Toronto Escorts

How late is too late ?

Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
Just want to throw this out there to you guys for your opinions. When someone books an appointment and shows up late, at what point do you cut him off and cancel his appointment so that he doesnt inconvenience the next person who arrived on time. I know shit happens in the city with traffic, etc.....but some people show up 20 minutes late, and cause the next appointment to be delayed. The ladies want at least a half hour between calls, so its not far to them to ask them to give up their rest and prep time because of late clients. What do you guys think is a fair cut off and cancel time......10 minutes late ?.....15 ?......20 ?....25 ?
How about a poll please mods.

God Bless..................Andy

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
How long should a client wait before cancelling an appointment with the SP would be a fairer question.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Hmmm, I say 15 mins. but then what do you mean "cut him off" ? I mean say he shows up a 1/2 hour late, can't he re-book if theres another lady open he like to see or if the lady he book is still open.


Jan 31, 2005
I wouldn't make your policy publically known. If you make it 15 minutes and everyone knows then everyone will be 15 late.

I'd make it unofficially 15min.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
tersey said:
I would turn the customers booking from a 1 hr into a 1/2 hr. appt.
If he gets there at 4.:20 for a 4:00, start the session at 4:30 to 5.
If he gets there 20 minutes late for a 1/2hr. appt., tell him you'll try to get him a spot later in the day or the next day (If he wants that only that lady).
Or suggest another lady (who's free) as an option.
Stuff happens, but you can't back all the appts. for one person.

This is just how I wouldn't mind being treated as a customer. At least there's compromise there. If you don't take this approach you may have a problem with this client all the time. Some people are always late.
I would also add that, if there is a valid reason for the delay, no extra charges. However, if it can be shown that the appointment was delayed due to reasons that couild have been avoided, then charge a late or cancellation fee. This is to discourage possible abusers to any policy adopted. I have a cell phone, as do most of us, and if I am delayed for anything important, I call as soon as possible to let the other party know why I will be late. MPAs and SPs are deserving of the same courtesy, IMNSHO, because they are working for making a living and because they are special, at least to me!


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
It may be unfair to clients that don't have cell phones, or don't want to use the ones they have....but, I think it should be a 15 minute cut off automatically unless there is a call.
If the guy calls and is stuck in traffic, or lost, or whatever...then deal with the circumstances. If there is another appointment backing up with his...look for a new time. If there isn't an immediate appointment following...cut him some slack, to the extent that you can.

Glad to learn the ladies like to clean up between clients :D

PS...Andy...are you the guy that used to run the MP Oasis?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Shades said:
It may be unfair to clients that don't have cell phones, or don't want to use the ones they have.........
LOL that's funny.....ok, for the three guys in Canada that DON'T have a cell phone, there are still pay phones around lol.

BTW: if the guy is worth his salt he won't be late...period. I know I'm an oddball but whenever I have to be somewhere I leave 30 minutes earlier than I had originally planned due to these mishaps that occur (traffic accidents, etc) and if I'm going to be more than 5 minutes late (if ever) I call.

Personally I don't think 60 minutes between calls is unreasonable. I wouldn't schedule any appointments closer together than that. You've just asking for trouble IMO. Shit, I don't know of any woman who can get ready for anything in an hour.....(and that includes getting ready just to do laundry let alone a "date" lol).

As for how long before one considers the appointment cancelled? 15 mins with no phone call. If he calls and says he'll be 15 mins late, and the lady doesn't have another appointment booked right after, then fine go ahead with the appointment. But if she does? Advise him at that time that his appointment will have to be cut short or he can see another lady if there is one available.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Three guys in Canada don't have cell phones :confused: I thought it was down to two, lol


New member
Nov 15, 2005
This might put a little extra strain on your phone system, but try to have the person call to confirm the appoint an hour before the actual booked time as I know 1 other agency does. You can inform them of any delays of up to 1/2 hr at this time and it would still be acceptable. However, once I've arrived at the location, I don't want to be waiting around for more than 5-10 mins max.


Active member
Jan 5, 2008
I think 15 minutes is quite reasonable, if no phone call has been received. There has to be a hard and fast rule, no ifs ors, buts, unlesses etc., that is just too complicated.
However, if the guy calls, then try to accomodate him. As long as no-one else is inconvenienced.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
johnnyone1 said:
I think 15 minutes is quite reasonable, if no phone call has been received. There has to be a hard and fast rule, no ifs ors, buts, unlesses etc., that is just too complicated.
However, if the guy calls, then try to accomodate him. As long as no-one else is inconvenienced.

