowered further still if he slammed on the brakes at the last second (I'm assuming no skid marks due to ABS). That could easily get it under and you can tell it still hit the bus really hard because the 3rd picture shows the back wheel of the bus not even on the ground.

The positioning of the loose wheel could be a product of the interval at which the pictures were taken. I think they were taken in order from bottom to top (which also explains the 2x4s under the Hummer in the top pic as it might be used by rescue services for some application related to separating the two vehicles).

But you're could be a fake but I think there is enough science to say it could be plausible as well if you take certain things into consideration.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, I don't care one way or t'other but I see no reason to jack up the bus, move the hummer to the left or right, then put the bus back down and then replace the hummer's front wheel.

Couple that with the fact that yes, in one shot the bus wheels are like 10" off the ground and the next shot it looks like they're touching the ground with no repositioning of the hummer. Just too many oddities IMO.

Another thing I noticed but didn't add it to my previous post is you see the date/temp symbol in the corner? Funny how the time didn't change at all from one pic to the next....You'd think it would take more than a minute to get around all the ER people to take another pic......and that includes the fact that whoever took the pics, had to be precisely at the beginning of a minute in order to take both shots within the same minute.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
This may help solve the debate (or not);

There's an actual article on the crash:

One person was injured this morning when a sport utility vehicle crashed into a school bus on the Near Southside.

Indianapolis Fire Department rescue workers work to free the driver of a Hummer that crashed into the back end of an IPS school bus this morning. - Matt Kryger / The Star

No children were on the Indianapolis Public Schools bus when it collided with the SUV at Terrace Avenue and Madison Avenue, north of Manual High School, at 10:19 a.m., according to Marion County police dispatch.
Police closed Madison Avenue near Pleasant Run Parkway North Drive while firefighters worked to extricate the driver of the SUV out of the vehicle, dispatch said.

The victim was awake and transported to an area hospital, dispatch said. The victim’s name and condition were not immediately available.

Mary Louise Bewley, spokeswoman for IPS, said the bus had dropped off students at Manual shortly before the accident. The driver did not have any serious injuries, Bewley said


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hey guess I'm wrong but damn that picture looked dodgy to me and still does......

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
tboy said:
Hey guess I'm wrong but damn that picture looked dodgy to me and still does......
No worries. It's sometimes hard to tell because the compression of distance in a photograph makes perspectives look odd, especially with something mangled like a crash. That could be what was making it look "dodgy". ;)

On the plus side, makes you feel good about having your kids in a school bus, doesn't it?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
The Daulfin said:
No worries. It's sometimes hard to tell because the compression of distance in a photograph makes perspectives look odd, especially with something mangled like a crash. That could be what was making it look "dodgy".

On the plus side, makes you feel good about having your kids in a school bus, doesn't it?

I don't have any kids but yeah, the body isn't even crumpled where the Hummer hit it.....that's pretty amazing...I still want some of that paint they used on the bumper too :D


Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
I hope the driver came out ok.......and from a parents perspective ...gladd to see that the bus won...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't know about the driver but hell, him being "ok" is just about impossible. Hell, the driver's seat was re-located into the BACK seat.....

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
tboy said:
I don't know about the driver but hell, him being "ok" is just about impossible. Hell, the driver's seat was re-located into the BACK seat.....
Well Tboy, I can totally agree with your assessment on this one. I'd be surprised if the driver didn't have his legs crushed as a result but the article did say he was awake for transport to the hospital so I'm kinda shocked he didn't have more severe damage.

Regardless, any moron who hits a stationary orange school bus deserves whatever fate they get and this guy might've gotten off easy without a heavy bitchslap from Darwin. ;)
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