How much medication do you take? How many pills a day?


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
So I like to think I am generally health with just a couple of ailments but looking at my medcitation list, that might not be the case.

I didn’t realize until yesterday when it was pointed out, maybe I take too many?????

For my morning - I take 15 pills total. 5 are vitamins, the rest are prescription medications. Then through out the day is another 7 prescription pills and at night I take 3-5 other prescriptions, before bed depending on sleep issues. This does not include the odd time I need muscle relaxers which I have a supply of, or another pain medication meant for break-through pain. This also does not include medical marijuana or advil either which I also take daily.

I have an appointment booked for a full yearly physical in a couple of weeks. So I will discuss some of these meds, make sure I still need all of them but based on what they are all for… I think I do. Which then leads me to wonder - what the fuck would I do without all this medication? Would I even be able to function?

None of these meds would be null based on lifestyle change. Like high cholesterol for example that can be changed by proper diet.

LOL, You should see when I have to give a list of meds for something. Some of the looks for being being as young as I am (40s is still young dammit!!!!), and having this much of a list. I actually use the health app on my phone to list them all and I have doctors notes and shit saved on my cloud just so I can share proper medical history because it is that extensive.

If I told my younger 20 something self that I would be willingly taking all this medication, I would never have believed you. I don’t know why, maybe young and dumb, but I never wanted or agreed with pills. Stupid I know, but that is way I was.

Anyone else on a lot of meds? Anyone refuse to take medications? How often do you check with your doctor to see if you still need it? Are they life long medications now?


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
Lipitor for high cholesterol since I was in my 30's. Too many cheeseburgers I guess...
First Diovan, and then Olmersartan for high blood pressure at the same age.
Reactine for allergies since my daughter got cats.
Advair puffer for a couple of weeks each Spring and Fall to deal with seasonal allergies, since the year 2000.
Cialis and/or Viagra post age 65 as required, until they no longer helped when a condom was involved.
5mg Indica THC edible nightly to help with sleep. Just started a couple of months ago.
Half a 5mg Valium if having even more trouble falling asleep, or on very rare occasions for anxiety in which case I'll take the whole 5mg pill.
Tri-monthly Venofer or Monoferric iron infusions for anemia since 2018. (Oral iron supplements do not help.)
Annual high-dose flu shot.
Fully Pfizer vaxxed, and will get the booster when I'm eligible in December.

All of the above are still necessary, except for the ED pills because of the condom issue. All reviewed annually with my doctors.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
That's a tad too many pills IMO...I was only prescribed anti-depressant pills and i didn't even took it...muscle relaxers = cannabis particularly super lemon haze does me wonders...i used to have high blood pressure but exercise and diet (not much diet) helps...and POM juice are really great. @Jenesis are all these pills you're taking prescribed by only 1 doctor?


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
That's a tad too many pills IMO...I was only prescribed anti-depressant pills and i didn't even took it...muscle relaxers = cannabis particularly super lemon haze does me wonders...i used to have high blood pressure but exercise and diet (not much diet) helps...and POM juice are really great. @Jenesis are all these pills you're taking prescribed by only 1 doctor?
To be clear, some are multi-dose. So 2 pills three times a day for example. The dosage required on some medications just means I have to take a multiple amount of pills for it.

Not all prescribed by the same doctor but one doctor monitors them all for me. He will order the test and stuff and the confer with my other doctors, set up appointments if necessary or just adjust the prescription.
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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
Jen, you do realize that most medication aren't fixing the root problem, right? Most are designed to fight symptoms only.

You need to reassess what you're taking and why. Most ailments can be fixed by changing lifestyle and diet.

I take absolutely no medication. Vitamins and supplements aren't medication though. We deprive our bodies of most essential nutrients, then wonder why this and that hurts.

The answer is NO, you shouldn't be taking this many pills daily. It's not good for you. Even advil, if taken daily, is no good.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Jen, you do realize that most medication aren't fixing the root problem, right? Most are designed to fight symptoms only.

You need to reassess what you're taking and why. Most ailments can be fixed by changing lifestyle and diet.

I take absolutely no medication. Vitamins and supplements aren't medication though. We deprive our bodies of most essential nutrients, then wonder why this and that hurts.

