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Howard Dean's brilliant SOTU response


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Remember this? "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Those are George Bush's famous 16 words from his 2003 State of the Union address, delivered less than two months before he sent troops into war in Iraq.

They were false. Three years later Americans are still demanding answers on the manipulation of intelligence by an administration eager to start a war.

Americans have a lot of questions that went unanswered tonight.

When George Bush delivered his State of the Union address, he had a big megaphone and the world's attention. He had the opportunity to regain some degree of credibility with the American people -- more than half of whom disapprove of his performance as president. But he failed to answer the real questions ordinary Americans have about the state of our union:

When will we have a new strategy in Iraq that protects American lives? Violence is increasing, not decreasing there and the mismanagement of this war has cost the lives of Americans and billions of dollars in fraud. And when will we secure our ports and chemical and nuclear plants, which remain vulnerable?

When will the Republican Party put its responsibility to the people before its greed and thirst for power? The Republican culture of corruption in the executive and legislative branches has violated the law and cost taxpayers billions.

When will President Bush and the Republican Congress wake up to the economic crisis tens of millions of Americans face? Good jobs are leaving this country, and many of the jobs that remain exploit working families by denying them adequate benefits. Millionaires and corporations receive tax breaks while Americans can't afford to save, and the gap between rich and poor continues to widen to levels unseen since the 19th century.

When will we finally do something for the 46 million Americans who lack health insurance? Many have had their lives ruined financially when the worst happened, and many more no longer seek the care they need because they cannot afford it.

When will we make serious strides towards energy independence? We get a greater percentage of our oil from cartels and dictatorships now than we did in 2000.

When will he take steps to further ensure retirement security for every American? Growing old with dignity is a right, not a privilege, and dismantling Social Security in favor of private accounts is the wrong direction for our society.

If Bush and the Republicans would bother to answer these questions, the answers would be simple. But they won't answer.

That's because the answer to each and every one is "Never." Never as long as they control our government, never as long as they can execute the same incompetent, dishonest and destructive government without paying a price at the ballot box. The answer will be "never" until we grow the operation and build the infrastructure to beat them.

Part of that means telling people clearly and unambiguously what we stand for -- and I'll tell you right now:

Real security -- we will protect Americans at home by getting serious about homeland security, and address the real threats abroad by capturing or killing Osama bin Laden and focusing on actual (not imagined) nuclear proliferation. We will be prepared for the threats of tomorrow, and we will always tell the truth to our troops and the American people.

Honest leadership and open government -- we will end the criminal Republican culture of corruption and restore a sense of responsibility to elected office, and we will pass fundamental reforms that make government more honest, open, and accountable to the American people than ever before.

Economic prosperity and educational excellence -- we will keep good jobs from leaving and ensure that every job in America is a fair deal. We will balance the budget, ensure that the tax code is simple and fair, and invest in education to ensure that every American has an equal opportunity to succeed.

A health care system that works for everyone -- we will join every other industrialized country by making sure everyone has access to affordable health care. We will change a corrupt, inefficient system into one that makes sure the world's wealthiest country is also the healthiest.

Energy independence -- we will reduce our reliance on foreign oil by investing in cleaner and more efficient technology. We will treat energy independence as what it is -- not only a conservation issue, but an economic and national security issue.

Retirement security -- we will strengthen Social Security and make sure that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single American.

Tonight and tomorrow, Republicans will be out in full force, spinning, distracting, distorting and dividing. But don't be fooled. You know what you heard in Bush's speech -- and you know the reality.

When Republicans hurl insults and lies, we must be ready to stand up and speak the truth in response -- and to make sure our friends and neighbors are not afraid to do the same.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Dean and brilliant go together like fire and water.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I say let Dean speak all he wants. Just like Kennedy he loves to hear his sanctimonious and hypocritical voice just for the sake of speaking. The more people get to hear Dean he more they will realize just how shallow and empty the liberals really are.

An ideal scenario would be a Teddy and Howard road trip. They can go bar hopping then let Ted take the wheel for a scenic drive down the coast.


Nov 25, 2005
The Brits still stand behind the story, and in July 2004, the Senate Intelligence Committee reported that the intelligence community agreed that "Iraq was attempting to procure uranium from Africa."

What a deranged little lunatic. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place

It is easy for us to see that Dean is a liability because we can think clearly and form our own opinions. As a soft liberal member of the mushy left you can't see it. Don't fret you're not alone, most democrats wouldn't recognize the truth when they hear it. You crowd are so full of your oh so smug twisted logic that you will never get it. Just like the Liberals in Canadastan you have been spouting bulls*** for so long that you forget what the truth sounds like.

Maybe Boy Clinton and that hairy guy he's married to should go for a drive with Dean and Kennedy.


Nov 25, 2005
TOVisitor said:
How predictable from the peanut gallery. Yawn.
One more time for emphasis.

Bush's 16 words: "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Dean responds: "Those are George Bush's famous 16 words from his 2003 State of the Union address, delivered less than two months before he sent troops into war in Iraq.

They were false."

The reality is that the Brits still stand behind the story, and in July 2004, the Senate Intelligence Committee reported that the intelligence community agreed that "Iraq was attempting to procure uranium from Africa."

So WTF is the little turd talking about?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
arclighter said:
One more time for emphasis.

Bush's 16 words: "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Dean responds: "Those are George Bush's famous 16 words from his 2003 State of the Union address, delivered less than two months before he sent troops into war in Iraq.

They were false."

The reality is that the Brits still stand behind the story, and in July 2004, the Senate Intelligence Committee reported that the intelligence community agreed that "Iraq was attempting to procure uranium from Africa."

