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How to catch a car vandal?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I've been plagued with episodes of minor vandalism to my car over the past year and I want to catch the people behind it!

Are there any stores in the GTA that sell spy cams with the ability to record video that you can place in your car without it being noticed by the perpetrators? I want to nab these bastards!!!

Any other suggestions would be helpful, thanks.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
Scratching my paintjob, putting nails in my tires, taking off my badges, cracking my light housings, to name a few.

Probably some bored punks who are doing this for shits n giggles but I ain't laughing.

Optimally, I'd want to catch them redhanded with video evidence for the police before it escalates further.


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
these all sound as if exterior issues. if you put a cam in your car you will not get evidence and may be inviting them to break a window to get the cam since it would most likely be necessary to be visible to see the outside.

i would suggest that you scope out places around where you park your car that you could place a cam. if this is at your residence you should look at cams that link back to your computer so you can capture the video as well as monitor and chase them away.

these normal security cams are readily available all over the place as well as on line and the most effective ones are motion activated.

another option is to avoid the issue or my favorite recon, access your opponent, and appropriately confront them - and then scare the shit out of them - just my favorite but would not suggest that everyone adopt this method.

being a hairyfucker helps...
Bale said:
I've been plagued with episodes of minor vandalism to my car over the past year and I want to catch the people behind it!
Easy... just quit screwing the guy's girlfriend! :D

True Story: Years ago, I had a 1986 Honda Prelude SE... I come out to my car one day, to discover some A$$HAT keyed my door! Couple days go by, and I come out to my car, and someone ripped the side moulding off the quarter panel. I'm thinking WTF! Then, a couple more days go by... and the radio antennae is hangin off the side on the roof! I bought a new one and spent the better part of a Sunday afternoon installing it (those fuckers are a PIA to install!). About a week LATER the same thing! Someone ripped the brand new antennae off!

So now I'm thinking there's something going on here- it is NOT just random vandalism... turns out the girl I started dating about a month earlier had a total A$$HAT ex boyfriend!
Last edited:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Everything you need or want:

There was a story floating around Toronto years ago about a guy who ran house wiring to his car that he parked out back. He connected one lead to the frame of the car, and one lead in a large pool of water he kept under the car. He never did catch the person vandalizing his car but a little girl got zapped when she touched the car while walking by. He was charged (or so the story goes) with assault with a deadly weapon.


Oct 1, 2007
Spytech charges a premium for cams and the like, being a 'specialty market purveyor', but might give you some ideas. I saw a wireless, motion-activated cam, with limited IR night viewing technology, with a receiver unit loaded with a computer readable card, that might work. Crappy Tire has it for about 100 bucks.
For five hundred, thereabouts, you can go to systems that have 4 to 8 cameras. I heard Costco sells them.
It will transmit limited distances to your house, if you're close enough, or to your car if you get a power source for the control box.
You'd need to run it off the car battery with an inverter, or perhaps one of those battery booster/120 volt inverter units Crappy sells for another 100-150 bucks or so.
Hide everything in the trunk, and recharge your booster/inverter next morning as you drive around.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
....or you could get a motion sensor alarm for the car that senses when anyone is within x feet of it. I believe some come with a remote alarm that sends a signal to the keychain when the alarm goes off.

Then you can rush out and beat the fuck out of them with a baseball bat.


New member
Jun 17, 2005
Or you could start sleeping in your car..... Imagine their surprise when you pop up out of your seat and open the door....


Oct 1, 2007
Hey. I'm liking TBOY's suggestion of the alarm. I'm sure it would be a simple electronic hack to arrange it so the alarm would trigger silently, but notify you that there was someone messing with your car.