The answer is NO, you shouldn't be taking this many pills daily. It's not good for you. Even advil, if taken daily, is no good.
I know it is for the symptoms. There is no cure for some of the things I have. {insert joke here, LOL}

I have a thyroid condition. It is not changing by diet and exercise. I need to regulate the levels or the symptoms I have are horrible. That is 2 of the 10 in the morning. Another couple are for chronic pain that can also not be fixed. These are just a couple examples. I’m obviously not going to go through my medical history here but yeah - I know it is to assist with the symptoms. As I said, I thought I was basically healthy until I realized I take a lot of medication to be that way. My body seems fucked otherwise.

I will go over a couple with my doctor but I know quite a few are life long. :(


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
I have two prescriptions and an inhaler. All are needed or I croak. Aside from those, I take vitamin d, and occasionally vitamin e (does wonders but women who stay on it long term are prone to cancers so I only go on stints).

When I am leaning more vegetarian I add in a vegan "fish" oil and a cranberry based pro-biotic. But I have talked to multiple doctors about vitamin supplements and they all say just take a one-a-day multi; however, this is after bloodwork shows no particular deficiencies.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
None. Maybe I should be on a few! :ROFLMAO:
I have a prescription for sleep meds, but I only take them when I truly need a good night's sleep. Work is rough with all these supply disruptions, which tends to keep me up at night going through all the scenarios and solutions.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I have two prescriptions and an inhaler. All are needed or I croak. Aside from those, I take vitamin d, and occasionally vitamin e (does wonders but women who stay on it long term are prone to cancers so I only go on stints).

When I am leaning more vegetarian I add in a vegan "fish" oil and a cranberry based pro-biotic. But I have talked to multiple doctors about vitamin supplements and they all say just take a one-a-day multi; however, this is after bloodwork shows no particular deficiencies.
Vitamins I take are Iron, D, B12, and a multi. I’m hoping it will make a difference in my upcoming blood work. Fingers crossed. 🤞
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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
I know it is for the symptoms. There is no cure for some of the things I have... Another couple are for chronic pain that can also not be fixed. These are just a couple examples.
You're wrong, very very wrong.

The sad thing is you likely believe what you said, but haven't really tried alternatives as some require discipline and strong mental health.

My relative beat cancer by changing his lifestyle, drastically. Initially he listened to doctors, did chemo, took some expensive drugs and was supposed to stay on the program. He was miserable as fuck. At some point he realized he's not getting better and took control of his life and his body. Doctors still don't understand how he managed to beat cancer and make it regress, but he is walking talking proof it's possible.

Doctors are trained, licensed drug dealers. Sure, they can give you a cream or s pill that'll make you better, but with serious ailments they can only do what the book says.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Dude, no. There are incurable illnesses. Holistic treatments and shit aren't going to fix a congenital heart condition...for example. There are times meds are the only way to treat something, when surgery isn't an option, again, for example.

You're wrong, very very wrong.

The sad thing is you likely believe what you said, but haven't really tried alternatives as some require discipline and strong mental health.

My relative beat cancer by changing his lifestyle, drastically. Initially he listened to doctors, did chemo, took some expensive drugs and was supposed to stay on the program. He was miserable as fuck. At some point he realized he's not getting better and took control of his life and his body. Doctors still don't understand how he managed to beat cancer and make it regress, but he is walking talking proof it's possible.

Doctors are trained, licensed drug dealers. Sure, they can give you a cream or s pill that'll make you better, but with serious ailments they can only do what the book says.


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
Dude, no. There are incurable illnesses. Holistic treatments and shit aren't going to fix a congenital heart condition...for example. There are times meds are the only way to treat something, when surgery isn't an option, again, for example.
Some illnesses may not be curable yet or so we think. Cancer supposedly can't be fixed without chemo and drugs, but it's not true. I have a living relative who's a proof of this. He wasn't going to be a guinea pig for doctors and found his own way.

You have no idea what in fact is possible.

Jen also said nothing but drugs can help her with chronic pain. I don't buy it. Something is causing that pain. It can be found and can be fixed... or pain meds is the way to go.

Some people take cannabis to help with insomnia. Some take sleeping pills. Others take melatonin. I enjoy taking a hot bath infused with Himalayan and Epsom salts. Hot water opens up pores, magnesium is a hell of a relaxant. I pretty much pass out a few minutes after such a bath. All natural, no pharma.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
You're wrong, very very wrong.

The sad thing is you likely believe what you said, but haven't really tried alternatives as some require discipline and strong mental health.