So WTF is the little turd talking about?
You will learn soon enough that TOV is pretty stuborn. Anything that is not reported on his blogs, just can't be so.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
TOV = Totaly Overdosed on Viagara


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Keep drinkiing the Kool Aid, bitches.

Iraq, Niger, And The CIA
By Murray Waas, special to National Journal
© National Journal Group Inc.
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006

Vice President Cheney and his then-Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby were personally informed in June 2003 that the CIA no longer considered credible the allegations that Saddam Hussein had attempted to procure uranium from the African nation of Niger, according to government records and interviews with current and former officials. The new CIA assessment came just as Libby and other senior administration officials were embarking on an effort to discredit an administration critic who had also been saying that the allegations were untrue.

Sunday Herald - 13 July 2003
Niger and Iraq: the war's biggest lie?

Investigation: Neil Mackay reveals why everyone now accepts that claims Saddam Hussein got uranium from Africa are fraudulent ... except, that is, Britain's beleaguered prime minister and his Cabinet supporters

In February 1999, Wissam Al Zahawie, the Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See in Rome, set off on a series of diplomatic visits to several African countries, including Niger. This trip triggered the allegations that Iraq was trying to buy tons of uranium from Niger -- a claim which could yet prove the most damning evidence that the British government exaggerated intelligence to bolster its case for war on Iraq .

Some time after the Iraqi ambassador's trip to Niger, the Italian intelligence service came into possession of forged documents claiming Saddam was after Niger uranium. We now know these documents were passed to MI6 and then handed by the British to the office of US Vice-President Dick Cheney . The forgeries were then used by Bush and Blair to scare the British and Americans and to box both Congress and Parliament into supporting war. There are an increasing number of claims suggesting Bush and Blair knew these documents were forged when they used them as evidence that Saddam Hussein was putting together a nuclear arsenal.
Typical Repuke tactic: truthiness

'Truthiness' is word of the year
Monday, January 9, 2006; Posted: 2:27 p.m. EST (19:27 GMT)

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (AP) -- A panel of linguists has decided the word that best reflects 2005 is "truthiness," defined as the quality of stating concepts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than the facts.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
TOVisitor said:
Keep drinkiing the Kool Aid, bitches.

Typical Repuke tactic: truthiness
Got any paper on your side?


New member
Jul 14, 2003
LancsLad said:
It is easy for us to see that Dean is a liability because we can think clearly and form our own opinions. As a soft liberal member of the mushy left you can't see it. Don't fret you're not alone, most democrats wouldn't recognize the truth when they hear it. You crowd are so full of your oh so smug twisted logic that you will never get it. Just like the Liberals in Canadastan you have been spouting bulls*** for so long that you forget what the truth sounds like.

Maybe Boy Clinton and that hairy guy he's married to should go for a drive with Dean and Kennedy.
Thank you oh so much for that wonderful and most cogent statement.

Oh dear, your knuckles are getting red and raw from scaping the ground.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
TOVisitor needs a friend

I suppose we should ease up on poor ole TOV . It can't be easy for him and all his socialist friends to wake up each morning knowing that their models of success like North Korea, Cuba and the Democrats continue to lag behind the Free world on any number of levels. It really must pain them to think that one day everyone will have freedom of choice. So lets be nice and give him a rest while he waits for CNN to give him new ideas.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
LancsLad said:
I suppose we should ease up on poor ole TOV . It can't be easy for him and all his socialist friends to wake up each morning knowing that their models of success like North Korea, Cuba and the Democrats continue to lag behind the Free world on any number of levels. It really must pain them to think that one day everyone will have freedom of choice. So lets be nice and give him a rest while he waits for CNN to give him new ideas.
Another little chickenhawk heard from.

So tell us, lad, does your momma still hold your pee-pee when you go wee-wee at night? Yes? Thought so.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I won't stoop to your level of insults TOV, so I will not mention anything about what "YO Momma" does with my pee pee at night and where she takes my wee wee. If I was to behave in your childish manner there is quite a lot that could be said... I should not suggest that you were acting childishly because I suspect that for someone like you it is not an act but rather your normal style.

Whats with this cute little chickenhawk attack. Is that supposed to make me be quiet about things that offend you. Is that your new Michael Moore approved slogan of the day. It won't work though.

With your defeatist petulant attitude you wouldn't be Dingwall would you?

So sit back relax and have another latte while the rest of us go to work to pay the taxes to support the system that pisses you off so.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
TOVisitor said:
Care to enlighten us in what way he is a liability?
Since you asked:

Do you really think he should represent the face of the Democrats? His antics during his failed campaign did not play well and cost him his nomination. His track record as a governor is less then impressive. His former state has some of the highest taxes and highest unemployment. They had to bribe IBM to stay, just to keep some jobs in VT.

On a positive note...he does sure up the extreme left support in his party.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
LancsLad said:
I won't stoop to your level of insults TOV, so I will not mention anything about what "YO Momma" does with my pee pee at night and where she takes my wee wee. If I was to behave in your childish manner there is quite a lot that could be said... I should not suggest that you were acting childishly because I suspect that for someone like you it is not an act but rather your normal style.

Whats with this cute little chickenhawk attack. Is that supposed to make me be quiet about things that offend you. Is that your new Michael Moore approved slogan of the day. It won't work though.

With your defeatist petulant attitude you wouldn't be Dingwall would you?

So sit back relax and have another latte while the rest of us go to work to pay the taxes to support the system that pisses you off so.
don't take it too personal. TOV when cornered tends to lash out at a personal level. He does seem to get angry at times, he is a real split personality....but harmless.
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