Touch the poor criminal in the commission of his criminality, however, and you are going to be in way more trouble than he is. Find out who he is, and where he lives, on the other hand, and you can really mess with him later.
JohnFK said:
To CycleGuy => I had my tires slashed outside a strip joint early last year after a falling out with an exotic dancer that I had previously gone out with as friends (no $ involved). Apparently, she had gotten together with her ex-BF who was jealous. The fucker even called me twice, and threatened me once but I don't think he's dangerous.
Actually the guy in my story was quite the whack job... He actually stalked me for several months. (He was hard to miss in a Red Toyota 4X4 with chrome roll bars). He actually followed me from work and RIGHT TO THE COP SHOP one time. He was quite a lot bigger than I was but dumber than a stump... :eek:


New member
Aug 8, 2008
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

JFK, that car cam sounds great but $2000 is more than I am willing to spend at the present time, especially with all the money I've already put into repair work for the car. Maybe an option once I recover from the beating I took in the markets.

The $300-500 CT Costco systems sound good. More affordable for me and I like the fact that the system doesn't have to be recharged outside the vehicle but uses the car battery to self-power, as long as it doesn't put too much a load on it. Will definitely check these out, thanks Robinto.

Tboy, how much does the motion sensor alarm with vibrating key system cost with installation? This would also work because I could just run out, finally find out who's doing it, confront them, and break their hands with a metal pipe. Only downside is possible jailtime for me. But might be worth it.

Justanormalguy, I love your solution best, as long as you buy me the replacement vehicle. :D
Bale said:
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

JFK, that car cam sounds great but $2000 is more than I am willing to spend at the present time, especially with all the money I've already put into repair work for the car. Maybe an option once I recover from the beating I took in the markets.

The $300-500 CT Costco systems sound good. More affordable for me and I like the fact that the system doesn't have to be recharged outside the vehicle but uses the car battery to self-power, as long as it doesn't put too much a load on it. Will definitely check these out, thanks Robinto.

Tboy, how much does the motion sensor alarm with vibrating key system cost with installation? This would also work because I could just run out, finally find out who's doing it, confront them, and break their hands with a metal pipe. Only downside is possible jailtime for me. But might be worth it.

Justanormalguy, I love your solution best, as long as you buy me the replacement vehicle.
I guess you decided to keep screwing his girlfriend then... Is she THAT good? Care to review?



New member
Aug 8, 2008
Cycleguy007 said:
I guess you decided to keep screwing his girlfriend then... Is she THAT good? Care to review?
Sorry man, can't say. For all I know, it might even be someone on this board who's messing up my car! :eek:


Aug 13, 2007
Can you look after some friends hungry Rottweiler for a few days?

My Honda was stolen years ago and I wish one
could have been sleeping inside at the time!


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
three steps

step 1: buy a large piece of fly paper.
step 2: park car on fly paper. ensure enough fly paper around car perimeter to catch vandals
step 3: have chat with vandals stuck on the fly paper in the morning.


New member
Jul 6, 2007
A few yrs ago a friend had a 98 honda parked in the underground garage. One morning he went down to his car and discovered the change for parking ($5-10 bucks) he had in the compartment in front of the shift gone. He then looked at the passenger door lock and noticed it was unlocked. he thought what the fuck?? So he made sure to lock the door (He knew he'd locked it before) and about a week later It happend again.. So he left a note inside the glove compartment warning the bastard or bastards that If he catches him/them red-handed they're done for.. He also left notes on a bunch of the surrounding parked cars to warn their owners that a theif was loose.

He went to work.. Took the bus that day.

He later come home from work to find my drivers window smashed out and the note gone. He was pissed as hell. Got the window fixed the next day. The lone security fucktard was no help.

About 3 mths later he finds the car vandalized again. (The driver's window was pulled back for access, and my fuel cap was hanging) He spent about $300 over the 2 repairs. He's never caught the bastards and have since moved away.

Another Honda owner had the same problem as well and right before He left another guy who was parked on the street also had his window smashed.

Fuck! He still wishes he could've caught prick in the act just so he could bring the pain..


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
Bale said:
Scratching my paintjob, putting nails in my tires, taking off my badges, cracking my light housings, to name a few.

Optimally, I'd want to catch them redhanded with video evidence for the police before it escalates further.

Sounds like you pissed someone off if they come back time and time again to fuck your car up. If you can clearly identify this person or persons in the video and know where they live you can do something about it. If you do not know the person in the video or do not even know why they are victimizing you, then you are out of luck.
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