Agree with this. Also, it's been discussed so many times before, ladies need to have a cell number or land line when you book, no pay phones. If you can't afford a cell phone or don't want to use it, either buy a pay as you go phone or find another hobby, like stamp collecting.


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
no need to have charges or cancellations or anything. just hold the end time fixed. very simple.

a 30 minute appointment that shows up 10 minutes late is now a 20 minute appointment. a 60 minute appointment that is 30 minutes late is now a 30 minute appointment. the fees are based on what is booked not what is used. i.e. so the first example is a 30 minute booking fee and the second is a 60 minute booking fee.

no one gets penalized other than the person that was late. you can then modify on a one by one basis as you see fit.

schedules stay correct and uninterrupted and people that are late know what to expect.

no shows get a no pickup or no book the next time.



Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
15 minutes is reasonable . The lady may have to endure 1 short break of 15 instead of 30 minutes but then get back on track . We all make concessions in our work day .


Feb 22, 2006
Toronto, ON
I myself wouldn't wait longer then 15 minutes, it can be compared to restaurant reservations, how long do they wait before canceling their reservation and just letting a walk-in have your spot, im sure that if you don't have the decency to call and advise them your running behind they wont hold it for you...especially 20-30 minutes late. I agree things come up in life that are unexpected and beyond peoples control but all it takes is a phone call, example most jobs require their staff to call in if their running behind, its just common courtesy and professionalism, if not their usally warned and then canned next time...i like the idea that fearnoevil2005 had of clients confirming their calls an hour todays world it definately isn't hard to pick up the phone and call, especially if your running behind.


{Space for Rent}
Nov 10, 2007
This is a slippery slope. Using Andy's original example, if someone who shows up late causes the next appointment to be delayed, how is the second person compensated? The one after that? Etc., etc. And if not, does the next client get a less-than-"fresh" girl? And if so, how is he compensated? The domino affect with limitless possibilities...

Does it go both ways Andy? If a girl is 5-10-15 minutes late, do the clients get compensation? What about the next client who will have his appointment pushed back? If the SP ends the session early, do we get compensation or a reduction in rates? For example, if a one hour session only goes 40 minutes, what does the client pay? The price for on hour? 30 minutes?

I guess all this goes to show that there is no easy answer. Late is late. Any more than 5-10 minutes is really going to screw things up, so I guess that's the cutoff. After that, the best advice I have is to turn a 1 hour appointment into a 30 minute one (for the 30 min price) for a good / repeat / long-term client. And if it's a new client, I would go with the earlier advice that stated you charge them what they booked for (30min, 1 hour, etc.), but they only get the amount of time remaining in their allotted hour, half-hour, etc.

Actually, I suppose the best advice would be to have the girls work a limited and well-spaced-out schedule that won't be affected too much by reasonable lateness.


Herodotus said:
This is a slippery slope. Using Andy's original example, if someone who shows up late causes the next appointment to be delayed, how is the second person compensated? The one after that? Etc., etc. And if not, does the next client get a less-than-"fresh" girl? And if so, how is he compensated? The domino affect with limitless possibilities...
The easiest solution to preventing this is if you're 15 minutes late, that's 15 minutes gone of your session. I mean, it doesn't hurt to leave from home early to arrive at the incall on time. Why should I have to suffer and have my appointment delayed/rushed because some retard can't tell time or is always late?

Appointments should never be pushed an extra 15 minutes or however minutes if the client arrives 15 minutes late. That's his problem, and he lost 15 minutes. Because like Herodotus said, it causes a domino effect and that's not fair to the SP or the client.

That's just my tip to Andy as a policy for Mirage.

And for the people who are late. Either leave home early and if you can't, schedule an hour or two later than usual. Fuckin' hate it when I arrive at the incall then they tell me to wait an extra 30 minutes because the last client was 30 minutes late. The fuck, I arrive on time and I get penalized?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
When I booked my 1 outcall from Mirage, she was 10 mins early :)

From Select she was 20 mins late but they did call to let me know.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Well, I'd agree that 15 mins is a good number.

Of course, if they are willing to pay for the hour they booked and leave on time, it doesn't really matter how late they show up, does it?'s the leaving on time that matters so as not to cut into the SP's half hour prep time or the next appointment. For instance, if I had a 4pm appointment and got caught in traffic and showed up at 4:20, I'd still be operating on the premise that I was still expected to leave at 5pm, and my lateness shaved 20 minutes off my hour.
Toronto Escorts