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How Pimps Use the Web to Sell Girls


New member
Dec 14, 2010
exactly, those online ads are great for flushing out certain rats out of their holes

Just goes to show you how disingenuous (or stupid) law enforcement in general is.

If they were serious or smart, they would use these online ads as an investigative tool.

Simply respond to the suspect ads, order the girl or go to the incall and see how old she is. If she is underage or seems forced, then simply remove her from the situation into protective custody. THAT will rescue that one person.

And if they were smart enough, they could then track back the pimp.

But, instead, these people want headlines to promote their careers.

NOTHING can ever eradicate prostitution, the web will not be censored. Like water, it has and will always find its way out and its own level
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