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How to show women


New member
Jan 2, 2009
How to show women that you are giving her very much attention than anything in the world ?

I am weak in this department can you guys show me some tips and tricks ?

and i am asking about day to day relationships not about pooning world

i have realized once women feels the attention they need the rewards are great


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
study up on value. enhance your value. they will stick around. kiss up == lower value. sorry. there's books on this.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
If you show too much attention you may look desparate & be seen as an average frusterated CHUMP!

paulplatinum IF you read my posts it is b.s. to try to overcome anything. 98% of women have no attraction to short men EVEN with personality, intelligence, financial success. To advise short men of such is to mis-lead them & give them false hope. BEEN THERE , DONE THAT. They will always be " nice guys " & in the friend zone. READ forums & chat sites.... the women EVEN admit many short guys have interesting & " nice " personalities ...... BECAUSE they have to inorder to compensate for their shortness & LACK of attraction to women. The women claim it makes NO difference. FORGET IT...... Get OUT of the short man zone. GET leg lengthening & become at least normal , average height 5'9"- 5'10" & then seen as average height guy & not stigmatized as SHORT GUY= automatic turn off to women. You cannot beat it & it is wishful thinking to wait for some leprachan to sprink good luck & sudenly women that find short guys sexy will appear into your life. I am done with short guy stigma & doing leg Lengthening surgery in Nov. I have every confidence in my personality & in a couple of circles the life of the party .... but still just the " nice " guy, chump.[/QUOTE]

^^^ Hey CB, sometimes people just can't get away from themselves!! :)


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Listen.. listen to everything.. Ask her questions, what she likes, her life, family, hobbies, her favourite whatever.. Etc. Remembering a woman's fav. exp or food, place, things she wants to do, or likes... Will deff get you into the bedroom. Opening doors... asking her "what would you like.. " holding her, and also remember to comment on her appearance "You look great in blue (or whatever) " Nothing close to "You're hot, pretty, sexy" those are just.. put offs. Try to relate and yet again listen.. Unless shes a sucking bitch she'll give you the best respect.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
No question, cute bald has returned as another chump himself....Freedom1970

Fruity, you and I seem to share similar sensibilities and instincts.
Yes, I noticed that a while ago, more than once as I was going through a thread and preparing a response, you had already done so. I have become a lot more disinterested in the lounge and its barrage of troll/counter troll behaviour lately, so I'm happy to see you still have the tenacity to call them out when the need arises.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I heard it from woman that the first three months is the best for many reasons, after that it becomes routine or uuhhh.
don't talk to much.
active listening.
Don't give her money
Pay for your own not for her to much
Watch chick flicks : Breakfast at Tiffany, An unmarried woman, Eat, pray, love
Have a picture of a beautiful dog on the wall that is not yours. You are not in it. Rin tin tin , or Benji, not Chew.
Mostly be yourself.
Google is your friend.
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