My relative beat cancer by changing his lifestyle, drastically. Initially he listened to doctors, did chemo, took some expensive drugs and was supposed to stay on the program. He was miserable as fuck. At some point he realized he's not getting better and took control of his life and his body. Doctors still don't understand how he managed to beat cancer and make it regress, but he is walking talking proof it's possible.

Doctors are trained, licensed drug dealers. Sure, they can give you a cream or s pill that'll make you better, but with serious ailments they can only do what the book says.

So because your relative beat cancer, that means you know what is right and wrong for me????? HINT: I don’t have cancer.

Also, do you know what I have and haven’t tried? Do you know I have not tried alternatives. I mean I did say that when I was younger, I didn’t believe in medication, so maybe, just maybe I have tried other shit and learned from those on what works….. Silly to imagine I know.

Some illnesses may not be curable yet or so we think. Cancer supposedly can't be fixed without chemo and drugs, but it's not true. I have a living relative who's a proof of this. He wasn't going to be a guinea pig for doctors and found his own way.

You have no idea what in fact is possible.

Jen also said nothing but drugs can help her with chronic pain. I don't buy it.
I don’t know how you can say anything about medications or my conditions without being a doctor, in the medical field, pharmaceutical field, or know what my condition is. Do you even know what type of pain I have? Bone, nerve, muscle, just to name a few?

Those are some pretty bold statements from you when you have no idea what you are talking about is all I’m saying. LOL

Like so far off of knowing any facts that we are actually going to stop talking about me directly here. I’m not going to use my medical history to convince you that some meds are required. You want to believe what you want, I will continue to believe actual medical professionals.


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
I mentioned relative with cancer and the fact that he beat it without chemo is to illustrate that impossible is possible. It wasn't easy, but it was achieved.

You admitted to taking a bunch of meds. All I'm saying is there's a possibility you may not need those. Taking meds is an easy, quick, but temporary fix. There are alternatives. I'm wishing you well and hope you can find such alternatives. Being on meds for life is aweful.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I mentioned relative with cancer and the fact that he beat it without chemo is to illustrate that impossible is possible. It wasn't easy, but it was achieved.

You admitted to taking a bunch of meds. All I'm saying is there's a possibility you may not need those. Taking meds is an easy, quick, but temporary fix. There are alternatives. I'm wishing you well and hope you can find such alternatives. Being on meds for life is aweful.
And I get that sometimes meds are not the answer. I don’t deny that, but you seem to deny that sometimes meds are the only answer. It sucks knowing that a couple of these medications are life long. For example, my thyroid does not function as it should. No surgery, no alternative therapy is going to fix that and nothing on the holistic market makes anything that will produce the levels I need to regulate my body as a natural functioning thyroid would. Medication is the only way. If not the physical symptoms are horrible.

But as I said, I will go over things with my doctor. I’m doing a full physical that I do yearly and we go over them all.
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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
And I get that sometimes meds are not the answer. I don’t deny that, but you seem to deny that sometimes meds are the only answer. It sucks knowing that a couple of these medications are life long. For example, my thyroid does not function as it should. No surgery, no alternative therapy is going to fix that and nothing on the holistic market makes anything that will produce the levels I need to regulate my body as a natural functioning thyroid would. Medication is the only way. If not the physical symptoms are horrible.

But as I said, I will go over things with my doctor. I’m doing a full physical that I do yearly and we go over them all.
What I would suggest is doing your own research, not just rely on doctors. After all, doctors are only humans who make mistakes.

Also, don't say something is impossible until you exhaust all available options.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
What I would suggest is doing your own research, not just rely on doctors. After all, doctors are only humans who make mistakes.

Also, don't say something is impossible until you exhaust all available options.

Ok - I agree with both those statements. That is the smart thing to do, and I have done that.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
This does not include the odd time I need muscle relaxers which I have a supply of.
It doesn't sound like you take muscle relaxants often. But as a doctor friend once told me, be careful with them, your heart is a muscle.

I'm one of the lucky ones who's on no meds. Other than cough syrup if I have a nasty cold/cough and can't sleep, I never take any over the counter meds. I've broken bones and never so much as taken an Advil or Tylenol.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
It doesn't sound like you take muscle relaxants often. But as a doctor friend once told me, be careful with them, your heart is a muscle.

I'm one of the lucky ones who's on no meds. Other than cough syrup if I have a nasty cold/cough and can't sleep, I never take any over the counter meds. I've broken bones and never so much as taken an Advil or Tylenol.
Not very often at all. My doctor was clear as well about abuse. (y)
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